Chapter Seventeen

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Lewis is in his room in front of his full length mirror wondering whether his gray t-shirt is covering his hips enough when his mom entered the room to ask if he was almost ready. He had been freaking out all day at school because of his upcoming date with Blake. Callie and Dylan have gone over what to expect with him about three hundred times throughout the school with him, even going as far as to plan out what sort of topics he should bring up because he was nervous they would run out of things to talk about. Even though they never have before. Lewis was now trying his best to make his plain clothing work for a date. It's not that he didn't have nice clothing because his mom made sure he was always appropriately representing the family, it was that he was not in love with the way his body looked all of the time and it made it very hard to pick an outfit he thought would impress Blake enough.

Throughout this week his mom has been super supportive about his date, she has been helping calm him down every time he thinks about going out with a cute boy and freaks himself out. His mom has also been trying to interrogate him about Blake, asking questions like what does his family do for a living, how has he been getting on at school or if Lewis feels comfortable around him enough for this date? Lewis appreciates her constant skepticism because it has helped him realize how much he doesn't know about Blake, this will help him think of discussion topics for their date. But he also really does feel comfortable with Blake, he thinks it would be easy to be dating Blake since he is just so perfect about every little quirk that comes with being around Lewis.

Lewis has noticed the way Blake has moved to eating with him in the library most school days, how Blake has been using gentle touches to bring him back almost every time Lewis finds himself lost in thought and how Blake always verbally acknowledges how he is having a good time which saves Lewis lot's of unnecessary wondering.

"Sweets, I don't think you should wear that shirt, it hugs you just a bit too tight right now" Lewis's mom says while standing in the doorway of his room, looking at him and tilting her head to the side while examining him. 

"I-i-i-i know ... p-p-please help-p m-me?" Lewis pleads looking at his mom's eyes through the mirror. He roughly tugs the shirt up over his head and flings it at his bed letting out a little grunt of frustration. Lewis can feel that soon the tears are going to make an appearance because he is too stressed about this and nothing is working.

"Okay, let's look in here and I'll find something, no worries. I like those pants so I say you wear those with your cleaner black vans, ya?" Lewis's mom says light heartedly trying to calm the situation down before her son fully explodes since she can sense that's where this is leading.

She sorts through his closet until she finds the shirt she had in mind and hands it over to him. Meanwhile Lewis is standing there staring at himself in the mirror and picking at the fingers waiting for his mom to once again save him from his own demise.

Finally she gives him a dark blue polo shirt that is a bit baggier than the previous. Paired with his light wash loose fit jeans that have a small rip on the knee and black vans he is now ready for the date. Once his mom has now approved of his messy hairstyle his is pacing the living room waiting for Blake to show up. Lewis can only think about what could go wrong during their date, like if Blake finally realizes how annoying Lewis really is. His mom is watching from the kitchen how her son is slowly losing it over this date. She is just hoping Blake shows up soon because he always has a calming effect on Lewis. She's been able to observe them over the last couple of weeks because the two boys always hang out at Lewis's house since it makes him more comfortable and she has noticed that Blake continuously uses gentle words and touches with Lewis. She also really likes how close the two have gotten, it has been a while since she has seen Lewis act like that with others, with the exception of Callie and Dylan. Lewis's mom is also incredibly proud that he has been able to put himself out there again and made a friend, even Blake sort of forced it at first, she is just happy Lewis gave in eventually.

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