Chapter 21

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At the dinner table, Marissa chose to sit beside Charles. She didn't want another incident and even Harvey agreed with that. He sat beside drake in front of Charles and Marissa. And at the end the head of the house. Sharon smiled at Marissa and looked at Brad. He led them in a short prayer and then began passing the bread. And the feast arrived.

On trays. Turkey, dressing, gravy, mashed potatoes, sweet potato casserole, green bean casserole, cranberry sauce, pasta salad, rolls mixed steamed vegetables. It was all here even ham. Marissa took a piece of turkey some vegetables dressing and gravy and a roll. She wasn't a big eater. Sharon didn't have dressing but pasta salad. The boys took 1 of everything. And ended up with two plates of food.

Marissa ate until she couldn't eat anymore and waited for dessert. The rest were still waiting except Charles. He ate fast. So she smiles at Charles. And he grins back. He reminded her of her grandpa she called Granddad or on good days Paw.

"Charles can I say something," I ask. He looks at me and nods.

"You have been like a grandfather to me since I arrived the very first time. And I have grown to love you, to be honest, I see you as more than a butler, I see you as my family, my grandfather. So if you'll allow me to, instead of calling you by your name I would like to start showing respect and calling you grand-dad," she said. Sharon was listening and smiling. Brad and the others were eating. Charles smiles at her. And takes her hand.

"Child, I have loved you since you arrived. And I would protect you with my life, if you feel the need to call me granddad I will not stop you," he said. She smiles and sighs. He pinches her cheek as a grandfather would.

"Oh and Grand-dad," she said. He looks at her.

"Thank you," she said. He nods to her. Dessert trays began rolling out.

On one tray, cherry pie, and peach pie. On another Blueberry pie and chocolate pie. On another red velvet cake and chocolate cake. And the last one was Pineapple and banana parfait. And cookies and cream fudge. Marissa took a piece of the fudge and a slice of red velvet cake.

They were both delicious. Sharon has cherry pie. And a parfait. And again the men took a sample of each. But Charles loved the blueberry pie. And Harvey favored the chocolate cake. Brad liked the chocolate pie. And Drake was keen on the red velvet cake and the fudge.

Each finished dessert. And excused themselves. Sharon nodded to Brad and Marissa. Marissa had been trying to get the nerve to ask Brad about it but she was so scared. She was afraid he would dismiss it. She loves this family so much. And she wanted to be a part of it. With it without Drake. She stopped Brad from moving by stepping in front of him. He was surprised at her but he grinned and greeted her. Sharon stopped a little ways away and Drake also stopped beside her.

"Mom what's going on, why is she talking with Dad and what was she talking to Charles about earlier," Drake asked her. She smiled at him. She wouldn't say anything. Marissa gathered her strength and took a breath.

"You know that I love you and your family, you have all been so kind and loving towards me, and I wanted to tell you just how much I appreciate everything, and also what I think about you, as I think of Sharon as my mom and Charles as my grandfather I also think about think of you as my father," she pauses for Moment and she could see his blank expression turning into the water in his eyes.

"I know it's unusual but because I didn't have my family here to protect me and teach me things I would like to have your permission sir to show you respect and call you by what you have been to me, and that's my dad or father," she said. Drake looked at his mom and she smiled. He was lost for words. What was she playing at he wondered. But she meant it. With or without Drake she loves his parents and they loved her.

"Darling Marissa, you have touched my heart, and this old man doesn't get very emotional but you are a kind soul and it is an honor and would be a greater one to be called dad from such a wonderful young girl, I never had a daughter and I always wanted one, so cadet, you have my permission to call me dad," he said. She smiled and grabbed him in a hug.

"And your father would have been proud of this moment, he asked me to protect you as my own Harvey told me, when the time came, and that time is now, with or without my son, you are my family, and I will protect you with every fiber of my being, I love you, girl," he said. She started to cry. Because her dad used to say 'I love you, girl.' To her. Which meant this was exactly where she was supposed to be all along. Even without Drake.

He lets go of her and motions for Sharon. She runs over. Drake is so confused. Charles sees the group and goes in for a hug too. And Drake feels so confused and alone. Until Harvey shoves him over to them. And hugs his mom and dad, but tries to stay clear of Marissa. But she knows it is weird for him so she calls Harvey over.

"Harvey we've been together for a week and a half and I can say you've proven yourself too, I am not going to ask you to call me anything other than my name, but you've earned respect from me, and we love you too," Brad said. Harvey started smiling. Sharon pulls Harvey aside.

"I know you're mother wasn't much of a mother, I knew her well, but if you need one to help you with anything I'm here for you, and he's right we love you too, you've proven worthy, swearing on a Bible, taking a solid path for your sister that is a step that not just anyone would take, so as a mother I'm telling you, I am proud if you wish to see me as a mother figure to you too," she said. He began to cry and hugged her. And thanked her.

"In respect to you and your family, for the way you've treated me, it would make me happy to have you both as my mother and father figure and of course Charles would also be my grandad," he laughed. Drake was not liking this family moment. But he couldn't stop it. He knew they loved them too. And that they were all in this together.

"Now, tomorrow is a big day, go get ready, and ladies," Brad paused, "Stay safe."

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