Chapter 17

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For a few days, Drake had been in combat training and working out while Harvey was in the kitchen with Marissa. And of course, Brad and Charles were watching her closely. Sharon got her hands in it too, baking was fun for her. Her family used to bake. They owned a Mexican bistro in Mexico. It was nice too. She didn't like it then but now she loved it. While Harvey was teaching them to make cannoli, Drake was in the weight lifting room, doing some step-ups and sit-ups. Just normal stuff.

Harvey was getting used to his cold shoulder. But he was getting close to his sister and he was loving towards her. And he vowed on the marine name and Bible to protect her. And serve her. Not to harm her. Brad had to trust him. He could be sentenced to death for breaking that oath. And he was beginning to love her. It's like his dad was there with both of them.

"So, you trust him," Brad asked Charles. Under his breath. Marissa and Harvey were laughing with each other.

"He does have her DNA and his father raised him. And knew this would happen, sir are you going to tell her," Charles asked talking about the connection between them all.

"Charles, I've been many things in my life, but a prude isn't one of them, I can't be the one who tells her unless he tells me, that's her blood brother, he looks like Lee, and she looks like Nancy, it was fate, but I still don't fully trust him yet," Brad said. They were indeed brother and sister but Brad and Charles had doubts about his motives even though they were to protect her.

"Wait Marissa I don't think you should toss that-"

And as soon as Harvey begins to tell her not to toss the dough up, she does and she can't catch it. It smacks her in the face and leaves dough in her hair. Brad and Charles are trying not to snicker but it's hard not to. Harvey isn't angry he's laughing. She was wondering why he was laughing. And then Charles couldn't hold it. And then Brad joined. Sharon looked at them and glared. They stopped after seeing Marissa standing there in embarrassment. And it was a good thing Drake was not around. She would have been overly embarrassed.

"Okay men, you clean this up, I'm taking Marissa to her room and helping her with this, sticky situation, when we get back, this better be cleaned," Sharon said. Brad stopped snickering and looked serious. He nods to her.

They leave the men to clean the mess she made. It was only fair because they made fun of her. So they begin sweeping and cleaning the mess. Harvey cleared his throat. And he knew Brad didn't trust him. But he didn't know how to tell him what his motives were and what the truth was. But Brad already knew and Harvey somehow detected that he did.

"I think we need to tell her what the connection is, she's a strong woman, and when she learns you're history with Frank and Dad, she will see I'm not the enemy and you will too, because it was all a scandal anyway, and you know about it sir," Harvey said sitting the dough down. Brad straightened up.

"Shall you or I tell her," Brad asked. Charles looked at Brad.

"I think you should tell them both, Drake is involved as well," Charles said. Brad bows his head. Harvey too. But Brad trusts Harvey now. Because he remembers everything and he knows it was Lee's plan all along and Frank's father Franco.

"Okay let's just tell them," Brad said to Harvey. He nods.

Meanwhile, Marissa is showering and Sharon is laying her fresh clothes on the bed for her. She liked Marissa as her daughter. And Marissa had come to love her too. And Brad. Charles was like a grandfather to her and Drake and now Harvey was getting closer to him too. But Marissa loved all of them. And she hated to think they would be in danger because of her.

She exited the shower wrapped a towel around her and pinned it. She walked out of the shower and Sharon was standing by the window drawing the curtains a bit. She smiled at her.

"Okay dear, get changed and meet us down in the family den, Brad and Harvey want to discuss something with you," Sharon said. Marissa nods and Sharon walks out.

Marissa gets dressed quickly but not quick enough. This time she has her underclothes on and nothing else. And Drake comes through the door. Not realizing she's even in there. She turns around quickly and he can't help but look at her. She doesn't get embarrassed this time. He had seen her before. He covers his eyes though. And walks into the bathroom.

"We are wanted in the den, so I'm going to shower quickly, and I'll meet you down there," he said from the bathroom. She yells okay and nothing else. And she was dressed in a sun dress it was white with purple roses and some flat shoes.

She doesn't leave though. She keeps quiet on the bed for a moment. Taking in the comforting blankets. And relaxing. Who knew what they were going to tell her down there? She needed to be ready. And if that meant laying for a bit then she was going to do that. She kept a watch on her phone. No calls. She had been off work for a couple of weeks and still no calls. Frank wasn't concerned with her. But was he ever? As if on cue Drake comes in with a towel barely wrapped around him, and his abs were flashing her. She couldn't pry her eyes from him. He notices she's there. And goes back to the bathroom.

"I'm so sorry, I thought you were gone," he said. She stood up and grabbed him some clothes. Khaki shorts, a pale blue button-up polo, and some boxers. And places them at the door.

"Clothes are at the door, I'm turned around," she said. He reaches out when she turns and grabs the clothes. Her cheeks are flustered. He was embarrassed about being caught half-naked like she was. And it was amazing. She loved it. It was something she dreamt of from the first incident.

"Okay," he steps out fully dressed, "are you ready to hear what they have to say?"

"No, but let's do it anyway."

They head downstairs to the den. And when they finally reach the den, they see Charles, Brad, Harvey, and Sharon, sitting in different places. Well, an intervention would have been better for Drake. But Marissa was tired of the suspense. So she was ready to hear it. Harvey took a deep breath. Nerves were rattled because he knew what was going on exactly. And it frightened him.

"First off I am so sorry if this upsets either of you, and I know this must seem unusual, and scary but it is deeper than that, it's destiny, sort of," Harvey said. Brad nodded to him.

"Dad, and Brad, they knew Frank and Frank's father Franco, because they all grew up together."

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