Chapter Twelve

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In the morning Lewis woke up quite stiff and a little confused why he was on the ground for a moment. Finally fully waking up he remembered that Blake was also here and probably bored out of his mind wondering when he could finally go home. But when Lewis looks up at the bed he finds Blake with his nose in a book from his shelf. Lewis smiles because it is one of his favourites. He lies there looking at Blake reading, he observes that Blake's hair falls in front of his eyes in this position and that he moves his jaw a little while reading. He just looks so soft in this position, wrapped in a blanket, not to mention in his own bed. Finally Lewis thinks that if he stares any longer it would be considered creepy so he sits up catching Blake's attention.

"Good morning" Lewis says as he stretches his back trying to get his joints ready to move again. Little does he know that Blake took notice of how his shirt rode up when he stretched and his beautiful rough morning voice.

"Yeah, morning. Did you sleep alright?" Blake asks knowing he must have been really cold but didn't want to directly bring it up as not to embarrass Lewis.

"Of c-course" Lewis says even though he woke up several times and somehow he doesn't remember grabbing the extra blanket but he is really glad he did because it got way too cold last night.

At that Lewis's mom calls up to them that breakfast is ready so they both get up and go downstairs into the kitchen. Lewis's mom has made eggs, bacon and waffles. Of course Lewis only grabs one egg and one piece of bacon claiming that he is pretty full from the snacks and dinner they had last night with the movies. Blake is really good at small conversations. He talks about cooking with his mom because they both have a love for that, then with Nate he can easily discuss the soccer league and before they're done breakfast Blake is braiding Gwen's hair like he said the day before. This to Lewis is more important even than himself liking Blake. His family definitely approves of Blake, but it is only time before Blake realizes he should be going for someone more like himself, able to interact with family members and just generally other people. God Lewis can't seem to believe that Blake genuinely wanted to spend time with him.

"Ah! Thank you so much Blake!" Gwen yells, breaking Lewis' spiralling thoughts and bringing him back to notice that Blake has finished braiding his sister's hair and is smiling because he is proud of himself.

"Wow that is pretty good Blake. Where did you learn to braid hair like that?" Lewis's mom asks. 

"Oh, I have two sisters and a single mom. I've picked a few things up over the years" Blake says with a small shrug of his shoulders. Like this isn't the biggest deal ever to Lewis, that he is actually trying to get to know his family and himself and being nice to him and maybe even caring. Who knows maybe Blake does like him. Nope, nope that is just going to get his hopes he can't think like that.

"You should spend some time outside today, it's really nice out" Lewis's mom suggests since it is sunny outside with a light breeze which is basically the perfect weather. So, Blake looks at Lewis to see his reaction.

"We could walk to the park and have lunch there, Oh there is a smoothie place close that's kinda on the way we can stop there. Only if you want to though, we don't have to" Blake says all in one big rush because he got a little carried away and then decided they must think he is being too forward and they won't like him if he's too pushy. But Lewis just smiles reassuringly at him.

"Sure that sounds fun, let's go change then we can go" Lewis agrees then turns around to go back upstairs and find clothes for himself and Blake since he didn't really have anything here.

They stopped at the smoothie shop to get themselves a sort of lunch and Blake insisted on paying even after Lewis had made it clear he was more than capable of doing so. A small part of Lewis was wondering what it would be like if this was a date with Blake, but he knows this is an unrealistic thought. He is also pretty grateful for Blake because not only is he paying but he did all the talking for the ordering process, he simply asked what Lewis wanted before it was their turn then just ordered for him. At this point Lewis doesn't care if he should be able to order on his own as an almost fully grown person this just saved him and the cashier time because he would have stuttered really bad and embarrassed himself in front of Blake.

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