Chapter Nine

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"Hey, um ... can I talk to you guys about something?" Blake says, approaching Callie and Dylan standing by Dylan's locker in the hallway.

"Sure! Why so nervous?" Callie says, upon seeing Blake toying with the hem of his t-shirt.

"Well, um ... I really like Lewis, as you already know, um ... I want to ask him out but I don't know how to do this" Blake says exasperatedly. He just has to do this, it will eat him all day because of all the "what ifs'" if he doesn't do this now.

"Aawww! It's cute that you want this so much!" Dylan chimes in because just from how fidgety Blake is he can tell how he has been thinking about him a lot.

"Okay, first of all we want you to know that anything that hurts Lewis will face our wrath so you should be prepared for that" Callie says, trying to act tough because she knows Lewis needs her protection but she also doesn't come across as intimidating to most people.

"Got it. I promise I won't hurt him" Blake says with his whole heart knowing he would try his hardest to make sure nothing ever hurts Lewis again. 

"Hhmm okay. Second as I said before I am not going to fully explain because that is up to Lewis but you should know that this isn't going to be easy because he has always been a little bit insecure and will most likely need to be told directly what you want from him" Callie says, trying to warn Blake that things with Lewis are not usually straightforward. Blake takes this statement to mean that he will only have to try twice as hard to win this amazing boy's heart. He will make that his incentive.

"That's fine, I really want this and I'm willing to put in the effort" Blake says and he means every word.

Blake knows he is usually a people person and good at charming everyone into liking him. This shouldn't be any different, he will just get Lewis talking to him more and more until he knows enough about him. He also wants to make sure Lewis will be perfectly comfortable saying yes to him. This he thinks will be the tricky part because of, as Callie mentioned, Lewis's insecurities, whatever they are.

However, Blake had planned to get Lewis talking about something he likes at lunch and make sure to be asking him questions and be interested and totally invested in their side conversation, away from the rest of the group. This was not how it was going, about halfway through lunch Blake gave up on this idea because he couldn't get anymore than a short sentence out of Lewis. Then, when he approached him at his locker after class to ask for some clarification about something the teacher had said during class, Lewis gave him a small explanation and ran off to his next class. Blake thought this was rather odd because last night at Lewis's house they had talked so freely about everything together. Lewis seemed so himself and open during that hour but now here at school he was hidden so far away it was going to be hard for Blake to get him to talk. Blake decided to talk to Callie about this.

"Hey, I was wondering um ... why doesn't Lewis really talk at school, like at his house he could have told me about this book he had just finished forever but today at lunch I couldn't get him to speak" Blake asks right away because he really needs to fix this problem.

"Oh, yah he doesn't like public because sometimes he stutters and just sometimes it is too many people for him" Callie says trying to explain that it was just something they had all gotten used to.

"Um okay, so I just need to get him by himself. Thanks!" Blake says

"Yah, um also I was thinking about it and I made a list for you of all the homophobic fuckers at this school. It is sectioned into two, people to avoid because you might be hate crimed and people to shove being gay in their face because it annoys them" Callie says with a big smile on her face and handing a small slip of paper to Blake.

Blake just laughs and smiles giving her a thank you nod and walks off towards the doors of the school ready to head home. On his walk home he thinks about how he should get Lewis to invite him over, because Lewis coming to his house wasn't an option. He would be far too nervous and Blake's mom would only fuss over them. He thinks that maybe just after practice they could talk in the little section outside the stalls because they seem to be the only two that change in there, so it would be slightly private.

That night Blake pulls his t-shirt off and climbs under the covers. He falls asleep with a picture of Lewis's smile in his head. 

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