Chapter Five

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Lewis woke up the next morning to his phone ringing, he rolled over in his bed to grab his phone off the floor where he left it charging overnight. It was Dylan calling him.

"Hey" Lewis says, trying to rub some sleep from his eyes and actually remember what Dylan is about to say even though he just woke up.

"Hi, did you just wake up? Sorry man, I was just wondering if you would want to have a movie night with Callie and I tonight?" Dylan asks after apologizing for waking up his friend.

"Yah the phone ringing does actually wake me up, you know. But yeah sure you guys can come over and I'll have the livingroom set up for us" Lewis replies because now he is looking forward to spending some time with his friends.

"Great! I'll text Callie and let her know what we have planned and let you know what she says" Dylan says.

"K ... I'm going back to sleep now. Bye, see ya later" Lewis says because he is slightly annoyed that Dylan would call him so early in the morning.

"Ha, k see ya then" Dylan says before hanging up.

Lewis set his phone back down and snuggled up under his covers to get another hour a bit of sleep before getting up to be at least a little productive today. He spends the day doing some laundry and homework so he doesn't have to do it tomorrow when he knows he will be tired from staying up too late with Callie and Dylan. Lewis also looks over some reviews of movies on Netflix he could suggest they watch tonight. About half way through the day he gets a text from Dylan saying that Callie is busy tonight and won't be able to make it but that she didn't give any details which is rather suspicious. Who could she be hanging out with? Maybe it's a new date, she is always meeting new people.

Finally, around seven Dylan knocks on their front door and Lewis goes to open it and let him. Lewis is wearing his favorite black sweater and some grey joggers because he knows this is going to be a cozy night in with his friend. When he opens the door he is greeted by an almost matching Dylan, they are wearing the same joggers but he is wearing a green t-shirt with the school's logo on it instead.

"Hey, come in. Here let me take those" Lewis says, swinging the door wider and reaching to grab the bags Dylan brought. When he looks inside his heart drops because there are so many different bags of candy and chips. It makes him nauseous just thinking about what those foods would do to him.

"Thanks, so what movie did you pick for us?" Dylan says while making his way over to the living room. 

"I don't know, I pulled some options up on Netflix. You chose" Lewis said while he was putting some of the food in the kitchen and sorting to see if he could allow himself to eat any.

"I am watching with you!" Nate says bursting from the hallway and throwing himself onto the couch with Dylan.

"If you so even happen look at me and open your mouth I will kick you out" Lewis says while carrying a couple different food bags to set on the coffee table for them to snack on. He wouldn't have to be so harsh if Nate wasn't the worst person to watch things with because he always interrupts by talking.

"I promise, I won't'' Nate says from his place, lying on the couch taking up too much space for three people to be sitting on it comfortably.

"Yah sure, move over" Lewis says before giving him time to actually move and just throwing his legs off the couch so he could sit in the middle of the two.

The three boys watch the first movie in pretty much silence but near the end Nate gets a bit restless and it starts to annoy Lewis. But luckily Nate makes it through the whole movie before he says he can't possibly watch another so he leaves to go to his room. This makes Lewis quite nervous because he was using Nate to make it look like he was taking candy and chips but really he was handing them over to him but Dylan didn't seem to have noticed that. 

For their second movie they both decided they needed more blankets so Lewis threw one over the both of them and had to get a bit closer to Dylan to do so. He can remember a time where being this close to Dylan would have probably sent him into another attack because he thought he would make Dylan uncomfortable by being gay. But Dylan has never been like that, he is straight but still always feels at home with Lewis. He couldn't be more thankful for their friendship. Lewis has always cherished that Dylan has made an effort to make it known that he is comfortable with being touched. Lewis is actually pretty sure that touch is Dylan's love language because he never misses an opportunity to be giving a loving soft touch no matter where they are. It is always very sweet.

That night relaxing with Dylan was exactly what Lewis needed to get his mind off of what could happen Monday if the new kid was to show up then. They end up watching two movies and one episode of a show before Dylan is falling asleep on Lewis's shoulder so they head to his room to sleep fighting over who gets their favourite fuzzy blanket. 

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