Chapter One: Empty House

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Chapter One: Empty House

"Are you excited?" Symon asked as he pushed a book back into the book shelf that ran along the wall of my office. "Silas you have to be excited, Jeremy is retried its like a fresh start for not just you, but for the whole pack. New rul-"

"There will be no new rules, I like the rules that we have, why would I change them?" I asked leaning forward in my chair so my elbows were pressed onto the desk. Symon just couldn't wait to get out of his position. I mean I loved the man, he was my brother after all. But he didn't have the will to be my Beta. And poor Jeremy had been in the role of Beta since our father was the new Alpha of the pack. The man needed to retire.

"But sure Sy, I'm excited. I just wish I knew the guy. For all we know he can be shady as fuck and stab us all in our sleep." Needles to say, I was weary about all of this.

Jeremy assured us his son would be amazing for the role as Beta, but he wasn't really part of the pack, he'd left soon after his mother died. Jeremy said it was safer for his son to live with his mother's parents in the far north. He said he was being trained to be the best to his ability.

I had doubts about all this, I mean. What kind of Alpha didn't know his Beta?

My father had grown up with Jeremy, they'd been friends since they were pups. Jeremy was there the night I was born. His son. Darren. Was a couple of years older than I was, and he had already left for the north by the time I was born.

"Silas, relax. Jeremy had given us his word that his son was the man for this job. We both know I can't keep doing this. I almost broke my leg when we were hunting. Silas I tripped. I tripped over a branch. No one is taking you seriously with me as second in command." Symon was right. He was much more fit for a desk job. The poor guy was a runt. But I needed a temporary Beta while Jeremy was away. He was the only man I could trust for the job.

Jeremy had been gone for two weeks by this point. And in those two weeks Symon had nearly lost an eye, almost broke his leg, sprained his wrist, and pissed off our lead hunter Elis, by telling him to "follow his nose" In this most sarcastic voice I'd ever heard from him.

I knew he was young. But I honestly thought he was mature enough.

Everyone was excited for Jeremy to return at this point.

Aside from myself.

I just had an odd feeling about all this. Not necessarily bad, but also not necessarily good either.

"Well, I'm going to make sure Darren's office is ready. We'd would hate for him to feel unwelcomed. Right Alpha Silas" Symon raised his brow to me and crossed his arms over his chest. A strand of his light brow hair fell into his face. He bated it away with his hand. I shook my head at him. He tried so hard, but always managed to fail.

"I'll make him feel welcomed. But I'm also going to let him know that he needs to earn our trust. That he can't just walk in here and think he can take everything over. He needs to earn respect. Everyone trusts and respects Jeremy so it shouldn't be to hard." I stood up and walked over to Symon. I was about six inches taller than he was. We were polar opposites. His hair was light brown, mine was practically black, his eyes were brown, mine were blue. I was strong and he was.. well you get the point.

I patted his back and ushered him out of my office. I still had paper work to finish before I could leave. An Alpha's work was never done.


I walked into the empty house, Symon had moved out last month and I was left alone, in the big empty home that had once held our whole family. Somehow a home that held a family of five had turned into an empty whole holding nothing but memories and pain. And myself. In just seven years.

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