Chapter 3

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The Halloween party was a few hours away and Marissa couldn't help but think that maybe she could give Frank something other than her feelings about this being too unusual. Because nothing about the case made sense. If they found a bullet wound where was the bullet? There was a report of it being missing. Like someone had shot him and then after he died they took it out, but you couldn't take a bullet out of someone's head unless you knew exactly what you were doing. Unless it wasn't a gunshot wound, and it was a coverup.

"Marissa, have you got anything for me," Frank asked. She closes her folder.

"Well, I can say this case was closed for a reason, there's nothing to go on, but, I don't think he just disappeared without a trace, so there's something," she said. He sighs.

"I asked too much of you, I'm sorry, well, if you want to keep looking by all means go ahead, but you have a party to get ready for," he says. She nods and gathers her things. He turns to walk out but he notices her looking at the file with a blank expression. And something in him clicks.

"Marissa, I would advise you to not look further into this, you're a secretary after all not a detective some files are closed to the public eye," he said. She squinted her eyes at him.

"Right, we'll see you at the party," she says. He walks away. She thought that was weird. Or more like suspicious. What would she find out if she did keep digging? Was it more information that wasn't reported to the public eye? Maybe a scandal? Something didn't set right. But for now, she would have to dismiss it. She had a party to get ready for.

** Marissa dressed nicely. In a black dress with silver webs spaghetti straps, it was flowy but knee length. She had black heels on and her makeup was more or less laid back and Smokey. Her hair was pinned to the side. She looked like a million dollars. She had a spider broach in her hair. She gave herself one last look in the mirror and headed to her car. She was ready for this. And she needed a break from her work.

She drove to the office where her co-workers were all dancing and drinking. She didn't drink much. But she did love to watch people make fools of themselves. She hadn't seen Frank yet but she knew he would eventually show his face. One of the girls she worked with came up to her in an Angel costume. She smiled and Marissa.

"I love your dress," she said excitedly. Marissa grins.

"Thanks, I love your outfit," Marissa said, the girl thanked her and walked away. Frank entered from the front of the room. She spots him and chooses to keep a close watch on him. If he was guilty about something it would show. He spots her over the crowd and heads over to where she is standing.

"Well, you clean up nicely," he said. She sighs.

"You aren't wearing anything relating to Halloween," she says to him. He chuckled.

"My dear, I'm a lawyer, this is my daily attire. Besides I'm more of a behind-the-scenes guy," he says to her. She looked taken back.

"Clever, so, are you staying for the festivities," she asked. He shakes his head.

"Just making an appearance but you have fun I'll be in my office getting through my paperwork, and Try to stay out of trouble," he says joking. That's one sign. He is trying to joke with her when he knows she's a good person. She thinks about that one.

He leaves her to go to his office. And she gets on her phone. 95% battery life and no notifications. Hmm, she was doing good. So she decides to walk around and watch everyone else make fools of themselves. Her keys are in her cross-body purse. It was black as well. And blended well. Just as a precaution, she sticks her phone in it too.

People were laughing and dancing and drinking, and even playing weird puzzle games. It was an office party for boring people. And she was not a people person. She realizes that Frank has been in his office for a good thirty minutes and no noise has been coming from his office as far as frustration or throwing papers at the wall. Usually, he gets agitated and starts cursing at the papers. But over the music who can hear anything?

She takes a notion to slip away. And to spy on him. To see if he's up to anything. So she takes the stairs to his office. But she can't see because the shades are pulled down to his office. Which was weird because he left them open to see who was coming. She places an ear to the glass but the music is louder than the noise in the office. But she can hear a faint voice speaking. But can't make out what it's saying.

She gets closer to the door and hears Frank but not what he's saying. Maybe he was talking to himself and was just frustrated. And he pulled the blinds down to not be bothered by the party. So she faintly knocked on the door but there was no answer maybe he didn't hear her. Or maybe he did and she can't hear him. So she jiggles the door nob. It doesn't budge. But she had the keys. Separate office keys. So she sticks the office key in the lock and turns it. And she opens the door. And her heart stops. Frank is on his knees with a gun to his head. And the man that has him begging for his life is the guy she was confused about. Because the whole thing was too unusual for her to wrap her head around. And his eyes go wide. And he realizes that she's now seeing his face.

"Drake Williams."

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