Chapter 14

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The words came out exactly as he meant them. He saw the affection they carried for each other. And they weren't getting any younger. So maybe it wasn't so bad, they cared for each other. But could that be wrong? He had kidnapped her and now he cares about her safety. It wasn't unusual just not common. And not a lot of people would understand that. But Marissa and Drake knew.

"I know you took her, that's just how I would do it, take the girl as a witness, and see if she would help me clear my name since she works for the man himself. Maybe she has some intel, but along the way you both began to care for each other, I'm old, not blind, you're Mother and eye didn't like each other at first, but now look at us," he said grabbing Sharon and wrapping an arm around her waist. Drake blushed at him and Marissa too.

"You may not want to admit it to each other or yourselves but when you look at each other I can see it, just like your father, but remember, you can be each other's weakness or each other's strength," Sharon said. They looked at each other and back to his parents. And smiled.

"Oh dinner will be in a couple of hours, please let Charles show you your room, please be down at five to eat some appetizers with us, dinner is served at six, desert shortly after," Sharon said. Marissa looked at Drake. He noticed it. She said room as in one room didn't she?

"Mom you said room, don't you mean rooms," Drake asked his mother. She looked at Brad.

"Son, if you're going to be protecting this young lady, do so, stay with her at all times, the enemy can try to come in, these walls aren't made of steel, and please, don't go out without security, you're a wanted man," he said patting his son and leaving.

"You'll be just fine, once this is over you're welcome to stay in Surfside with us, we have another estate, smaller of course but perfect for living, it's all yours when this is over, both of you," Sharon said. Marissa thanked her. That did sound pretty pleasant. She could stay and get away from Chicago.

Beach life was better because of the warm weather. And she liked it here. She wondered how Drake felt about that. He didn't seem any different from before. And she didn't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

They followed Charles up the stairs and to their left. The room at the end was theirs. It was beautiful inside. A large California king bed with silk gold covers was in the middle of the room. A wardrobe was beside the window. And a large television set hung in front of the bed on the wall. And there was a desk for writing or work. It was marble floors as well. And the curtains were white and gold. It was beautiful.

"This is amazing," Marisa spoke in awe. She loved this room. Charles places the bags down. Drake grabs the weapons. And he places them on the bed. Marissa grabs the suitcase and begins putting the clothes in the wardrobe. The bottom had two large drawers. So she folded everything and placed them in the drawers.

"Don't get too comfortable, we are ahead for now but eventually they will learn of my whereabouts, and we need to be ready," he said laying all the wrapping down and going to the nearby wall. Marissa was confused as to what he was looking for.

"This room like the others is equipped with secret compartments. Large enough to hide in, my dad goes crazy for private spacing for his guns and ammo, and right here we go," he says clicking the wall. It opens. And a wall of nothing pops out.

He begins lining the wall with the guns grenades and ammo. She was impressed by him. She had never seen someone so knowledgeable about things. She didn't know the first thing about her father when he was living. It was amazing to see he took an interest in his father's work.

"So should we get ready for dinner," she asked. He nods to her. Telling her to go ahead. He would dress in the grey room while she took the bathroom. She didn't have anything nice with her just her jeans and sweaters. But hopefully, that would be okay.

Once she was done, she walked out to see Drake in a pair of khaki pants and a t-shirt. She looked at the muscles under his shirt. She did like him. More than she wanted to admit. And it was killing her because after this he may not want her around. But she smiled and pushed it out of her head.

"If you're going to be staying here we need to send you some clothes, dresses, shirts, carpi pants, T-shirts things for summer it stays warm are year, so I'll have Charles order your sizes," Drake said.

She nods. And looks at her sweeter and groins. And pulls out a flannel. It's thin and it would work. She takes her sweater off while he isn't looking. And he turns to soon. Watching her back, while she was changing. She feels eyes on her so she hurries and pulls the flannel upon her. And bottoms it.

"So, I guess I'm ready," she said. He swallowed a lump in his throat. They did something to each other that no one could explain. But they liked each other. And they both were prideful and would not say a word.

"If we are late my mother will have our toes for dinner so we'd better hurry," he said as he led her to the staircase. And they both ran down.

They followed Charles to the dining table where Brad and Sharon were sitting at each end. Both still wearing the same outfits. And they smile when they see them come in. Brad stands up, and motions for them to take a seat. They sit in front of each other. But Charles grabs the back of Marissa's seat and motions for her to the other side of the table.

"Are we having guests, sir," Drake says to his dad. Sharon smiles.

"We like to have Charles dine with us. So that is his chair," Sharon said as Charles sat at the other side and Marissa sat beside of Drake. But Drake thinks they did that to get them closer together. But he didn't complain. And he wouldn't.

"Shall we eat," Sharon said.

"Oh son, we had our hand dresser or tailor, order a few summer outfits for You and Marissa while you two are staying with us until we figure out Frank's next play, we need to try and blend in here," Brad said. He was right. Winter clothes would make them stick out like a sore thumb.

"And we also ordered swimming clothes, because we have a large pool out back," Sharon said smiling.

Charles began choking on his appetizer and he couldn't breathe. So Marissa jumps up from her chair and runs to him. She pulled him up grabbing him under the arms. She begins giving him the Heimlich and trying to hell him. Sharon is fanning him a a few seconds. This man is well in his sixties and has been with them for almost twelve years.

Marissa keeps on and on until finally Charles pulls his hand up and catches what dislodged from him. And the whole table goes quiet. And Charles turns to Marissa. He places the now unlogged food on a napkin covering it and giving her a bow.

"Thank you so much, Marissa, how can I repay you," he said. Brad stood up. She looked at Brad scared of what he was about to say.

"Yes, Marissa it seems we are in your debt. He is a friend of the family, and you just saved this man's life, we owe you a treasure," Brad said. Marissa said.

"Well first off I'm not sure who is cooking tonight but I'm pretty certain soup doesn't contain olives, and yet, that's what he choked on, so whoever fixed this meal was setting someone up."

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