Chapter Twenty Five

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After Lewis had asked Blake was brought to his room. He immediately went in to hug Lewis, he also noted Lewis's appearance, he looked sick and underweight. Blake had hoped it wasn't this bad, he had noticed before that Lewis might have had a problem with food but never knew its severity. The boys had just laid in silence on Lewis's hospital bed cuddling. Lewis had his head nestled on Blake's shoulder and a fist holding Blake's shirt. Blake was softly running one hand up and down Lewis's bony spine trying to sooth him even if he didn't know exactly what was wrong. Lewis had only reassured him that everything was going to be okay but that he really didn't want to talk about it.

Later on that night Lewis's parents and the doctor had come in to discuss their treatment plan. Lewis debated whether he wanted Blake there with him, but he couldn't bring himself to part from Blakes warmth so it said it was alright. Plus, Blake was going to have to find out eventually. It's better it happens now rather than when Lewis was gaining weight. They informed him that he would be staying in the hospital for the rest of the week to test his ability with eating his meals then at the end most likely be going home and have monitored meal times.

Lewis was worried that this really would be Blake's final straw, this was a lot to handle. He was sick and Blake wouldn't want to be his boyfriend anymore. So far they hadn't talked about it but Lewis was now trying to sike himself up to telling Blake that if he wanted to ditch now there would be no hard feelings. Lewis would understand. But his thoughts were interrupted before he got the chance.

"Baby, I know you said you didn't want to talk about it, and we don't have to, but you need to know that this doesn't change anything for me. I still really want to be your boyfriend, through thick and thin. For as long as you'll have me" Blake says, sitting up a bit so he can better look at Lewis's face. He wants to really communicate to Lewis that he is serious. Blake loves his relationship with Lewis and can't think of anywhere else he would rather be.

"T-t-t-thank you, I um... I-i just want t-t-to feel better" Lewis mumbles, burying his head back into Blake's chest.

"You will babes, you will. We can all get you there together" Blakes says, squeezing Lewis into himself and finding his hand floating up to play with Lewis's hair. Blake gives Lewis's forehead a soft kiss before laying back down now with his head on his chest.

Later that week on Wednesday when Callie has come by after school with some worksheets for him to do so that she can give them to the teachers on Friday, the two are sitting in silence completing their work. Blake and Dylan have gone on a walk for a study break, but Dylan also wanted to talk about Lewis with Blake too.

"Look, I know you have been nothing but an amazing boyfriend to Lewis, and Callie and I really like you as a friend too. Lewis means everything to us and clearly he is in a fragile place right now. So, you have to be all in, you can't start this journey with him just to bail later, I don't think that would help him at all man" Dylan says while they are waiting in line in the cafeteria for some smoothies.

"Dylan I promise I am all in, I really like Lewis, like a lot. He is the best and sweetest and cutest person I've ever met. I just want to wrap him up and never let anything hurt him again. I'm not going anywhere, I swear" Blake says, full seriousness of the situation weighing heavily in his voice.

"Good, my previous statement still stands though, you hurt him in any way and I will find you" Dylan says, although he is smiling because they both know that if anyone was to do any hurting it would be Callie. She is much more aggressive than Dylan.

"Understood, thank you. Also I really like having you and Callie as friends too" Blake says through a lighthearted smile just as their names are called to collect their drinks. The boys decide to take a walk outside and let Lewis and Callie work a little longer before disturbing them.

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