Chapter Seven

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As Lewis is putting his plate from breakfast in the dishwasher in the morning he hears his mom call him from the living room so he goes to find her.

"Ah there you are, do you know this boy? He has the prettiest hair" his mom asks, pointing out the window at a figure walking past their house on the sidewalk. To Lewis's surprise it is Blake.

"Oh, uuum... That's Blake Landry, he is the new student at our school" Lewis explains, feeling rather awkward talking about him when he can still see him a little further down the road now.

"Ah, isn't that lovely! He looks like a very nice young man. Did you speak to him?" his mom questions, seeming a little over interested, it should be expected at this point because she knows Lewis struggles with new people and making friends.

"Um... yah, he sat with our group at lunch and introduced himself t-to us. I d-d-didn't say m-much though, s-s-s-sorry" Lewis says becoming much more nervous at the end because he is anticipating more questions and is worried his mom will be disappointed that he didn't lead the conversation.

"Oh sweets, that's perfectly alright. I just hope he is nice to you" his mom says, finalizing the conversation because now that Lewis is stuttering she knows she has made him nervous somehow and will not push him any further.

"Sorry, m-mom but i-i-i've got to leave f-for school" Lewis says, turning on his heels to pick up his bag.

"Ok sweets, have a good day. Call me if you need anything" she yells from the living room still as Lewis has made his way to the door to find his shoes and leave.

Lewis pops his head into the living room giving her a big smile and a nod before he is out the door and his head is swimming. Already he can tell today is going to be a hard one. Lewis keeps his headphones in with music playing low until he gets all the way to his locker because he doesn't want to be able to hear all the hallway noise right now. He can see Callie at her locker grabbing a sketch pad for her first class and walking towards him. Callie is the best because she notices his headphones are still in and just stands beside him on her phone while he rummages through all his things to find what he needs for his morning classes. Once he is done she gives a warm heartfelt smile and brings him into a crushing hug, today is going to be a day where he needs his friends help to hold himself together. One of Callie's hugs isn't going to fix everything but it is certainly helping cope. She pushes him back until her hands are just on his shoulders before trying to make eye contact with him but today Lewis just can't meet her eyes, so she sighs and leads them towards his first class.

During lunch Lewis can't bring himself to even look up from the table unless it is to fake a laugh at something semi funny one of his friends has said. He also only eats half his apple since his mom watched him eat breakfast again this morning he can't allow himself anymore. He will eat some of the chicken he stole from their leftover salad mix from last night's dinner, before practice because he has practice and can't afford to explain another fainting incident. The last time he was able to blame it on not feeling well all day but that wont pass a second time. 

At the end of english class Lewis quickly scarfed down a couple pieces of the lightly seasoned pre-cooked chicken that is supposed to be added to a salad. He rushes to the changing room to get ready for practice. The first thing Lewis sees upon entering the room is that Blake has set his bag beside where Lewis always puts his. This can't be a coincidence, someone has to be messing with him. Whatever the universe is planning he can't decide if he likes it or hates it because this way he is closer to Blake then he ever has been before but this way he is closer to Blake, so what is he supposed to do with himself. Lewis sets his bag down without looking anywhere else he gathers his clothes and quickly makes his way to the bathroom stalls within the changing room.

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