Chapter 30

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Christmas morning was a sunny one. But Marissa woke up, and Justin was in the chair with her gift. She smiles at him. And he smiled at him. It wasn't affection just friendship. And Drake knew that too. Now he just hoped she would believe him. And maybe she would. But the things he said about Justin were truly hurtful. He was trying to be a good cadet for Drake and his feelings were hurt.

Marissa gets up out of bed and walks over to the chair where Justin sits. He hands her the small box. She feels awful because she didn't get him anything. And she tells him that. He shakes his head at her and chuckles.

"Open it I didn't want anything," he says. She begins opening the small box. And inside was a necklace. It was real silver, and it was in the shape of a star. Engraved on it was 'To the best professor a true inspiration.'

"It's beautiful," she said. He smiles.

"Would you put it on for me," she asked. There was a knock at the door and Sharon entered. She takes one look at the pendant and she is starstruck. Justin grabs the necklace and Marissa turns around. He clasps it around her neck. And pats her shoulders. She turns and hugs him. And he leaves her room. Sharon smiles.

"He's a good boy, Drake was really out of line last night but don't be angry with him too long because he feels bad about it," she said. Marissa nods. She knows Sharon is right.

"Thank you Mom for everything," Marisa said. She hugged her. And then she left to go get ready for Christmas.

Marissa wore a red and gold dress. She looked good in red. And red heels. Her hair was slick back in a ponytail. And a red headband in her hair. And she had her necklace on. It was beautiful. She loved it. And she needed to get him something. And just then she thought of the perfect gift.

She would get him a new uniform, something he didn't have. Because he had 1 to his name. She goes online and orders one on their website with his name, and prints the paper off. To give him. And even though Drake was rude to her last night she didn't forget him. She had gotten him something too.

She had a picture of them printed off and was framing it along with a new bag for his guns because he was worn out. And the best gift was the watch she bought him because it was a gold Rolex and I graved on it was 'Drake, you are everything, never forget that xoxo Rissa."

And she got Sharon a silver bracelet. She loves jewelry. She bought Brad a new gun holster. He needed it. And she bought Charles a new pair of gloves and a new tie.

"I'm ready," she said heading downstairs.

Everyone was there. And they were laughing and singing Christmas songs. All but Drake. He's gone. And she didn't know where he could've gone. But his absence didn't affect anyone. Charles was playing piano and everyone was gathered around the tree singing like any normal family. Until Harvey spotted Marissa.

"Sissy, come sing," he said. Brad looked at Marissa and Sharon too.

"Sissy is a good name," Brad said. She smiled. Sharon agreed.

She stands beside Sharon. And Justin on the other side. They start singing 'The First Noel.' Because Brad loves that one. And everyone helps sing it. Including Justin. And they don't sound half bad. They had no idea Marissa could sing. But Harvey had a feeling because of their father. During the season he would sing carols and he was blessed with a voice.

And they let Marissa take over. Just humming with her. She loves this song now too because her new family loves it. And by the end, everyone joined in. And they finished together. And they were so happy. Because even without Drake helping, they were having a good time.

"I say Sissy sings one alone and then we open gifts," Brad said. Drake had just pulled into the drive. And was packing everyone's gifts including Justin's.

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