Chapter 23

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Marissa waited for a phone call from Harvey or Brad. She changed the contact to 'dad' and changed her Sharon's to 'mom'. But no one called. And it was getting late. And she was worried. So she gathered herself and went to Sharon's office. She knocked lightly hearing Sharon telling her to come in. She slipped in and Sharon smiled. She is always happy to see her.

"Hey sweetie what's the matter," she asked. Behind her desk. How did Marissa tell her?

"Hey Mom I just, haven't heard from the guys in a while and I was getting worried," she said. Sharon stood up and sat on the edge of her desk, motioning for Marissa to sit down in the chair. Her office was a normal modern brown office. With a wooden and leather chair.

"Listen, sweetheart, Brad and Drake never pay attention to their phones when on a mission, or assignment, Harvey is probably being the same way, because any distractions an Cause issues, I'm sure they are just fine, and they'll call if something does go wrong. So no news is good news," she said. Marissa nodded to her. She was right. They were getting prepared and not on their phones. And she was reassured when Harvey messaged that they were about to head out.

"Okay they are leaving the inn now, this is good, I'm sorry but I just can't lose them, they are all important to me," Marissa said. Sharon nods and grabs her hands.

"Would you like to go to a theatre and watch a live performance of the first Thanksgiving with me," she asked.  Marissa smiles and nods. And she has an idea.

"Can we ask Grandad too, he needs to get out," Marissa asked. Sharon smiles.

"Yes he can come with us," she said. Marissa smiles and walks to the door thanking her. Sharon grins at her.

Marissa finds Charles asking him to come with them to see the film. He agrees to go, but only if they can go to the bistro for coffee and donuts after. She agreed because she loved donuts. And it makes her happy to know that she was having a normal day out with Sharon and Charles. Or her family. Even without her 'dad.' She was happy to be going.

She makes her way upstairs and dresses in a nice long gown and evening gown. It's white and gold. Short sleeved. And she had her tiny pistol with her in her matching mini purse. She puts flat shoes on. White ones. And hear fur coat that she bought. And she met the other two downstairs. Sharon wore a purple evening gown with a god sequence and a black fur coat. And Charles was wearing a black suit and tie. With an overcoat or trench coat. New York weather was cold.

They were escorted in a limo by the limo driver. He asked where they needed to go, and Sharon told him the theatre. And they were off. Marissa was excited. She had never been to a theatre and now they were heading to see the theatrical version of the first Thanksgiving.

Once at the theatre, the driver opened the door and they got out into the cool air. And walked up to the theatre box. Charles said he could do the honors. They were high-class in the theatre.

"I believe we have our seats on reserve party of three for Thomas," he said. The man at the window gives him three tickets to go in. Marissa smiles at him. He handed one to each woman. She grabs her purse and puts her ticket in it.

"Now enjoy yourself, and keep your mind off the men tonight, we are having a fun night, and then when we get home maybe we will have good news," Sharon said. Marissa nodded. And they walked on up to the boxes where they took their seats.

Meanwhile, at Frank's manor, The guys are ready to go in but there are goons everywhere so they'd have to disguise themselves or at least Brad and Drake would. They had to do something. They needed to get two guards, knock them out, and take their suits. So they devised a plan. To guards were turned towards the house wearing their uniforms. Teal colored. And zipped up.

So they took their guns out and waited for them to get closer to the bushes they were standing in front of. Once they backed up enough, they hit each guard at the same time, in the exact spot to knock them out cold. And they dragged them into the bushes and began stopping them of their uniforms. And then ties them together with thick vines.

They put the uniform over their clothes and placed the caps on their heads. And the earpieces in their ear. Muting theirs so others couldn't hear them. And then emerges from the bushes. And they take Harvey by the arm. And just like they planned, they escort him through the front and up the porch. Another guard was posted.

"Orders to bring this man to the boss, he's got information on the Williams boy and that girl," Brad says with an accent.

The guard looks curious but he lets them pass through. After a few minutes of searching for him, they find him sitting in the dining room eating on a turkey leg. He looks at them in curiosity but he's too busy stuffing his face to pay attention to them. His manner is like any other. The white door out front with columns. The staircase in the entranceway. The kitchen is in the back with the dining room in the middle room.

"Ah, you brought me a present, thanks boys, I'll take it from here," Frank says standing up. They let Harvey go and turn and walk out. But they hide just outside the dining room. Harvey is nervous but this is for his sister and Drake so he has to do what is best for them.

"So to what do I owe the pleasure, Do you have anything for me," Frank asks. Harvey is protected from bullets but he didn't want to get shot. So he became brave.

"The girl is dead sir, is Drake next," he asked Frank. Frank nods.

"Indeed he will be," he said. That's when Harvey became brave.

"Sir what IS all this about I know about Drake killing his brother but before I killed the girl she said that you were there that night, what exactly did she mean by that," he asked. Frank nods and sits at the table. And offers Harvey some food but he refuses it.

"I was there that night son, I was the one who pulled the trigger, I blamed the brother, it's a scandal, for years I've been looking for him to put him away, keep him from finding Marissa when she applied for my firm I didn't read anything I hired her, and she was happy. But she had no idea what was going on. So when the police stopped searching I had her make sure there was nothing to link me to that crime scene. I have a job to do, and drugs to sell," he said sipping his water. That's when Drake dialed the police station as planned. And when they answered he stepped away from the dining area into the hall. And he told them exactly what he practiced. And they were on their way.

"But all of it was planned down to the last detail except Marissa," he said as Drake came back. They listened carefully still recording.

"Drake wasn't the initial target, she was because I knew she could end me just like I know she didn't dead, yet," he paused, "because a scandal is just that son, a scandal, and while I am sitting here eating I can live a happy man, knowing that there will be no evidence against me, and Marissa when she gets back from her night out, I'll have her a surprise waiting, you can count on it, and when my boys are done, no one will be able to stop the truth."

Two men grab the listening device from Drake and Brad. They are pushed inside. Frank waves to them as the guard shoots the device.

"Guys, come on, you didn't think I would believe that story about her being dead, she's his sister, I counted on him betraying me, I knew she was in New York so I planned this perfectly," he said. Drake looked at Brad.

"Rissa," Drake said as he turned to the guard and punched him in the nose. His dad yells for him to hurry. And Frank lets him go.

"It will be too late," Frank said eating his meal.

"Drake is a fast driver, and he's smart, he won't let her die not on his watch," Brad said. Frank holds his heart. Harvey stands beside Brad.

"And he loves her that's sweet, then it will destroy him won't it," Frank said.

"No, he will destroy you," Harvey said that moment, the police barged in while Frais was eating. And Harvey holds up his phone where it had been recording. The listening device was secondary. But the phone had it all. And the police barged in and grabbed Frank.

"You have the right to remain silent......"

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