Chapter Eleven

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Blake arrives shortly after 5:30pm, he is standing at the bottom of Lewis's porch steps trying to get up the nerve to walk up and knock on his door. He is just a little bit nervous about how the night will go because of how anxious Lewis can be around new people. Blake is hoping that because it is only the two of them that he can relax a bit more around him. Finally with a large breath out, Blake walks up and knocks three times on his front door.

Inside Lewis was waiting in his kitchen subconsciously picking at his own cuticles until he heard the three loud knocks making his heart skip a beat because he truly was on edge and was just about ready to jump at anything that made a noise. Now that he has sat there for this long thinking about what he was doing his little sister Gwen has beaten him to opening the door. This scared Lewis even more because he hadn't had time to warn Blake about his very very annoying siblings.

"Hello, are you Blake? I really like your hair, I wish I had that colour of hair but mom says no everytime I ask to dye it." Gwen says swinging the door open wide not even checking if it was Blake and blowing right past introductions entirely.

"Umm ... yeah that's me" Blake says a little more than awkwardly still standing on the front porch.

"H-hey, Gwen out-t-t of the w-way" Lewis says, giving a small wave to Blake motioning for him to come in and shoving Gwen out of the way.

"B-b-blake t-this is Gwen, m-m-my lit-t-tle sister. Nate is u-u-u-upstairs." Lewis says trying to do short introductions as they really don't need to spend that much time with Gwen. It would be best not to in his opinion. Less chance of disaster. Little did Lewis know that that was the first time Blake had heard Lewis say his name and it sounded so sweet coming from the other boy's mouth. His voice did wonders for the name he has heard a million times already in his life. Something about the way Lewis said it made it special.

"Nice to meet you Gwen, by the way I think your hair looks great the way it is. If you want I could braid it for you maybe?" Blake says making sure to keep special attention for Lewis's siblings because first impressions are everything and he has to get on well with his family if he wants to stay in Lewis' life.

"Really! You could do that, cool, thank you!" Gwen says, giving Blake a big thumbs up and wandering off back to her room to finish up her homework but before whispering to Lewis "I like this one, you should keep him". This of course made Lewis blush hard, not unnoticed by Blake who was giving him a soft smile.

"Drink?" Lewis says, turning around and heading towards the kitchen.

"Water please" Blake says, taking a seat at the kitchen island to watch Lewis get him the drink. This is quickly becoming a favourite pastime for Blakes, just to sit and observe Lewis. Admire how he does everything so gentle and how he just looks so soft all the time.

Once they both had drinks the two decided to start their movie marathon. Blake had come up with his options and suggested the Twilight series because it is so cheesy it was funny or the Spiderman movies because it is his favourite superhero. Lewis had chosen the Harry Potter series or the Bee movie, MegaMind, and the Incredibles. In the end they decided on the animated list Lewis had made since Blake hadn't seen those in a long time plus they were Lewis's choice so of course that was what Blake wanted to do.

Halfway through the Bee movie, Nate came barreling down the stairs and flung himself onto the chair opposite the couch that was occupied by the other two boys. He peacefully watched the movie from his seat until immediately after the credits started rolling, then he was up out of his seat begging for dinner because he was "starving".

"Pleeeeaaasse Lewis what is for dinner and is it quick because I don't know how much longer I can wait" Nate whines.

"Okay okay. We have some leftovers but I still have to cook something to go with them" Lewis says, trying to calm down his brother who is absolutely ignoring and annoying their guest.

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