Chapter 8

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It only took 4 hours and 1 gas station stop for them to reach Kansas City. Granted the men believed her, but there was no sure sign of them on the trail. But Drake feared what Frank would believe. And so he made sure to pull a lot of his money from his fake account at the atm. At the nearest bank once in Kansas City. He had to make a few transactions but he was able to pull ten thousand dollars off. And because the bank wasn't traceable to police officers anywhere Marissa pulled five thousand for herself rolled it up and stuck it in a hidden compartment in her car. Alongside the money, Drake pulled out.

It was a safe hideaway with 1 key. And because Marissa knew Drake wouldn't run off with the money(Given he had a lot more than her) she let him hold on to it. Smart tactic. And she was trusting him more and more each moment she spent with him. But he couldn't shake the feeling of being followed. So they stop a few blocks away at a nearby hotel, and Marissa decides to make room in her suitcase for him to place his things inside.

"So are we on the run or what," she asked. He chuckled.

"Not exactly Marissa, we are trying to keep a low profile so I think it's best if we change your license plate number for a while, that way they can't trace this one, I brought a few plates I can put them on if you don't mind," he said opening the compartment in the trunk.

He had four plates, all not registered to alive people. She became fascinated in that moment. Something about this was extremely wild and familiar. And if she didn't remember why, it wouldn't bother her. She knew he was doing this as a precaution. And something about that made her blush. He wanted to keep them both under the radar from those men. And then she wondered who were those men. Who sent them and how did they find them? But she kept that to herself.

"Sure, just whichever one, I'm going to walk into that little clothing shop across the street, maybe find you some pajamas and me some more suitable clothes," she said. He nods to her before grabbing her arm. A spark flew from his fingers on her skin.

"Be careful and keep alert, we might have been followed, yell if anything happens, I'm trusting you won't run away," he said. He grabs a tool from her trunk.

He begins taking the plate off while she is walking to the corner. To cross the street. She pushes the walk across a button on the meter and waits for it to light up for her. Meanwhile, he is placing the old plate in the trunk of her car. And the new one is being bolted on. The light changes and she's walking across. And like a flash of lighting, she's inside the little clothing store. It's more of a convenience store with clothes and shoes.

While searching for pajamas and clothes for herself she spots winter boots for her. Dark brown and very pretty and on sale at the time. So she looks to see if they are her size and they are. And they are about calf high and so cute with a gold buckle almost at the top. But they would be perfect for cold nights. And so she kept them under her arms. And hunted for her clothing. She found two cute outfits for herself two pairs of slim-fit jeans, one light wash and the other dark. And two flannel-like shirts. One is brown the other red. And she even found him two pairs of flannel-type thin pajamas. Made from boxer material.

Once she checked out she walked outside. But she felt like something was off. As soon as she pushes the walk button she sees Drake standing by the car looking around. Like he senses something off. And that's when she saw it. There was a car, almost exactly like the one she had seen back at the inn. It was following them as he said. But they left before Marissa and Drake did. A while before. How could they know? But that's when she realized it wasn't the same vehicle because the other was a Chevy SUV this was a GMC. So there were two sets of people.

She gets to the other side and places her bags in the trunk quickly. Drake is giving her an unusual look of curiosity. He is confused as to her abruptness. And he senses something is wrong with her. So he kept watch while she placed everything back in the car.

"We are being followed Drake, I know it," she said. He looks around and then back to her.

"Nothing out of the ordinary on my end, did you see something," he asked. She nods towards the black SUV and the windows are tinted.

"Wait, that's not the same one Marissa, it's different how do you know-"

"Because Frank only orders black tinted SUVS for the line of work he does why do you think he drives one he bought me a car and it's tinted too?"

"I never thought of that, well if we are being followed we are about to find out, get in," he said climbing in the driver's seat. She climbs in and buckles up.

He nods to her as she watches the SUV closely. As they pull away, so does the SUV. And she notices it's staying at a distance. He can't look but he glances in the rear view and sees them from afar. And they are following him at every turn. And he then notices that they have something in the front of the SUV and he can't get a good look at it. But she puts her sunglasses on and notices it. And it scares her by no means.

"Drake, they have a gun."

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