Chapter Two

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Like every other day Lewis woke up to his radio alarm. He groaned rolling onto his back and reaching over to make it stop. Once again he got up and went straight to the bathroom down the hall to brush his teeth and fix his wispy hair.

After that he changed into a clean sweater and jeans for school before heading downstairs to put his shoes on and slip out the door before anyone noticed. He had grabbed his lunch from the fridge on his way to the door. Today's was four sticks of celery left over from what his mom didn't use for dinner last night and another banana. This was a good lunch because celery has a lot of water in it and the banana gives him the excuse to get up and waste some time going to the grabbage.

Lewis walked his way to school at a fast pace with music playing from his earbuds just like all school mornings. His walk is pretty short, only about fifteen minutes. Today was sunny so he enjoyed the walk a little extra because it was warm and all the colours outside were just a little brighter due to the sun. He met up with Dylan about half through his walk but they both kept their earbuds because Dylan knows Lewis likes his routine. But Lewis also wants Dylan to know he loves just walking with him, he never feels like he needs to strike up a conversation with Dylan, they can just walk side by side in their own thoughts but still connected.

During lunch his friends were discussing what they should do this weekend. Lewis wasn't really on board with their plans because they always want to go to the mall and stay there all day or they want to go to the park at night to smoke. Not that Lewis is against weed because he does truely want to join them for this but he can't go out past nine pm because his mom doesn't think there should be anything happening after that besides studying or sleeping. The mall is just not an option, he knows right now he couldn't handle spending the day there with all the people and noise. Maybe he could join them for a little bit then pretend he has to leave. But if he leaves early then Callie or Dylan or both will want to follow him to make sure he's not alone. He really appreciates them for caring but doesn't want to be the reason they miss out on hanging out with friends.

While Lewis was busy thinking about what he should be doing he didn't notice Callie watching him. He was sitting at the table with his eyebrows scrunched together and wasn't really responding to anything, lost in his own thoughts. This wasn't always good for him so she thought it was best to pull him out of this moment. But just as she went to say something to him Natalie interrupted him instead from further down the table.

"Hey Lewis, dude what is wrong with you?" She said a little too aggressively. Lewis caught his breath because he wasn't sure how to respond or what she even meant. She could be referring to so many things, was it his clothing choice, his hair today or maybe just finally realising he shouldn't be sitting with her friends at this table. NO! Maybe this was about him not eating at lunch. Oh god that can't be what she means. Lewis isn't prepared to answer any questions about this. He can't defend himself. Callie can see him gradually panicking so she answers for him.

"What do you mean? Nothings wrong with Lewis" Callie says, trying her best to give him a reassuring smile all the while glaring at Natalie for saying such a thing.

"Well he just was like, scowling. I don't know Lewis just smile maybe or you'll start getting frown lines and those are so ugly. You can't have those". Natalie says, trying to justify herself.

"Okay, thanks he'll take that into consideration" Callie says getting up and gesturing for Lewis to follow her. Dylan stood up as well.

"S-sorry, if you'll excuse m-m-me. Bye guys" Lewis said standing up and gathering his things. Giving a final little wave he left following Callie and Dylan out of the cafeteria and to his locker.

The worst part about after this is when he can't get their words out of his head. He knows now is when Callie and Dylan are going to tell him they are all wrong and that he can't let this bug him but nothing changes how his mind is going to use this new found insult. He doesn't have control over what his own brain does when he is caught off guard by it attacking him. Just like he thought they finally reached his locker after a silent walk there and Callie whips around to start her pep talk. Lewis can see how annoyed she is. Dylan is usually here to be the calm headed one. Callie could explode on people and Lewis could implode on himself so Dylan is their only hope in this kind of situation.

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