Chapter 13

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They landed in time for Marissa to wake up and get ready to exit with Drake. He exits with her. And there's a small gleam in his eyes as she smiles at him. He liked her more than he thought. He cared for her. And she cared for him. They trusted each other. And became close friends. And both of them weren't going to say anything. It was complicated enough. But he grabs her arms.

"One more thing, my mom and dad are pretty loaded with money, while he was in the Marines my mom was a realtor, and they are sitting very pretty, so if we pull up to a mansion please don't think they are too high and mighty, they are so down to earth," he said. She nods. He looks around for a rental place.

Finally, after finding a rental and giving them a fake alias, they got one Malibu to drive. And this time he let her take the reigns. She put the address in the GPS and followed it exactly. The surf side was beautiful. A lot of shacks and beach sides to explore. And she was nervous about what Brad would say to her, he was a marine for a few years. According to Drake, he was in the Corp for almost fifteen years. And even made a major. But was hurt in the line of duty. So he was strict probably.

She pulls into a beautiful estate. It's as big as a mansion but not quite as big. It's at least 3 floors, a brick house, gardeners were out front, 4 of them, and there was a limo parked on the side. With two more vehicles. Black cars. Black was a thing in this family. She pulls around where the four white columns in front are sitting. There was a fountain in front too. With a replica of Devin placed in the center. A bay window on each floor.

"Mom and Dad had that replica made a year after Devin died, they wrote letters to the old house, with pictures, and I wrote back with an alias. So they knew I was alive," he said. They would never tell on their children. He stepped out as one of the valets came around to grab the keys from Marissa. She gives them to him. And he parks the car. And brings the bags inside.

"Ah, Mr. Williams, we were wandering when we'd be graced with your presence and you've brought a friend," the butler said. He bows to him.

"Please call me Drake, and this is Marissa," Drake speaks to the butler.

"I am Henry, But your parents call me Charles, it's my last name," he said. Marissa steps up to him and extends a hand.

"Hi Charles, nice to meet you," she said. He shakes her hand. And he nods to Drake.

"I like her, she's a keeper," he said. Marissa blushes. Drake is amazed by her. She's so polite and he has always liked politeness in a girl. And she was one of the most polite and beautiful women he's ever met.

"Please come on in," Charles said. He led them both inside.

The front of this estate was beautiful but the inside was more beautiful. It had a double stair casing in the very front door, there were rooms in the back of the stair casing and upstairs. The bottom level was the den. Or many dens. It was where the butlers would sleep and rest. Lined in white and gold was the beautiful staircase.  And a circular meet in the middle. A diamond chandelier hung in the center of the room. The floors were pure marble.

"Drake, Drake is that your son," a woman spoke. She came running to him in a nice two-piece burgundy suit. She was half Latino. But very beautiful. Long brown hair and chocolate eyes. He got his eyes off her. And he looked a lot like her in his eyes and nose.

"Mom," he said wrapping her in a hug. This was Sharon. Sharon Williams. Her mother was American and her father was Latino. Sharon came from the American way. Her last name before was Lopez.

"You came, I'm happy to see you," she let go.

She was 54 years old. She had her eldest son at 17 when she fell in love with Brad and married him. And then Drake came at 19. And she couldn't have anymore. He loved his mother. His father was 55 and well-equipped to take care of danger.  She looked at Marissa.

"Oh you brought a friend, hello dear I'm Sharon,"
She said to Marissa. Marissa extended a hand to her.

"I'm Marissa, nice to meet you, Mrs. Williams," Marissa said. Sharon laughed.

"Dear, call me Sharon, come here," she said swatting her hand and hugging her.

"Oh yeah my mom's a hugger," Drake said. Forgetting to mention that detail.

But Marissa liked it because it showed she liked her. And Drake liked that his mom liked Marissa. As she spoke to Marissa, Drake saw his dad out of the corner of his eye. In his marine attire. He was better but they wouldn't take him back. And they let him keep the suit. Which was a plus. He salutes his father.

"Sir," he says. Sharon looked over her shoulder and did Marissa. His father stands saluting his son, and then finally walks towards him, placing a handout, and grabbing him in a hug. He looks happy to see him. At first, Drake was afraid he would scold him for letting Devin take that shady job. But In the end, he did try.

"I'm glad to see you, son," Brad said. Drake smiled at him.

"Me too dad, me too," Drake said letting go. Brad notices Marissa. She notices him looking. And stands in salute to the retired marine. Sharon took a deep breath and smiled. That was showing respect. And Brad likes it. He salutes back.

"At ease soldier," he says. Marissa relaxes. Drake walks over to her hand on her back.

"Dad this is Marissa Daniels, she is a friend of mine,"  Drake said. She extends her hand, but he looks at it and lowers it for her, hugging her.

"I'm glad to know you are both safe," he says letting her go. She was confused and so was Drake. But the words he spoke were like lemons in a cut.

"The news is accusing you of kidnapping and using mind control on her, but I already knew it was that no good Frank Mitchell, he killed my oldest boy and he's trying to kill my youngest, and his friend, makes me sick," Brad said. He was American. Which wasn't unusual. Drake had his mouth and face shape. When he was younger.

"So you don't believe I kidnapped her," Drake asked.

"Oh I know you did, but I also know affection when I see it, you two, you've got it."

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