Chapter Eight: Cold Coffee

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Chapter Eight: Cold Coffee

   It had been a week since Symon's keys were stolen, everything was going well though, all the locks on the gate and in the office were changed. Our camera systems was updated. And cameras were placed on the front and back of every home.

   To my surprise, Symon already had a security camera set up, but it hadn't been activated yet.

   Elis had men on every street, and still had enough to scout the territory. Tyla found no leads to who was in the house. But we were sure they were now gone, seeing's they had no where to hide.

   Darren spent most of his days either in his office of on the second floor in the surveillance room looking over tapes. It was nice to see him actually working and not just being a grouch. He'd been the one to suggest the cameras on houses after we couldn't get a lead on who went into Symon's house, seeing's the two building that did have cameras near by didn't get anything strange, other then a couple walking there baby.

   Lucca had been on might guard for the front gate, spending his days in bed so he could be all night on high alert. Around six in the morning he'd stop by Symon's, with coffee for the both of us. And then go back to his place to sleep.

   Symon refused to let me leave, he didn't want to stay in his house, but he would not stay at my house or a hotel. He was torn between feeling unsafe in his home, and being paranoid to leave it.

   I didn't mind though, I spent most of my day with him, only leaving to go to the office for a few hours before coming back. And when I was gone Elis had volunteered to keep an eye on him. So needless to say, things where going smoothly at Autumn Fall's.

   I had just walked into the office building with a try of coffee and teas. Going to the elevator and going to the second floor. It looked a lot like the third floor with my office, but where the third floor was covered in doors. The second floor only had one. Going over to the only door I unlocked it with the new master key. -That would be the only copy. And stayed with me at all times- and walked into the dark room. Quinton sat at the far end with his thick glasses hanging off his nose, looking intently at the screen of one of his computers. He's light brown hair fell over his face, but he didn't seem to notice with his brown eyes skimming words at a mile a minute.

   Next to him sat Darcy, a good hundred years older then Quinton and I, she was the veteran IT of the pack, as soon as computers came to the pack she moved into this room, along with Quinton a few years later. Her black graying hair was pulled back into a messy bun while her fingers clicked wildly on the key bord in front of her.

   "A large earl gray with four sugar, and extra sugar packs on the side for Quin and a medium steeped tea for Darcy one sugar and two cream" I said setting the two teas between them. "Where's Darren? I brought his coffee."

   "Haven't seen em' could still be asleep. Went to a club last night. Said not to wait up for him." Quinton said, he's eyes never leaving the screen. I rolled my eyes, trying to push away the feeling in my chest. I could only guess it was annoyance. I set his drink on the near by desk that he normally sat at, before taking out my frozen hot chocolate from the drink holder and sat in the chair in front of his desk.

   It was a comfy spot. The chair was cushioned all over, and had black leather over it. Darren's two computers where switched onto sleep. I moved the mouse to the one on my right and watched as the dim screen lit up, showing me at least twenty different camera angles of some of the roads in the territory.

   I could see Elis sitting on the step outside of Symon's house doing something on his phone, and Jeremy tending to the garden in his backyard.

   I was about to put the computer back on sleep when I noticed movement on the screen. I looked towards the small square on the screen and raised an eyebrow as Lucca locked his front door, and jogged down the side path of his house. Right into the woods.

   I glanced down at my watch before looking back at the screen. 

   It's only 10:30 he shouldn't be awake right now. The man normally slept tell three in the afternoon.

   "Hey Darcy" I called out making the older woman slightly raise her head to me. "Have you noticed Lucca leaving his house a lot during the day?"

   She shrugged "Sorry Silas. I haven't been watching those cameras. It's usually Darren. You'll have to wait for him to drop by and ask."

   And that I did.

   For almost three hours.

   Lucca and been gone and back spending close to an hour in the woods before finally coming out looking the same as he went in.

   I tried calling his cell phone but he hadn't picked up. Which led me to believe he went back to sleep.

   The room went from calm and peaceful to stale and dark when Darren walked in. I didn't even have to look up from where I was to know he was there. He just gave off the energy that made everyone want to cower away from him.

   I was no longer sitting in his chair, as I now sat next to Quinton looking over his shoulder at some video tapes from last night. Darren walked in without a word, sat down, adjusted his chair and touched the each computers mouse, lighting up both screens. He wore a black muscle T-shirt with faded blue jeans. I could smell another person's scent on him. He had his musky woodly scent to him, but he also heald a sweet, cameral scent to him that I knew belonged to another.

   My jaw clenched and I had to fight down the feeling that rose in my chest. I watched as he brought his thump to his lip, watching something on the screen in front of him.

   "Something you gotta say, or are you just going to keep staring at me?"  Darren said, he's eyes not leaving the screen.

   I gritted my teeth together, trying to keep from saying something that would make Darcy and Quin uncomfortable. Or start a fight between us. God knows we've been close to ripping each others throats out though.

   "You've been watching the cameras on Hitman Drive right?" I ask, trying to refrain from bring up Lucca, knowing Darren didn't trust him already.

   "I've been keeping my eye on it, why? Is this about your little boyfriends runs into the woods?" Well, so much for that.

   I cleared my throat, to aware of Darcy's eyes on me now. "So Lucca's gone off often?"

   "Nope. Just once. Well twice now I see.  Getting suspicious are we?" Darren raised he's brow and smirked at me. That little smirk had me ready to jump out of my chair and jump on him. But I couldn't tell what I wanted to do with him when I got there.

   "I'm sure he's just having trouble sleeping and needed some air" I replied at I got up from the chair and patted Quin's shoulder. "See you guys later."

   I walked to the door just about ready to open it when Darren called out to me.

   "Hey, Alpha. The coffee's cold"

   With that I reminded myself to be a civil adult and walked out.

   Oh fuck it

   I turned back around, took the coffee off of his desk and took the lid off.

   "What are you-" Darren's words were cut off by me pouring the cold coffee over his head. I watched as the black liquid ran down his face, over his nose, into his lap. He's mouth agape and he's gray eyes widening.

   "Hey, Beta. Next time get your own"
  And with that I left. I had to supress a chuckle as I heard Darren growl from inside the room. Soon, I was on my way back to Symon's house. But not before stopping at Lucca's.


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