Chapter Ten

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On Friday morning Blake wakes up feeling a little more motivated than normal because today is the day he is going to ask Lewis if they can hang out after school. He has been trying to get small private conversations going between himself and Lewis all week long. He has been relatively successful before and after practice but other than that they don't really seem to have any 'alone' time together. While Blake is getting dressed he can feel the nervous butterflies in his stomach getting more and more light. He is basically floating on hope as he walks to school. However, because he took extra time this morning in the bathroom trying desperately to get his blonde curls to swoop the right way he was running a bit late and didn't see Lewis on his walk.

Blake walks by Lewis and Callie's lockers to get to his first class and he sees that Dylan and them are having a full on conversation. Lewis is an active part of their debate about maybe something to do with strawberry yogurt, he didn't catch much of what they were saying because he didn't want to be creepy he just wanted to make sure that today was a good day to ask Lewis.

At lunch Blake is a little distracted because all his thoughts are taken up by Lewis. He can't stop thinking about how the neckline of Lewis's black t-shirt keeps dipping so he can see part of his collarbone and wants nothing more than to be able to touch his soft skin. Or how Lewis seems to have given some genuine smiles today when something funny was said. Because Blake was so distracted he didn't really hear Callie and Mona asking him what he was thinking about doing for their next art project. His excuse was that he was tired but Callie gave him a knowing look because she is in on every part of his plan for today. Blake has been texting Callie for advice all week about what to avoid to make Lewis feel the most comfortable around him. So far he has learned that Lewis doesn't always like direct eye contact and attention from people, he doesn't like large groups or loud noises and he can sometimes have a really cute stutter when something makes him nervous. Blake is very thankful that whenever they talk his stutter does not last very long, he takes this as a sign that whatever he is doing to make Lewis feel safe is working. After lunch he gets Lewis' attention because most of their group is heading off to put their stuff away before class so this will be enough privacy, Blake is hoping.

"Hey, Lewis um... can I ask you something?" Blake asks with a big smile on his face because he can't help but think nothing could go wrong. All Lewis does is nod in response to let him know he is listening.

"Um ... I was wondering if you want to hang out tonight, like just us?" Blake asks, now starting to feel his nerves again.

"I-i um... I can't leave my house t-tonight, b-b-babysitting. Sorry" Lewis says, after a second of complete shock because why would Blake want to hang out with him tonight if he was invited to the party tonight. Lewis is absolutely positive that Blake will have more fun there with all of those friends.

"Oh, well if it's alright with you I could come over and help babysit" Blake suggests because he is not going down without a fight. This is exactly what Dylan and Callie warned him about. He has to be persistent and know what he wants. "I could bring some snacks and we make a movie night out of it" Blake says before Lewis even has time to process the first suggestion.

Lewis is trying very hard to get his thoughts in order so he can respond to Blake. He wants to spend this time with Blake so much, maybe he should just say yes, maybe Blake is messing with him, maybe he could just walk away or maybe he could faint. After a couple breathes he can finally respond in what feels like the most natural way he can think of.

"Alright ya, m-m-my parents are h-heading out f-f-f-for date night at five, s-s-so come over after t-t-that" Lewis says thinking about how this is messing with his routine but maybe this is a good addition to his friday routines. He really needs to speak to Dylan and Callie about this.

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