Chapter 27

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It had been a week since Marissa started work. After the family read her letter about her starting a new life for herself and getting herself right, they had been lost without her but that was how she liked it. They needed to move on too. Marissa loves her students. She had 3 classes each an hour long. And in each class, she had 20 students. And they were all willing to learn. She had told them about her story, some of it, and they took to her.

The Williams and Harvey all move back to Surf Side. Drake had applied for his position at the detective agency and he got hired as the chief because of his former servitude and his bravery with Frank. Frank was sentenced to life and no parole. That was the best letter she had received. Sharon took up baking and pastries. And Harvey decided to teach Science and science law at Miami University which he started a day ago. But Marissa didn't know. And Brad became the chief of the Miami police station. Charles came back with them, and he was head of the workers and their pay. He didn't have to lift a finger.

"Okay now, remember assignments are due after the holiday break, choose one event that you think was not properly investigated and write a three-page essay explaining why. And there are many, I will be looking forward to seeing your opinions," she said as the last class was getting ready to head out.

The bell rang and the students began leaving. Except one. A boy named Justin. He was around 25-26 years of age. And always looked up to Marissa. But she was also around the same age. And he stayed behind.

"Hey Marissa," he said. She turns to him smiling.

"Justin, hey, aren't you supposed to be getting ready for a break?" She asked. He smiled. Justin had blonde hair and blue eyes and was tall.

"Yeah I just, I was wondering, I'll be graduating this year I started late, and I need to get ahead in my classes, is there any way we can do one on one after school to catch me up on three years worth of schooling," he said. She puts her eraser down and comes to face him.

"Of course, I'll help you, besides, you're one of my smartest students, top of the class already, I have 3 years' worth of material in my desk if I send the material with you, you can read some of it, and then I'll give you tests two days a week for the rest of the year after class," she said. He smiled at him. She grinned.

"I can pay you, I took up extra shifts at the agency," he said. Justin worked as a rookie for the detective agency. He didn't have a mom or dad. They died when he was around sixteen.

"No money, I want you to do well so you can become a top-tier detective, and maybe one day, you will solve all of my missing pen cases," she laughed. He laughed too. And he stared for a while.

"Hey Justin I know you don't have anyone and I'm sorry so would you like to come with me on my family holiday, we will be staying with my family over the holidays," she said. He dropped his smile and gave her a sorrowful grin.

"My boss invited me over to his house, so I told him I would go, but I will get you something and bring it to you after the holidays," he said. She smiles.

"Okay, you don't have to get me anything, but thank you and have fun," she said. He nods to her. And dismisses himself.

She thought a lot of Justin. They were a lot alike. And she saw herself in him. And she loves her work, but helping Justin gives her a true purpose. Because much like her he was determined to graduate this year. And he was a brilliant man.

At home, she began packing her bags. She knew Drake would probably be there. But she had grown in the last few weeks as her person so she was more comfortable in her skin. And she knew that she would have to face him sooner or later. So she packed her bags and had her butler place them in her Toyota car. It was black too. Because she kept the tradition alive in her family. She was excited to see her brother too. She and Brad had been talking a lot on the phone. He hadn't told anyone about her new job. He was letting her tell them.

It was a twenty-minute drive from her estate to her family. When she pulls up, Charles is standing at the door. Ready to greet her. She's wearing a beautiful navy dress. It had silver accents on it. And right fitted. And a cold shoulder. And she wore silver heels. And her hair was parted and pulled back. She was excited to see Charles.

"Marissa," he said. She ran to hug him.

"Granddad, I'm so thrilled to see you, how are you holding up," she asked. He shrugged and smiled.

"I'm so much better, I hear Della is working for you, do you like her," he asked. She nods.

"She's not you but she's great," she said. He tells the new hand to her her bags. She brought 3. One for clothes, one for shoes, and one for essentials. And work.

Sharon spots her as she walks through the door. She smiles and opens her arms to her. And Marissa runs to her. She's wearing burgundy again. A dress this time. With gold flowers. Black heels.

"Marissa, we've missed you so much," she said. And Marissa smiles and lets go.

"Mom, it's good to see you, I'm happy to be back here," she said. Brad comes from the study. Wearing his police uniform, he looks good too. He sees Marissa.

"Marissa girl, I'm glad you made it," he said as she ran to him hugging him. He didn't want to let her go but he has to.

"Sister," Harvey says from the stairs. He slides down the railing. And Brad rolls his eyes and points his thumb at him.

"I promise we are working on him, your brother insists on doing normal teenage things since he missed out but he has been busy," he said. Harvey embraces her in a hug. She hugs back and they let go. And like that, she felt at home again.

Brad and Sharon kept telling Marissa she had gotten much prettier and taller but Marissa didn't believe them. She had grown so much since they had seen her last. And maybe that was okay. But she knew she had one more fear to face. And he was home.

"Knock, knock, I'm home, and I brought a guest," he said. Marissa expected to see a woman beside him and her heart was beating out of her chest but the next thing she sees is unbelievable and he saw her too. And Drake does too.


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