Chapter 24

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Drake drove as fast as he could. While the police had taken Frank into custody. And he was angry but he would get life and no parole. It was over for him but Drake had to get to Marissa. She needed him. And he needed her. He loved her and he couldn't live without her. And he needed her to know. So he was speeding and going over the limit. And a few miles out police caught him and turned the blue lights on but he didn't stop. He outran them and he did it without thinking.

Marissa, Sharon, and Charles were finishing up at the bistro, while the men Frank sent, were hidden inside the house. There were only two. But they had handguns. Thinking that would do the trick. Marissa and Sharon talk and talk on the way back to the estate. Charles feels something is wrong and he prepares himself for the worst.

They pull up at the estate and the driver lets them out. Charles walks ahead of them because he fears something has gone wrong. Marissa sees that Drake has called her six times and left two voice messages. So she listens to them and chills run up her spine.

"Marissa please don't go inside the house, please, we walked into a scandal, we were set up there are men inside, and-"

It cut off but she saw Charles walking to the door. And she yelled out. He turns around. To see what she was yelling about. And Drake pulls up to
The driver sees her about to go in and jumps out and the police are on his tail. And they pull over. He runs as fast as he can to the door but as soon as Charles is about to ask what is a man opens the door and a gun rings out. Charles looks at his side, and he falls on his knees holding himself, and right in the door is Marissa.

"RISSA," Drake says running the police begin to run but the guy lifts the gun, and Marissa does the only thing she can think of she reaches for her bag and a gunshot rings out. And Yells out to her, running to the porch. And the police after. But the bullet that hit wasn't for her, she had her hand pistol in her bag pointed at the guy, and his stomach now filled with a hole. He falls to the ground.

The police officers run to Charles checking his vitals. "He's alive we need a paramedic" he gives them the address. But then Drake realized there were two guys, not one. Frank said they. He would've sent another guy. And he looks at Marissa. She is terrified because she just shot someone. And he was dead.

"Rissa, go to mother," he said. She wouldn't move. When she sees another guy step out from the kitchen aiming his gun at Drake she shoves him aside and the police officer notices. So he moves close to Marissa as the guy's gun rings out along with the police officers. The gun grazes her arm, as it passes the police officer's arm, grazing his too. And the man goes down. Drake gets up and runs over to Marissa and Sharon runs to her.

"Marissa, Marissa sweetheart, are you okay," she yells. Marissa turns to Sharon. She's in shock.

"I- I shot someone, I killed someone," she said in shock. Sharon grabs her and is crying. Drake spots his dad and Harvey pulling in the drive and the paramedics. So he leaves Marissa to tell them what happened. Charles is alive but he's bleeding badly. And would need surgery to remove the bullet.

"Mom, I'm a murderer, I could go to jail," Marissa said. Still in shock. Drake clues them in and Brad runs to Marissa. She sees him while she's crying. Hugging him.

"Dad I'm a killer I'm a murderer, I-I," she was interrupted by the police officer.

"Excuse Marissa, you won't be going to jail, I'm of the law, and what I saw, you were using in self-defense these men were sent to kill you, you could have been dead, but you defended yourself, that has no case in the court of law," he said. She relaxed. Knowing she wasn't in trouble. And she saw Charles being put on the stretcher.

"Grandad- no no, is he okay," she asked the paramedic. One of them shrugged her off until the officer told them he saved her life.

"He needs to have surgery but he should be fine," the paramedic said. He was African American. And he was very serious about his job.

"Sis," Harvey said, she looked at him and hugged him. He hugged her back crying.

"I'm glad you're safe," he said. She let go. And Brad being a very protective person in general notices her skin is opened because the bullet grazed her arm. The police officers too.

"Sweetheart you need to see the paramedic, you to officer it looks like you were both in the crossfire," Brad said as they both looked at their arms. Marissa hadn't noticed. And the police officer looked at Marissa.

"Come on, I'll take you over for them to look at it, you didn't great, not a lot of women of your stature carry handguns, someone taught you well," he said. She looked at Drake and grinned.

"Yeah they did," she said. He felt guilty for leaving her alone. And if something had happened to her he wouldn't have never forgiven himself.

The officer made sure Marissa was taken care of. They sewed her arm and bandaged it. There was blood all over her white dress. And she was pretty sure it wouldn't come out. And the paramedic looks at her, he's trying to be kind and gentle with her. He sees the fear in her eyes. The shock of shooting someone. He knew that fear too.

"It goes away you know, that fear of pulling the trigger, you realize it's you or them or them and someone you love, it's easy to choose," he says finishing her bandages. She sighed.

"I just kept thinking, if he shot me, I could never see my family again, and it was selfish but I wanted to be here for them because I care for them," she said. He nods.

"It's not selfish, it's brave, you did what most people couldn't, you knew they needed you and that was your push, and you saved yourself and them too," he said. She nods and gets off the back of the ambulance. She thanks him for the talk. She felt better. And he nods to her.

Brad finds her again and he is so happy to see her bandages up. He hugs her easily and lets her go. And she is happy to see him again. This was the dad she wanted. The one who would defend her against all enemies. And the one who believed in her. Hers did but he was taken too soon.

"You know Drake rushed back to save you, he left me and your brother with Frank and he came to save you alone, not that you needed it really but, he did," Brad said. She looked at Drake. He was talking to Harvey and Sharon. She shrugged.

"I don't know Dad, maybe it's better this way, I mean we are both prideful and set in our ways, I can lie and say I don't love him, but we are each other's weaknesses, and that will tear us apart," she said. He shook his head.

"Funny, you were his strength tonight."

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