Chapter Twenty

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Lewis was justifiably nervous for his first day back to school dating Blake. He didn't want people to be talking about them or looking at them and most of all not judging them. Lewis doesn't think he could handle anymore pressure to look good in front of everyone.

All goes well though, nothing is particularly horrible about it. Lewis walks to school like any other day, then at his locker Blake meets him and stands with his hand around Lewis's waist after getting confirmation it was alright from Lewis. Then when they are walking in the hallway between classes or lunch they are always holding hands. This might be Lewis's favourite because he can rely on Blake to get him through the crowd. They now tend to spend lunch together in the library. When reading they sit in Lewis's found darker corner togethers with their sides pressed together or with the Blakes head in his lap playing on his phone once he gets bored. Once Blake even fell asleep, Lewis almost skipped class just to let him sleep more but he had a test so he couldn't and had to disturb Blake's peace.

Lewis had stopped wanting to sit with his friend group because they had taken to giving him rude little comments, Lewis didn't really know why this started, unfortunately he assumed they had finally noticed how much he didn't belong in their group. The real reason was two of the girls were jealous that he was now dating Blake. If they pointed out enough of Lewis's flaws maybe Blake would dumb him and go to them. However, Blake was well aware that this was their plan so he always made sure that Lewis knew how amazing and appreciated he was. Every comment that was made towards Lewis sparked extra rage in Blake so he would give Lewis even more blatant affection in retaliation. He is conscious enough to know that this is not a great solution but he doesn't care, as long as Lewis is aware of how much Blake cares and is feeling comfortable that is all that matters.

A week later, Lewis had been having a pretty good day and decided that he could go to the cafeteria today. He also needed to eat since there was soccer practice after school. Blake and him made their way there together and were met with smiling faces from Callie and Dylan who spotted them first. Lewis was ever thankful for them during this because both had been constantly checking in with him about how he felt with Blake.

"Finally, you know you can't hog Blake forever, Lewis. He doesn't owe you anything" Madeleine says, giving a pointed look at Lewis.

"I think Lewis deserves the world and I could spend all my time with him" Blake says, first to Madeleine who just scoffed and finished by turning his head to look at Lewis as they both sat down at the table. Blake can easily see that Lewis is going to internalize those words and make himself feel guilty for spending time with Blake. He made eye contact with Dylan to hint that this wasn't going well.

"Well aren't you just a big sap, jeez" Dylan says light heartedly changing the subject from their relationship since it is more than obvious that Lewis is no longer comfortable with it.

After school was the soccer practice and Lewis is now enjoying the sun that's beating down on the cool fall day. The team is doing shooting drills per coaches request, but some defence players have been pulled away to focus more on that aspect instead. Blake has been noticing that the coach seems to pay a little extra attention to Lewis, not in a creepy or bad way but in a 'caring only wants what's best' kind of way. After almost every practice he goes to Lewis and tells him what he has done well and one thing he can do to improve. Blake won't admit it but he may have eavesdropped a couple times while waiting for Lewis because he got curious about what they were talking about. The two boys are unaware but the coach knows how insecure Lewis gets about himself so he makes a point of giving him extra credit when he does well, but he also knows that Lewis won't accept that so he has to give him some pointers too.

Lewis's mom was driving the two home, they were dropping Blake at his house first. Since this was the first time they had done this Lewis was nervous his mom was going to degrade his practising in front of Blake but she didn't. Blake noticed how Lewis tensed right before they got in the car. This confused Blake until Lewis's mom started to critique Lewis's skills. It wasn't anything extreme but it was hard to sit there and listen to his mom pick apart such nitty gritty aspects and Lewis be so intune with it. Lewis was subconsciously nodding and humming every once and a while to acknowledge what his mom was saying. Blake noticed how Lewis was tightly gripping his sweater pocket, white knuckles while listening. Blake reached over and took Lewis's hand, gently prying his fingers out and threading his own fingers into Lewis's to interlace their hands. Now while they rode to his house he kept glancing over at Lewis to see his face and was rubbing his thumb back and forth over Lewis's hand.

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