Chapter Nineteen

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Blake was looking at the weather app on his phone deciding if he needed a jacket today or not when his mom yelled from the front entrance way that she was heading out for her shift. Once he shouted back that he loved her and to have a good day he pulled his fleece lined navy blue plaid jacket just in case since it was a little cloudy and getting into later fall cool winds. Before leaving the house he poked his head into his little sister's room to let them know he was leaving for a bit and would be back before dinner.

Lewis's house was just in view when Blake tripped on a broken section of the sidewalk so he landed hard on his extended hands, scraping the palm of his left hand in the process. Blake cursed himself standing up and looking at the injured hand, it wasn't a bad cut but he should definitely rinse it off and get the little pebbles out. Blake has always been a pretty clumsy person so this isn't his first rodeo with a scrap, though this doesn't bode well for constantly holding Lewis's hand while walking unless he stays on Lewis's left side at all times. He knocks on Lewis's front door and takes a step back waiting for someone to open the door, palm still stinging a bit but now he is distracted by how excited he is to hangout with Lewis again.

Upstairs in Lewis's house he Lewis was once again panicking again because he didn't know if Blake was considering this another date or if they were just hanging out. He wanted to dress up more if it was a date but they are just walking to get ice cream so he can't be too fancy. Finally, he decided on some loser grey jeans with a light orange t-shirt and his converse. Orange felt seasonally appropriate with the leaves changing colours and it wasn't too cold out yet so he figured he would be fine with just the t-shirt.

Lewis upon hearing the knock at the door flew down the stairs to yank it open before anyone else from his family could. His mom was far too excited that he had enjoyed the date so she would just make it too obvious to Blake and embarrass Lewis, Gwen and Nate are just annoying and his dad would give the whole "don't break my son's heart" speech. Lewis smiled big when he saw Blake waiting on his front porch. 

"Hello beautiful, ready to go?" Blake says, smiling bright at Lewis. Lewis's cheeks were a little flushed from nervousness and having just run down the stairs so he looked extra alive and Blake loved it.

"Hi... just on sec t-t-then yes" Lewis says after a pause. Blake calling him beautiful so casually through Lewis off. Lewis runs in and grabs his wallet, pushing it into his back pocket he heads out door shutting it behind himself and looking down at his feet since Blake is still looking at him and Lewis doesn't know where else to look without being awkward.

"Great! So how was your yesterday? Anything interesting happen?" Blake says, grabbing a hold of Lewis's hand forgetting all about his cut and hissing as soon as their skins make contact. Blake immediately pulls his hand into his chest and inspecting it out of reflex. Lewis was caught off guard by how fast Blake pulled away, he thought maybe he had done something to disgust Blake but then he saw the blood on Blakes hand. Lewis grew instantly concerned, how had he not noticed Blake bleeding earlier?

"'Let's go back and wash your hand, yah? How did you cut yourself?" Lewis says, turning around and grabbing Blake's other hand to drag him back inside and into their bathroom to properly wash the cut out.

"Um.. Thank you, I tripped on my way here like an idiot" Blake says, looking at the ground because he is embarrassed. Blake also notices how caring Lewis is, he is gently scrubbing over Blake's scrap with a soapy washcloth and giving it all his attention. Blake is mesmerized by how cute Lewis looks when he is focused and not thinking about himself. 

"You're not an idiot, but you are clumsy" Lewis says with a little giggle because he has seen Blake fall more than anyone else on the team many times during soccer practices.

What Lewis didn't notice was how Blake smiled even more from the adorable giggle that Lewis had let slip. Blake thought Lewis was the most cute, caring and intelligent boy he had ever met. Everything about Lewis was interesting to Blake, Lewis was so quiet and then when he was comfortable he could go on a tangent about his favourite book or movie, he was also smart and could easily impress Blake with his knowledge about basically everything. But the thing Blake liked the most about Lewis was how he was still himself even when he was nervous or anxious about something, Lewis has always loved reading and was not shy about voicing that opinion when Blake asked why he liked the library or when he was on the soccer field and able to control the whole game with his skills.

After Lewis cleaned and dressed Blake's hand they left the house again to walk to the ice cream parlour. Unfortunately when they got there it was under construction much to Blakes dismay. Lewis secretly celebrated that it was closed because it got him away from the unnecessary sugars. Blake apologized profusely and promised to be much more prepared next time even after Lewis told him it was totally fine and nothing to worry about.

The two decided to just continue walking on a path by a river. They talked and occasionally there was comfortable silence between the two. Lewis was focused on the fact that Blake had mentioned a next time, this had to mean that Blake wanted to continue to see Lewis. He was feeling overly excited about this and was trying to calm himself down before Blake noticed how giddy he had become after that news. They walked holding hands the entire time with Blake on Lewis's left side so he didn't hurt his hand again.

As they were approaching Lewis's house Blake stopped then and turned his body to completely face Lewis. He was nervous because this was becoming more and more important to him and this question was going to most likely change their relationship. Hopefully for the better but he still didn't want to pressure Lewis into anything so it was always and forever on Lewis's terms. 

"Lewis, will you be my boyfriend?" Blake finally says after a deep breath to psych himself up. Lewis stood there for a beat with his gaze stuck on Blakes face.

Yes! umm ... ya of course I will" Lewis says, raising his arms to indicate he wanted to hug Blake but wanted confirmation that was what Blake wanted too. Obviously Blake immediately tackled Lewis into a bear hug, squeezing him tight and lifting Lewis off the ground a bit while smiling a full dimpled smile into his shoulder.

"Amazing! Okay, ugh I was so nervous. You decide who and when we tell people and how far we go in public and private okay? Everything waits till you feel ready, yah?" Blake says, setting Lewis back down and pulling away so his hands are resting on Lewis's shoulders. Blake makes direct eye contact with Lewis because this is very important to him and wants to really drive his point home. Of course Lewis could not be happier to hear those words come from his now boyfriend and he gives a little nod while smiling at Blake.

"I-i-i'm going t-to tell C-C-Callie and Dyl-lan because they ke-kept asking when y-y-you would ask" Lewis says laughing as Blake drops his jaw in fake offence.

"I waited like two days, I wanted to give you time to decide if I was too annoying or not" Blake says, rolling his eyes and dropping his arms down to his side dramatically. Lewis has always been told by his mom that he was a drama queen but Blake might have him beat at the moment. 

Instead of answering Lewis just dives back in for another hug, he wraps his arms around Blake's waist tightly tucking his head under Blake's chin. He could very much get used to the constant physical touch, it has always been something Lewis needed and loved. Blake was caught by surprise not expecting the sudden affection from Lewis but only took a second before he wrapped his arms around Lewis giving another squeeze and shoving his nose in Lewis's hair. Lewis even smelled cute, he had a clean soft scent that was incredibly suiting for him and Blake loved it already.

Eventually they pulled away and Blake dropped Lewis off at his house, again leaving with a quick peck on the cheek because he really enjoyed the way it made Lewis blush. Lewis questions why Blake would choose him almost as soon as he's in his room alone. He can't stop thinking about how many more deserving people are out there for Blake. Lewis decides to enjoy his time with Blake while it lasts and not think about the future. Of course his anxious mind didn't cooperate with this decision and was still bringing it up but Lewis tried his best to remember that it was Blake who had done the asking. He wouldn't have done that if he didn't want to. Lewis called Callie and Dylan later that night and informed them of his big news. They both expressed how proud and excited they were for him and how they knew Blake was going to ask him out sooner or later.

Lewis and Blake both went to bed with small calm smiles or their faces thinking about each other. 

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