Chapter 12

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They had some clothes in the getaway car in case this happened again because with Frank nothing was impossible. So he bagged his guns. Some hand pistols and some Military style rifles. And he shuts the gun safe. He made sure to bring plenty of ammo and a few grenades as we and then he opened the back door. The coast was clear. So he lets Marissa go first. She runs to the black impala. It was a new model. 2016. He bought it off the black market. And it was a great deal. It had very tinted windows. It was parked off the road. Her car would no longer be of use so they had it rigged with explosives. One hit with a bullet and it would explode. They had all the money, the phones, everything they needed.

And they looked back, watching her Camry blow up behind them, and hopefully the house with it. The safe was fireproof so it wouldn't hurt the guns. And they were off to the next town. And Marissa was lost for words. A week without anyone following them, it was fun and normal but now, it was over.

They rested for a few moments, stopping for gas and snacks. And for water. Being on the run made a person hungry. And very agile. But they were both ready for what lay ahead. And she was more involved than he thought. Because they wanted them both dead now.

"Okay, where are we going?" She asked. He sighed. And blew out some air.

"Fayetteville Arkansas, we rest there tonight into the morning,  and on the road to the airport we are going to surf side Florida, we should be safe there," he said driving. She didn't want to board a plane. But they didn't have much of a choice. And at this rate, they couldn't risk driving on the road and stopping for gas.

Once they reached Fayetteville Arkansas it was already 9 pm. Or 10 pm there time. But he found an inn that he could stay in for the night. And he pulls in. For once she would like to drive. She had everything she needed, including her wallet in her suitcase. Her money however was in her underwear. Not directly. She had it folded inside the lining. It was smart.

Once they were in the room and ready for sleep, it came. Sleep came well. She rested well in one of the beds while Drake was in the other. And when morning came it was time to go to the airport. She watches her while driving to the airport.

"Are you alright," he asks. She doesn't know. A week ago she was a normal secretary now she's being hunted to kill over a scandal she didn't have anything to do with. And neither did Drake. They were more involved than Ever and it was just, crazy.

"I'm fine," she lied. But he could tell she wanted space. So he didn't push her. He didn't want this for her. And to be honest, she didn't either but she wanted to prove his innocence. She knew he wasn't involved but others didn't.

Once they reach the airport, he grabs the luggage and guides her inside. He has a cap and glasses on. But he takes his glasses off once inside. He already had plain tickets. They were expiring soon but he had 2. How did he have tickets for 2 people already? Did he know what was going to happen? No, but Marissa thought that. The truth would floor her. He led her through security where they did a brief scan and walk-through. Somehow they missed the bag that had the weapons because the man let him through. Without sifting through the bag. Which was abnormal. These were first-class tickets.

They boarded the first plane to Surfside Florida. He places the weapons safely over their head. And blocks any movement with a small pillow. He takes the outside seat. Giving her inside. The seats were a couple double. Which meant they were sharing the seats. They buckled loosely and got comfortable. It would take about 3 hours to get to the Surf side. Which he was looking forward to.

"What's in surf side," she asked. She knew he wasn't going there for nothing. Everything has value to him. Or at least it did so far. He realized she needed the truth. And not the vague truth.

"My mother moved there a year after Devin and I went to college. I bought the tickets to visit but we never used them. And a year before Devin died I renewed them. They still had a month to expire again, but I thought since mom was safe and protected we would be to for now," he said. She nodded. She grinned.

"So I'm meeting your mom, should I act a certain way, or dress a certain way," she asked. He chuckled.

"No, she would love you under the circumstances if this had been a bring you home to my mother regular date type thing, she would love you, you're smart and beautiful and are independent and down to earth, just like her," he said.

Marissa smiled at him. Her mom and dad split up a while ago. And she was in college. She didn't speak to me either. And then her dad passed. He had an accident. Her mom was put in rehab she took up drugs and drinking. So she was on her own. She didn't have siblings. But she always wanted siblings.

"So, I'm the only one of hers left and I figured she would love to see me and my friend under the circumstances," he said. She nods.

"Okay, I guess I'm okay with that but will she care for me staying there," Marissa asked. He chuckled to her.

"Are you kidding, she's the only woman, she's going to love you, and don't worry about dad either, he loves company, he was a marine until he got hurt and was made to leave the Marine Corps, so he's stricter about things, especially on me, don't worry about, he's all talk and no action with us," he laughed. She was getting tired.

She places her head on his shoulder and closes her eyes. He watches her carefully. This would be the girl for him if he wasn't a loner. He was a tough man but he had a sensitive side too. And he loved people unconditionally. And that's what made him a better man.

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