Chapter Twenty One

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It was now Friday and the two boys were stuck with the task of babysitting again. Blake had come over right after school with a change of clothes since they had planned a sleepover again. Lewis was sitting on the middle cushion of the couch leaning against Blakes side with his dark grey sweater pulled over his hands as he fiddled with it. They were watching some movie that Blake had picked. Lewis didn't particularly like the cheesy rom-com but it's what Blake wanted and he had seemed so excited.

Lewis was taking specific note of how Blake looked today. He was wearing a light grey t-shirt with a dark red button up undone over top and dark jeans. His blond curls were messy from the school day and he had a content look on his face from watching the movie. Lewis could only hope that the fact that they were watching the movie together cuddled up on his couch was a part of why Blake looked so pleased.

Blake had noticed that Lewis seemed a bit on edge when they had walked home. He couldn't be sure but it may have been something from school or maybe just general anxiety. Today had been a good day for the pair. They had had a nice lunch in the library and he even got Lewis to put his stupid (amazing, great and completely stealing his boyfriend) book down so they could talk. Blake had been loving how much time Lewis had been allowing them to spend together. At the start Lewis had made a couple of excuses for not hanging out because he was afraid Blake would get tired of him, in reality Blake couldn't stay away from him without being bored. Truth be told Blake didn't make that many friends since he moved, except Lewis, Callie, Dylan and a couple guys on the soccer team.

Lewis was acting on edge because he was still deciding whether to go through with his original plan. Earlier that day during lunch he had come to the conclusion that kissing Blake would be a very good idea for tonight. Lewis finally felt ready for that. Intimacy was never Lewis's strong suit, probably never would be, but he had been working on it. Blake had always been respectful and gentle with him and this made Lewis feel like he could trust Blake for this. Lewis had been debating with himself their entire walk back and now while sitting on the couch. He just couldn't get the bad thoughts out of his head. What if Blake realised he was a bad kisser? What if he did something wrong? What if Blake didn't want to kiss him?

While Lewis was having the internal conflict Blake had noticed him looking off into space again. He knows this happens sometimes when Lewis has something stressing him out or on bad days, but today had been good. So why was this happening now, when they were relaxed on his couch just watching tv? Blake just turns back to the tv and waits for Lewis to bring up what was bugging him.

About ten minutes later Blake feels Lewis put a hand on his face and turn it towards himself. They make eye contact and Blake can't tell what is happening behind Lewis's eyes. He seems to be nervous about something. Lewis just stares back making last minute calculations for his plan. Finally Lewis just surges in and connects their lips.

Lewis can't believe he is doing this. Blake is taken aback for a second because he was not expecting this. Once he regains himself Blake leans into their kiss and gently reaches up to cup Lewis' jaw. Lewis was about to pull away until he felt Blake's hand on his face. He can feel his own cheek becoming hot from the blush creeping its way onto his face. This is so completely out of character that he feels a bit of adrenaline pumping through his veins.

Finally Blake breaks the kiss by pulling away but leaving his hand where it was and using his thumb to stroke over Lewis's blush covered cheek. Blake takes in Lewis's flushed look, no doubt observing how Lewis is still slightly holding his breath. Lewis has his hands rested on Blake's thighs originally for support but now it is more for leverage in case he has to flee immediately. After a couple seconds of admiring each other Blake breaks out into a big grin, dimples showing and eyes crinkling.

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