Chapter 25

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She was too tired to confront anyone else. So she races inside to change clothes. After everyone's reports, arrests were made and choices were made regarding Charles. Marissa was going to see him in the morning. For tonight she wanted to rest. And take a shower. Blood was awful smelling after a while. So she put a waterproof bandage over her regular bandage and got in the shower. With her bikini on of course. In case Sharon walked in or her brother. Her arm was sore but nothing major. The paramedic told her the stitches could be removed in a week. And that was good.

She got in the shower and let the water run over her. She missed the warmth that she used to have with Drake. But she couldn't have that. Not now and possibly not ever. And that made her upset. The tears flowed from her eyes. And she finally released some of the tension she had been hiding. She fell on her bottom and pulled her knees to her chest. And she cried.

Eventually, she bathed herself and she got out and got dressed. With Frank gone, things would be different. She could go back to her life in Chicago while Drake stayed with his parents or wherever it was he lived. His house was blown up So he couldn't go back.

Marissa laid down in her bed with her silk pajamas on. She was comfortable but she didn't want to close her eyes. She was afraid she would see herself killing that man. And she couldn't deal with it. So she got out of bed and put her robe on and walked out of her room. She made her way downstairs where Sharon's study was. Her study was full of books. And right now she couldn't sleep.

She opened the study and made sure it was empty and it was. Sharon's study was like a miniature library. It had shelves of books and a nook, or a chase in the window. And in the moonlight, a book is just what she needed. She loved law and order but she also loved true stories about romance and even romance in general. But she wanted something more safe. And she saw the book she wanted. Beauty and the Beast is a Disney classic. Turned into a chapter book.

She begins to read it aloud and her voice turns into a yawn. She stretches her legs to get comfortable and silently reads. And sometimes during the night, she drifts off to sleep.

Meanwhile, Drake is awake in his room. He is shirtless and has his grey Joe Boxer pajamas on. And he sits by his desk, wondering what his next move will be now That his name is in the clear. He wanted to be with Marissa but he hurt her badly and he knew that. And he couldn't take it back. Because she believed him. Truly. And his heart was breaking because of it.

He begins writing a resume to join the Surf Side detective agency, maybe he could move back to Florida and get a Job being a detective again. It was worth a shot. He wondered what Marissa would do. Finally, become a detective or a lawyer?

"Marissa what have you done to me," he said before placing his own down and grabbing a shirt and slipping it over his head.

He walks out, goes to her room, and knocks softly. But she doesn't answer and she's usually a light sleeper, but he opens the door and she's not in her bed. Now he worried.

He begins looking in the den, and the other rooms. But he can't find her. Until he heard a thud in his mom's study and he hurried inside to find her asleep on the chase. With her head on the soft pillow. And the book has fallen on the floor.

He picks it up and sees the title. He grins to Himself. And places the book back on the shelf. He finds a purple silk throw on the chair and he grabs it placing it over her. She stirs for a moment and goes still again. And he watches her for a moment. Sitting in the office chair. Wondering if she would ever forgive him. He hoped she would. He hoped she would run to him and tell him she felt the same as he did. But he didn't know.

He fell asleep in the chair with his hand on his cheek. And he stayed like that until about 5 am. When his hand fell and his head fell and woke him up. And he noticed her still sleeping in the chase. He grinned and left her alone. And he went to the den to lay on the couch, where he fell asleep again.

Marissa woke up at 7 am on the dot. And noticed she was covered up. She yawns and gets up folding the blanket and putting it back on the chair. She brushes her hair back and puts it in a ponytail. And she walks out of the study and into the hall. She passes each room until she sees the den. Drake is lying on the couch with No cover. And she felt bad because now she knew he had covered her.

She eases inside the den grabs a thin quilt from one of the antique chairs and lays it over him. He doesn't move. He always slept soundly. And she admired that about him.

She headed back upstairs to get dressed, and she wore skinny jeans and a nice navy top. And a pair of heels. She put her slick back and looked at herself. She loves what she sees. And she was happy.

Around 8 am she leaves while everyone else is still sleeping, and heads to the hospital. On the way there, she tells the limo driver she wants to stop at the flower shop. He stops for her to pick up flowers. And she picks up some light blue roses.

At the hospital, she walks up to the front desk and asks for Henry Charles's room, to which they give her the number. And she walks ahead. She passes room after room and finally reaches his room. She knocks softly, and he doesn't answer. But she knocks again and nothing.  So she opens the door and sees the bed is empty.

"Grandad," she said. He steps out of the bathroom. Hooked to an I.V. She smiles and comes in with the roses.

"I brought these for you, it's a symbol of health," she said. He smiled taking the vase of flowers. She sits down in the visitor's chair.

"I'm glad you're here Marissa, I was meaning to tell you, that you were so brave last night, and I'm glad you are okay," he said. She shook her head.

"I shouldn't have frozen like that if I had got to you before I could have prevented this," she said. He grabs her hand.

"My dear Marissa, you didn't know, I don't blame you, I blame Frank, and you did so good," he said. She smiled.

"Well I hate to run I will be back, I have things to figure out but I wanted to see you this morning," she stood up and walked over to him hugging him.

"Love yo, grandad," she said. He smiled.

"I love you and Marissa, when two people are meant to be together, love will always find a way, and the signs will point to the direction you're meant for."

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