Chapter 6

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While in the bathroom he throws his boxers, pants, and shirt inside the room for Marissa to take but she notices his size. And not knowing how long he would be in there, she takes a guess and goes downstairs.

She finds the washroom and puts the clothes in for 15 minutes to quickly wash his clothes. And heads to the front desk. It's almost 2 am but she wants to find out how long it would take to get to the nearest store. The woman at the front desk looks at her and grins.

"Excuse me, what is the nearest store or somewhere that sells clothes," Marissa asks. The woman thought that was unusual to ask.

"Well Walmart is about 10 minutes out, and it opens at 6 am," she said. Marissa thanked her.

"Can one of your workers throw my, friend's clothes in the dryer in 15 minutes I also need a robe," Marisa said. The woman nodded and grabbed a robe from under the desk. Marissa thanks her and goes back to her room.

When she walks in he's still in the shower. Marissa opens the bathroom door a little and places the robe on the sink. Not to look at him. Marissa wanted to pay him back for paying for the room. So she remembered his size in clothing and set her alarm to vibrate at 6:45 in the morning. There wouldn't be much sleep but maybe buying him a few outfits would help with the no-clothes dilemma.

She lays down looking at her phone and turning her alarm on. She had a couple hundred dollars cash on her. Cards could be traced. Unless you used them at nontraceable ATMS. And she knew bank ATMs weren't always good at detecting cards that weren't theirs. But she had a credit card she could pull money from.

Drake came back out, in the robe Marissa brought him. He looked at her. She was sitting on the bed. There was something about her he couldn't keep his eyes on. Maybe the mystery or maybe something else. But she felt it too. She didn't want to look away and yet at the same time she had to.

"You should get some rest, I can keep watch from the chair," he said. He tried to fight the tired feeling but a yawn escaped her. He looked so fresh and she didn't want to leave him alone but she was tired.

"What about you," she asked. He stood by the window.

"I will be just fine, I've gone without out sleep before, you on the other hand probably need rest," he said. She yawned again. He was right. She nods and gets under the covers. She placed her phone under her side.

"Sleep well Marissa," he said. She smiled to herself.

"I'll try," she said. The suspense was killing her. Was he trusting her now? Or was he still not sure? Is that why he wanted to stay up? To watch her and make sure she didn't want to run. Hadn't she shown him yet?

Sleep took over Marissa. She was so tired she didn't feel it happen. But Drake watched her. Like he said. And later in the night, his clothes were returned. And slipped them on. He sat in the lounge chair and started dosing off. Watching Marissa was making him sleepy as well. And around five in the morning, he finally fell out. He was more tired than he thought. And he slept so soundly he didn't hear Marissa's phone vibrate. It woke her up at 6:45 am. And he was sound.

She pulled her clothes out of her suitcase, dressing in a pair of blue jeans and red blue flannel shirt. And her sneakers. She brushed her fingers through her hair. And pulled it back. She grabs her keys from the window seal. And she sneaks out with her wallet. And brings her suitcase along with her. And she should not have brought it. Because it creates a little chaos.

She gets in her car and pulls up GPS. Heading to the local Walmart. She turns out the radio wiping her eyes. She didn't get a lot of sleep but it was enough. She reaches Walmart and pulls in, turning the car off. His measurements were in her memory. So she walked in knowing that his style was still the same as before. He wore jeans and dress-style pants. And sweaters. Or thermals. And because it was getting colder she figured she might as well buy him some socks and winter boots.

She found him 2 pairs of jeans on sale! And a pair of dress-style dark tan pants. And a couple of tan sweater-type thermals. And just for good measure, she bought him a flannel. And then bought him some steel-toe boots she found on sale. And a few pairs of dress socks. And some boxers. It took her an hour to find everything. And when she got to checkout it totaled out to $111.23 for everything. Only because the jeans were on sale and the shoes. Good deal for 3 outfits, shoes, socks, and boxers. But she wanted to gift him because he paid for the room.

She paid and left Walmart. On the way back she kept thinking about Drake. The inn offered free breakfast. So maybe she could fix him some waffles and coffee. When she pulled in the walk in the lobby, she grabbed all the bags. And gets out. She has the room key with her in case he is asleep. She walks into the inn, breakfast bar is being set up. It's a handmade breakfast.

She walks to her room where when she enters, Drake is pacing the room and acting terrified. He sees her enter and he's upset but he's more upset with himself. He looks like he's seen a ghost. And he gets angry once he sees she's okay.

"Where have you been," he asked. She was taken aback by the amount of anger in his sentence.

"I was-"

"I have been pacing this room for thirty minutes, why did you leave?"


"Give me the keys," he said. She puts them out in front of her. She wasn't about to try and hold her keys hostage from him because he way angry.

"I thought you ran off, your suitcase was gone, and what were you thinking someone could have kidnapped you," he said. She crossed her arms after throwing the bags down.

"Like you did," she said. He stopped and looked at her. He didn't mean for that to come out that way.

"Marissa I didn't mean it that way and You stayed when you could've left, I was just afraid something had happened to you," he said. Why was he concerned? They just met yesterday.

"Yeah well nothing happened I bought you some stuff, I thought I would pay you back for getting this room, so I'll be eating breakfast alone come get me when you're leaving."

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