Chapter 16

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Marissa was shaken to the core. And Harvey placed his hand up In surrender. She believes her dad. He was the only one who called her Mary. And he didn't tell anyone that. That was their little secret. So he had to have written it. He signed it the same. And this guy looked like her dad. The DNA test was the same and there was a photo of her as a baby with him and her dad and grandpa.

"Yes my brother," She told Charles. Charles was shaking too. He didn't know what to think. Sharon stood up. She was ready to believe it and Marissa was too. And it was true. It was. She had a brother. And his name was Harvey and he was in trouble. Frank would kill him if he found out that he didn't kill Marissa. But she could protect him.  As if on cue Brad and Drake run in guns pointed at Harvey. He placed his hands up. Marissa steps in front of him. Drake put his hand out for her to take she shook her head.

"Stop, he's not who you think he is," Marissa said. Drake was confused and a little hurt.

"This is Harvey Daniels, he's my brother," she said handing him the note, and the pictures. Drake read it again aloud. Brad put his gun down.

"So he knew Frank would use him and he would not kill his only blood," Drake said. Marissa nods. Brad looks at the paper.

"That's a real DNA test and I can tell the handwriting is not forged, your dad had a son and hid him away, for this day, the day you two would fight together," Brad spoke. Harvey nods. She goes over to Harvey. Giving him a sorrowful sigh. Charles puts his stick down.

Marissa hugs Harvey. Having been an only child so long she was proud to have a sibling now. Even if it were under the circumstances. She was glad he didn't want her dead. Charles rubs his throat as they let go of each other.

"Next time use Someone else as a pawn, please," Charles said. Harvey smirked.

"Sorry, I just didn't want my sister dying, dad was right, blood needs to stick together, Frank will be sending a lot of people to kill me, but I will jump in front of you even if it means my life for yours," he said. Marissa nods.

"I might not have known you but I believe you, you seem too familiar for me not to trust you," she said. He nods. And then he pinched the bridge in his nose.

"That's because we saw each other every weekend until you were four. And I've been keeping my eye on you since high school making sure no one tries to kill you, Drake was planned too, Dad knew when they went to college Frank would use Devins's brain and that his headstrong brother would try to stop it and he planned all of it," Harvey said. It is maid since to her. And to Drake. Henchmen and tracking devices took years of planning. He knew she'd pick that eco-friendly car.

"So we've been behind for years," Drake asked. Harvey shook his head.

"Yeah but you have me now, Dad laid out all plans he may have, and I am equipped to store them all, I went to college for science engineering, and criminal law. I can remember everything. So I can let it out for you guys and ladies," he said smiling at me and Sharon. Drake nods.

"Well my dinner is ruined we can order takeout," Sharon said. But Marissa stopped her.

"Actually can Drake and I cook for you all, we cook a mean Italian spaghetti and breadsticks together," Marissa asked. Sharon looked at Brad. He shrugged.

"Oh let me fix dessert please, I learned a recipe Dad used to cook for us as kids, the best Apple pie in the world," Harvey said. Sharon nods to them all. She didn't mind she was starting to feel the hunger boiling inside of her.

"No more funny business or we will have to lock you up," Brad told Harvey sticking his finger in his face. Harvey saluted him.

"Sir yes sir," Harvey said.

Marissa stayed back to talk with Brad and Sharon Afro for a moment. Telling them to him on without her. So Charles and Drake showed Harvey to the kitchen. Brad and Sharon knew she had her questions. And she was right to be concerned. She had every right to ask about her parents and Frank.

"My dad knew Frank, and when I mentioned it, you seemed to know what I was talking about, so did you know my dad," she asked Brad. Sharon and Brad looked at each other.

"Listen, the less you know the better but I will tell you we were all connected, more than you know, and if Harvey feels the need to tell you the truth, he will, but if he wants me to tell it, I will, as of now, know that we were all connected a long time ago, all of us including your mothers and Sharon."

She left with that. It got her thinking. What was the connection of all of this? It had been years since her mom and dad split up or even knew each other. And her dad never spoke about Brad or Sharon to her. Never. So what was the reason for all the secrets? She was almost 29 years old and she still didn't know anything about her family friends or people they knew. It was all a bit much. And it was deeper than her.

She meets Harvey and Drake in the kitchen. Where the men were trying to find the things they needed to make dinner and dessert. It was funny to see them scramble over each other. And she couldn't help but giggle. Drake looked over and placed his arms on his waist. And she couldn't help but look at him longer.

"It seems our Drake is better with the lady around," Charles said. Making her blush.

"Well if you think I'm letting this go, you are sadly mistaken, this is too funny," she said. Harvey sets his ready dough on the counter and begins to roll it out.

"How does he do that?" Drake asked. Harvey concentrated on the art of it.

"He gets it from my dad, he loved baking, and he did it a lot before I left for school, dad taught me to cook meals never really deserts, he must've left that for Harvey," she told him. Harvey stopped and looked around.

"You know I can teach you how to do this, it helped me with my martial arts too, patience and precision a great tactics, it may even help you if you have to fight anyone off, like Franks goons," Harvey said. Drake looked at him and her. Like it was a great idea.

"Okay, yeah, teach me," she said.

He began showing her how to mix the dough, and let it set and kneed it. Drake paid close attention as well. It was a great strength tactic. Kneeling dough was hard. And took a lot of hand strength. And she was good at it. And he showed her how to design it as well. How to cook the apples just right and make a purée. It was a work of art. And he taught her everything. And she learned something.

"This what Dad wanted, wasn't it," she asked. Harvey stepped away in confusion. And Drake was curious too. Charles was as well.

"He wanted us together, teaching each other things, much like I can teach you how to bake, and have fun, you can teach me to be strong and patient," she said. They all understood.

"He wanted us to be each other's equal."

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