Chapter Twenty

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It was now another week later and Lewis was sitting in his room doing some maths homework. He was listening to some music through his headphones and singing a little to himself. Maths have never been Lewis's favourite subject because they take so much concentration so he was having to do this homework now or he will inevitably procrastinate it to Sunday night. It was now Saturday night and Lewis was just finishing up a question when his music was interrupted by Blakes ringtone.

Blake had been invited to a party by some of the guys on the soccer team. He had extended the invite to Lewis who immediately declined. Lewis had noticed that his anxiety hadn't been that bad lately but this was not the time to test it, plus he didn't have much interest in going out drinking with a bunch of people that he didn't know very well. Blake had continuously checked with him throughout the week to see if he had changed his mind. Blake had also made it abundantly clear that he would never be disappointed in Lewis for whatever decision he made and fully supported him either way. He had also offered to come over to hang out with Lewis instead of going to the party if it made Lewis more comfortable. Lewis had reassured Blake that he should go have fun with his friends and tell Lewis about anything particularly funny that happens the next day.

But now Blake was calling him and it was almost 2am. So Lewis answers because what if something bad has happened?

"Hello?" Lewis says into the phone.

"Hi baby, What are you doing?" Blake says into the phone sounding a little out of breath.

"Just finished doing homework, what are you doing? It's getting late, are you home yet?" Lewis says, wondering why it sounds like Blake just finished running a marathon. The fact that Blake is still out this late makes him a bit nervous but he knows Blake is capable of handling himself.

"Um... can I sleep over? I just really miss you and I like how your bed feels when I sleep" Blake says a little quieter because he is a bit nervous about how Lewis will respond to this spontaneity.

"Blake, w-where are you right now? I-i-i mean of course you can sleep here, but where are y-you?" Lewis says now more nervous than ever because this confirms that Blake is out wondering and coming over right now. He hasn't had time to prepare himself for someone staying over. Lewis lets out a long breath calming himself because this is just Blake who makes him feel the most comfortable he has ever felt.

"I um... I'm like outside your house, please come let me in" Blake says into the phone.

"O-okay I'm coming one second" Lewis says before immediately hanging up and quietly running down the stairs and out the front door. Once he's outside he spots Blake sitting criss-crossed on the sidewalk looking up at the sky.

"What are you d-doing here?" Lewis asks whispering because everything is so quiet at this time of night and he feels like they are disturbing the peace somehow.

"I just really wanted to see you baby!" Blake says jumping up and hugging Lewis really tightly. Blake was at the party and having a wonderful time but when he went to walk home he wanted nothing more than to hold Lewis while sleeping. This was probably overstepping his welcome but Lewis had answered and come outside so it was looking promising.

"Okay, um... when we go up to my room you have to be extra quiet because my family is all sleeping, yeah?" Lewis says pulling out of Blakes hold and looking into his eyes to make sure his message was getting through clearly.

"Yes baby, I really like your hair right now, it's so soft" Blake says. He was definitely listening but also very distracted by his gorgeous boyfriend standing in front of him looking so soft and cuddly.

"Blake, how much did you have to drink? You can't come inside if you're really drunk, I'm so-s-sorry but I wouldn't f-" Lewis says because he really doesn't want to deal with a very drunk person let alone invite them to sleep in his room. What if Blake tried something? What if Lewis couldn't stop him?

"Not that much baby I promise. Listen to me, I will go home if you don't feel comfortable, I just wanted to see you and hold you while we slept" Blake interrupts holding Lewis by the shoulders and looking him back in the eye. It was not his intention to be too drunk for this. Blake felt as though he was not but that has nothing to do with how Lewis feels about it.

"o-okay , but y-y-you have to be quiet please?" Lewis says after a beat of silence. He was contemplating how he felt but it was always obvious to him. He trusts Blake enough to know that he won't try anything and fully respects Lewis's boundaries.

"Of course, let's go" Blake says, pulling Lewis up to the front door.

They make their way up to Lewis's bedroom and Blake keeps as quiet as possible the entire time. Much to Lewis's affection, as soon as they are through the threshold of Lewis's doorway Blake grabs him by the shoulders and fully lays out on top of Lewis with his head tucked into Lewis's shoulder and squeezes tight. Blake takes deep breaths in, enjoying the warm comforting smell of Lewis and his bed. He also now notices how tired he feels so he snuggles impossibly closer to Lewis. Before Blake could fall all the way asleep Lewis gets him up to change into extra pjs and wash up then they get back into Lewis's bed for the night.

"You're so perfect, you know that?" Blake whispers after they had been laying there for a while.

"Thank you Blake, now go to sleep okay?" Lewis chuckles because this is the most open direct admiration Blake has ever given him and it's quite amusing.

Blake just hummed back with his eyes closed. He gave a big sigh then his breath seemed to even out. Lewis thought Blake had fallen asleep and when he was right on the verge of going himself he felt a soft kiss being pressed to his neck and a mumble of "goodnight baby" from Blake. Lewis felt his heart skip a beat, he really couldn't believe his luck. Blake had been at a party with many other people and he had made it his apparent mission to see Lewis tonight. Lewis found it incredibly sweet when Blake had asked just to hold him while they slept. He made a vow to himself that he was going to find a way to reciprocate this affection tomorrow and also help Blake with his inevitable hangover that's to come.

In the morning Lewis woke up first this time and rolled to be met with Blake's hair flung all over the pillow and his arms stretched out. Not the cutest sleeping position but this was still his amazing boyfriend and he really liked waking up beside him. Lewis got up and went to the kitchen to grab a glass of water and some pain killers for when Blake wakes up. In the kitchen he also tries to explain that Blake is sleeping upstairs in his bed to his mom. Luckily for Lewis his mom is fine with it but she warns him that next time he should let his parents know in advance of having a boy over.

Lewis sneaks his way back into the bed with a book and waits for Blake to wake up while reading. Once Blake stirs, Lewis puts the book down on his night stand and caresses Blakes head. Blake fully wakes up to Lewis running his hands through his hair, one of his favourite feelings in the world. Blake opens his eyes and groans because of the sunlight and his headache. He knew this was going to happen when he decided to drink last night but it was still worth it since he had fun. Plus he is now in the comfort of Lewis's bed so everything will work out.

"Good Morning sunshine, how ya feel?" Lewis asks loudly because he wants to nag Blake a little before helping him. By Blake's reaction it was definitely worth it. Blake gives him a look that would be menacing if he didn't have Lewis's hands in his hair, Lewis's rumpled shirt on and pillow marks on his cheek.

"Hi baby, you're amazing you know that? Thank you for letting me sleep here, I really wanted to see you" Blake says while burying his head into Lewis's thigh to hide from the noise and light.

"I like having you here too, here take these" Lewis says, nudging Blake with the glass of water and pills in his hands.

"Oh my god, you just keep getting better" Blake says after looking at what Lewis was trying to hand him.

The boys spend the day on the couch or in bed watching movies and reading sometimes, eventually they make their way outside for a walk but it is cut short since it is really starting to get cold outside. Blake can't stop from looking at Lewis and wondering how he got so lucky being the person that Lewis chose to let into his little bubble. Lewis just thinks about how Blake is possibly the most considerate person, besides his best friends they will always be first though.

The next day Blake has work and Lewis spends some time hanging out with Callie and Dylan. Blake occasionally texts him but for the most part Blake is just bored at the cash register of the movie theatre. Lewis is going through a detailed explanation of the recent event with Blake to Callie and Dylan who think that Blake is possibly the sweetest drunk person ever.

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