Chapter 15

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"Chef, he cooks the meals, Someone fetches the chef," Brad said. Marissa looked at Drake. He was thinking the same thing. That was meant for Him or Marissa. Someone knew they would swallow that and choke on it. The chef came in and he was wearing a white chef suit and hat. He was looking confused.

"Chef, what is the meaning of this, an olive in soup, Charles almost choked to death, was this on purpose," Brad asked. Chef shook his head.

"I am sorry sir, I didn't know anything about it, I only cooked it, the one who served it was late to work so someone else filled in, and, wait- he said something about Marissa's bowl now that I think back about it," the chef said. Brad came face to face with Chef.

"What did he say," he said. Sharon walked over to Marissa. Grabbing her by her shoulder. She was concerned for her.

"He said Marissa's bowl was special, that Drake would appreciate the time he spent fixing hers, I didn't think he would try this," the chef said. Drake stood up and came over to Chef.

"Who was it," he asked the chef. Brad turns to his son. And he places a hand up.

"He said he was ready to get out, but I don't know what he meant. I didn't know his name he was tall slim and had brown hair, he was a very agile fellow, and seemed worried about something," the chef said. Brad nodded.

"Chef, keep an eye on your kitchen if anything turns up out of the ordinary please alert me or Charles at once," Brad said. Drake was so mad. His face was like coals. Red and fuming.

"Dad, that doesn't sound like Frank's men," he said in anger. Brad sighed.

"Sharon take Marissa, go to the study, Charles you go with them, protect them if anyone tries to come in, seems we've been harboring a traitor, and if we find them, we lock them up in the cell downstairs," Brad said turning to his son. And they nod at each other.

"Wait, this doesn't add up, he was worried about something, I don't think a traitor would worry about getting caught unless it was a traitor to the wrong person if major Williams wouldn't kill anyone, why would he be so scared," Marissa asked, "I didn't eat any of my soup, I hadn't gotten to take a bite, and thats because of Charles. Smell my soup."

Drake walks over to her soup and picks her spoon up. And smells it. He flinched and looked at Marissa.

"He wasn't trying to kill Marissa he was trying to stop her from eating this, it's poisoned, he put an olive in the soup because he knew she would jump to save him, he wasn't a traitor to us Father, he was a traitor to whoever sent him," Drake said. Brad looked over at Marissa.

"All the same, no chances, take them to the study Charles, and use any tactic to keep them both safe," Brad said. Charles did as he told him to.

Marissa knew if she had eaten she would have died, and she knew the person caused the scene because they wanted to keep loyal to the Williams family. And maybe that's what he did, but Brad and Drake weren't happy about him trying to poison Marissa, to begin with.

Both ladies and Charles locked themselves in the study. Charles stood guard while Marissa looked at Brad's desk. Charles told them both to stay put until he told them to move. And moved them against the far wall. They sat together on the floor. Looking at the books above them. All of them are on law and order. Marissa smiled because she loved criminal justice. She studied it.

Charles stood near the door, making sure no one tried to come in. He would glance back to assure the ladies they were okay and safe with him. And they didn't know what that meant, but they would. Charles moves aside from the door hearing footsteps much lighter than Drakes or Brad's. He tells them to sit still and they do.

The door opens lightly and a boot that was unfamiliar steps in. A tall man with dark hair. He looks around the study and notices Marissa and Sharon in the corner but Charles is hiding. As soon as he steps in Charles charges at him with a pogo stick. The man steps aside. He grabs the stick but Charles twirls it twirling the man and making him land on his back. He got to the ground with a thud. And jumped back up.

"I'm not here to hurt her, I'm here to warn her," he said but Charles smacked him with a stick causing him to lose balance. And he holds up a piece of paper.

"Wait, Marissa read this, please," the guy said. She got a good look at him when she stood to grab the paper. He was mid-thirties, with brown hair and blue eyes. And he didn't seem like he wanted to harm her.

"It's a letter I got from your dad before he died, there was a reason he had an accident," the man said. She grabs the letter. Charles kept the stick on the man. As she opened the letter.

"My dearest Mary,
I didn't tell you before because I knew you weren't ready, but if you are reading this they found me and I'm dead, I was in the police force, I had a son before you, I hid him because his mother was part of the mafia trading. And I didn't want him to end up like the rest of the young boys here. His name is Harvey Reece Daniels, he will try to kill you because of Frank, but his loyalty is to family, so he won't succeed. He will need all the help he can get, Frank tried to get to him as a baby, to raise him as his own but I left him with my father. I visited and taught him often. Those long trips away, I was with him, and when you were in college I divorced your mom because she was also buying and selling for Frank. I couldn't have you connected but you are. Protect each other. I gave him this letter. If you don't believe it's from me I also put a picture of the DNA test and a picture of me and him with you as a child. You couldn't remember. I love you, Mary. And I love your brother, very much, goodbye."

"He's my brother."

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