Chapter 18

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Marissa and Drake were confused. Because their fathers grew up better than Frank. They weren't lawbreakers. They enforced them. How did they all grow so different? And how did they even know each other? They both thought it was strange they never knew anything about their families.

"Wait what?" Marissa asked.

"Franco was president of the mafia. He had a son so that he could pass on to someone. But his son became friends with Brad and Lee, and soon after Sharon. And when they were kids Franco proposed to all of them. If they had children, they would be used in the mafia or would be scandaled into going to jail. The whole thing was a scandal. They would use a scientist kid to make their drugs, paying them, if he didn't agree he would have his brother or sister, take the fall for the murder, the daughter of Lee was also in the scandal, making her part of the firm, causing the son to kidnap her adding more suspicions to The son who lost his brother, and soon they knew the daughter would try to get justice for him, so they would take them both out using Lee's son. But it wasn't set in stone, your meeting was no coincidence, it was part of the scandal, and the ending will be a game changer because the ending was me poisoning the daughter and the son, but I couldn't do it," Harvey said.

"He was ahead of the game. Because he knew these people, and he knew what they were capable of. He knew my mother and yours, he knew Sharon and Brad, and he knew that Drake would be a detective and force the law like his old man, and he knew Devin would be a scientist. He knew Marissa would study law and that she would go searching for the truth because he knew our parents, but me flaking on killing you, wasn't in the cards."

Marissa held herself up by using the chair arm. Drake backed into the wall. Sharon and Brad looked at each other. And Harvey bowed his head. He didn't know what else to say. He knew this was a scandal.

It had been paved from the beginning and he knew exactly what child would do what. And Marissa realized, her dad tried to stop her from going into law school. He wanted her to be a doctor. But she refused. And he was protecting her. Drake was done that way. They tried to get him to be a marine but he loved criminal justice.

"So the reason you didn't want me in law school was because you didn't want me to play out this scandal," Drake asked his dad. His dad nodded. Harvey spoke up.

"Much like our father told Marissa to be a doctor, and Brad told Devin to become a teacher or join the Marines," he said. It made sense for all these years.

"This was a highway scandal the road was paved from the beginning and it was unfolding in front of our eyes, except now it's over and you two are supposed to be dead, but Frank is smart, he knows, I wouldn't go through with it, and he will come after us, and we will be ready now, because we know Frank's weakness," Harvey spoke. Marissa was still confused. And Drake was going through some anger issues in his head.

"We have the playing cards because he didn't write this next scandal, the biggest one of all," Harvey said.

Marissa couldn't focus. She was worried about Drake. He looked so upset. And mad. He was blaming himself. For not listening to his father. If he had listened the cards would have been shuffled and not intact. Not stacked. And Marissa wouldn't be in this mess. He blamed himself for her being in danger. But it was Marissa too. She would not listen.

"Drake," Marissa said. He looked up at her. His face is full of rage.

"I will end him," he said storming out.

Marissa ran after him. The rest of them couldn't. Only Marissa could stop him. Because he had fallen for her. And she had fallen for him too. It wasn't enough that they were written in but now, they had gotten in deep. And he wanted him dead. The week of training in karate and martial arts had done a lot for Marissa and if she had to she would battle him. But not without Drake.

Drake tan to the training room and began hitting the punching bag, harder and harder. Until the bag fell off the rope. And then he kicked it and kicked it and he hit it, so much anger coming from him. And she felt sad for him. And if he hadn't kidnapped her she wouldn't have to see this. But he did. And he put her in more danger than ever. That's what he was thinking.

"Drake, please, please stop," Marissa stepped up. He got up and stepped back. He shook his head and tears streamed down his face.

"I put you in harm's way, I'm so sorry," he said. He fell to his knees. She bent down to him. And he placed his head down in his hands. She grabs his hands.

"No you didn't, I could have run and I stayed, I stayed because I saw something in you, I put myself in danger," she said. He looked up at her with tears.

"I will never forgive myself if something happens to you Rissa, never," he said. Giving her a name she had never heard before. She grabs his face. And wipes the tears.

"It won't have you, and Harvey and Brad to protect me and I'm a pretty good fighter now, I think I'll be just fine," she said. He shook his head.

"Not against bullets, you can't be fine against those, and I would never be able to live knowing you were hurt because of me," he said. He stood up. And she followed his lead.

"Please, please go somewhere, leave Surfside and go far away from here, I don't want you to get hurt," he said. She couldn't believe him.

"Wait, you want me to leave, to just pack up and go, I can't do that Not now not ever Drake we are a team," she said. He shook his head.

"Yeah, and we were pawns, in a game I don't want you playing, so you need to go, get away from here and hide," he said.

She shook her head in disbelief. She wondered if he loved her like she did him. She didn't want to leave him. He was her solace. They were always together and for two weeks they stayed together and she didn't want to be apart now. She had fallen hard.

"What about us, we've become so close, does that mean anything," she asked. He drops his head he feels guilty.

"No, it doesn't, not when you're in danger, our feelings, probably were just moments, like when someone gets lonely and they see someone they want that person for the moment, it probably wasn't meant to be," he said. That broke her heart. She could not believe he said that. She thought he felt something.

He did feel something. He loved her. More than she would ever know. But his love was keeping her here in harm's way. And he didn't care if it hurt her as long as she was safe. But she was so hurt that she couldn't say anything.

"It wasn't like that for me, but if you feel that way, I guess I have no reason to stay here," she said. And she left.

And the tears streamed down his face. And he couldn't help but get angry. He hurt himself while trying to hurt her. And he knew he messed up.

But she was better off.

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