Chapter 10

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Dinner was great. They made Italian spaghetti and breadsticks. It took about thirty minutes and they ate it up. And of course, a salad was involved. Because like any other pasta, salad goes great with it. So they ate. Just enjoying the company. And Drake stayed in the kitchen to clean up. He told Marissa to go upstairs and get some rest. But she didn't know which room was his and so she took the first room she could find.

Marissa puts her pajamas on, but not in time because as she is putting her shirt on, Drake strides into the room. She quickly jumps as he enters and covers herself. He wanted to be embarrassed but with her, he just couldn't. But he shields his eyes quickly. And her face is red. She is embarrassed for them both.

"I'm sorry, I guess I should have knocked first," he said as she placed her shirt over her head.

"It's clear, and don't worry about it, it happens, well not usually but, NeverMind," she says flustered.

He liked that he could get her that way. But he barely knew her. But he wanted to. And while they were safe here for the moment, he swore to himself to get to know her. He did kidnap her so, it was only right. And she wanted to know him too. She didn't see him as a kidnapper anymore. Just someone wanting to clear his name. And nothing would stop him from doing that. And she knew that.

"Anyway, I wanted to get changed, but I see my room is occupied so I'll just go to another one," he said. She jumped in front of him.

"No, I'll go, this is your room, so I will go find one, I'm sorry I took yours," she said. He shook his head and smiled.

"It's fine, just go lay down, I have to keep watch downstairs in case someone tries to break in," he said. She nods. And grabs her arms. And nods to her.

"Goodnight Marissa," he says. She smiles.

"Night," she says. He leaves her to be alone.

Her phone life is fourth percent and she has no charger. She wondered if he had one. He had a phone, didn't he? Using another alias maybe? So she looks around the room to see if she can find one. And she does. Perfect for her. Maybe it was her loneliness speaking but she felt guilty about taking his bed. But he told her to. And even if he hadn't she would have still been alone in another room. She thought about it and decided she shouldn't feel guilty he did kidnap her.

The morning came too early. Her alarm woke her up early. And she wanted to fix breakfast for them. So she dressed in those jeans and flannel she found. And the boots. And she headed downstairs. Her hair was wavy so she left it down but pulled it back for her to cook.

The refrigerator had everything. From eggs to cheese to milk and butter. And even juice. So omelets and orange juice were on her menu. She made a mean omelet. And he had vegetables. Peppers, cilantro, and chives. It would be great for her to cook again. So she buttered the cast iron and waited for it to sizzle. She looked in the living room where he was asleep on the couch. He slept on the couch for her.

It was 7:12 am and breakfast was an important part of any day. And when she was done, it had been fifteen minutes. Almost time for him to wake up. But she decided to also fix some bacon. He had a lot of great food. And once she finished, he woke. And smelled the food, his stomach rumbling in time for it. He steps into the kitchen in his pajamas.

"Good morning," he says. He looks around brushing his hair with his fingers.

"Did you do all of this," he asked looking at the table which was set with food.

"I did, I wanted to thank you for the room, and for trusting me, I know what it's like to not trust people, so after you dress we can eat," she said. He smiles at her. And goes to his room to dress.

He had clothes here but he decided to wear the jeans and flannel she got for him. And the boots. He washes his face and hands. And then meets her back downstairs. He watches how graceful she is while pouring the orange juice. And something in him aches. She is in danger with him. And he knew that. And she looked so normal but at the same time, she was incredibly smart.

"So, today I will be teaching you how to shoot a gun down in my basement, it's soundproof and very spacious. There are targets down there if you want," he said. She nods.

"I need it, if this gets out of hand, I need to defend myself and help you," she said. He cringed at that remark. He didn't want her help. He wanted her out of the way because he didn't want anyone else dying on his watch. And as if on cue she asks about Frank's involvement.

"Frank is a mafia king above ground, Devin was a scientist, Frank paid Devin to create a mix for him, Devin didn't ask because he paid him thirty thousand dollars to do so. He put that money in my alias account, along with all of the money he ever made, and left a little for himself," Drake stopped standing up and taking the dishes to the sink. Marissa watched him.

"Devin didn't know what it was about. But I did. I studied criminal justice and was a detective. But he was older and didn't know about criminal drugs. He should have been a scientist but I tried to talk him out of it. To give the dirty money back, but instead, he went along with it claiming I would need it someday, to pay old debts, and he left it in the account, so when things got bad, Devin realized what was going on and that Frank was selling drugs made by himself, and he was receiving dirty money, and because Devin cut all ties with me over it, Frank was eager to sell me out and I didn't do anything," he said. He turned to the sink.

"One night Frank and Devin got into it at his law firm in the parking garage, I had retired my badge because I didn't want to arrest my brother, but I came to talk with Frank and I saw him arguing with my brother, one thing led to another, and he pulled a gun on him, and he shot him, and I tried to fight Frank off and kill him for killing my brother, but the police were called and I ran. I vowed to clear my name because Frank hit himself over the head and caused bleeding blaming me for everything," he topped wiping a stray tear. Marissa stood up and placed a hand on his shoulder. He looked over to her.

"We will clear your name, and get justice for Devin."

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