Chapter Eight

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Lewis had woken up a little while later around five-thirty and Callie was sitting on his bed beside him on her phone. He rolled over and hit her then just put his head back on the pillow.

"Hey, how are you doin'?" Callie asks with a heavy tone of sympathy which means his mom must have called her to come and spend some time with him tonight.

"I'm okay, my head hurts a lot though" Lewis says honestly because his shoulder would definitely bruise but his head was pounding.

"Yah, your mom left some water and pain meds beside you there" Callie says pointing to his bedside table which had two little white pills and a full glass of water.

"Thanks. You don't have to stay with me, you know. If you have somewhere e-" Lewis says before being interrupted by her hand covering his mouth.

"There is nowhere I would rather be than nursing my bestfriend back to health. Now I brought a new movie I thought we could watch in the living room. Sound good?" Callie says definitively, like she always does. She has constantly picked up his pieces and he is not sure why she is still around but he's going to savour every moment.

They both make their way to the living room but Callie makes sure to keep close to his side because he doesn't quite feel stable yet. They watched about half the movie before Lewis fell asleep again. This time he curled up on half the couch under a fuzzy blanket. Callie watched over him while he slept.

There was a soft knock at the door so Lewis' mom ran to get it. To her surprise it was Blake. She was a little dumbfounded that Lewis had made such quick friends with the young man since he was just so bad in social situations. But this was more of a proud moment because maybe he was getting better and she wouldn't have to worry so much about him.

"Um... Hi Mrs. Walters. I was just wondering how Lewis is doing? He didn't seem to be in the best shape leaving practice today" Blake quickly says before he could chicken out. It took him a whole five minutes of just standing by his front door to finally make the trip to visit Lewis. 

"Oh it's so sweet of you to come check up on him, thank you. Come in, come in. He is doing much better his head still was bothering him though" Lewis's mom says while ushering Blake into the hallway so he could take off his shoes.

"If it's a bad time I can come back when he's feeling better. I just needed to make sure he was truly okay after such a nasty tumble" Blake says, hoping he wasn't crossing any boundaries.

"No, no. Don't be silly, now is a perfect time. Why don't you join him and Callie in the living room. Just through there. I'll bring you some snacks" Lewis's mom says, now hopeful that this near perfect boy could really be a good friend to Lewis.

"Alright, I'll ask him if he is up for another visitor" Blake says walking towards the living room.

Blake walked into the living room and froze. Lewis was cuddled up under a soft fuzzy blanket that he had tucked up under his chin. His hair was kind of messy in an adorable way. He just looked so soft and Blake had never wanted to touch someone's cheek just to see if it was as smooth as it looked before. Blake then made eye contact with Callie who was sitting on the other end of the couch watching a movie. He must be a lot less subtle than he thought he was because the look in Callie's eyes is telling him she can see right through him. She definitely knows what he was thinking about while he was staring at a sleeping Lewis. Just then Callie got up and gestured for Blake to follow her back into the hallway.

"Okay, you had fondness written all over your face while staring at my bestfriend so it is only right for me to grill you with questions, okay?" Callie says, not wasting time.

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