Chapter Five: I'm a Big Boy

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   Chapter Five: I'm a Big Boy

   I didn't sleep well that night. Nor did I sleep well any night I slept at Symons.

   I could hear him whimpering in the next room over, the sounds of his sheets being kicked around, his head hitting off his headboard that sent loud thumps into my room.

   He'd never admit to me that he had night terrors. But it was blatantly obvious.

   That or he was sneaking someone into his room.

   But I knew that wasn't true. Because like every night I slept over, as soon as I heard him scream I would rush over to wake him up. I know I should just wake him up once the terrors started, but he needed his sleep, restless or restful he needed it. He was weak enough as is. He didn't need to suffer from lack of energy as well.

   I grabbed my phone off of the night stand and switched it on, I watched as the screen lit up and burned my eyes before showing me it was three in the morning. I groaned out loud and grabbed the pillow out from under my head and put it on my face.

   Relief swept over me when Symon's noise stopped, and didn't continue for a good ten minutes. I started to doze off after an hour or so, then my phone started playing the Mario theme song. I groaned answering the phone without checking the ID.

   "Someone better be dying." I muttered as I picked up

   "Is that anyway to answer the phone? What if I was some manic serial killer, then you'd be sorry." Darren's voiced replied back, oozing sarcasm.

   "What do you want?"

   "I need you to let me into the office. I don't have a key for the front door"

   "Mmhm.. I'll get right on that" I said as I stifled a yawn, and curled my head into the mattress.

   There was a pause on Darren's end, I could hear him shifting his weight before he cleared his throat. "Look, I really need to get in there and finish something I was working on."

   "Can't you wait tell the building is open, in like three hours."

   "No, just hurry up." I could hear the venom in his voice before he hung up.

   I groaned loudly before heaving myself out of bed, I threw on a pair on gray sweatpants and a white t-shirt before making my way outside. Symon lived a few blocks from the office, so I decided to walk, letting the crisp air hit my face. I noticed the little coffee shop just around the corner from the office was open so I made a pit stop before I made it the rest of the way.

   By the time I made it to Darren, I had finished half my coffee, needless to say I took my time. He was sitting on the bench slumped over so he elbows were on his knees and face buried in his hands.

   "This is why you should have waited the three hours, you're not even awake yet." I said as I walked passed him to the door, digging the key out of my back pocket.

   He shifted to stand up, reviling his long sleeved V neck shirt that hugged his chest in all the right places. I hated to admit Darren was a good looking guy,Everything about him angered me, the way his dark blue jeans hung low, and the way his hair looked like it hadn't been brushed, yet still managed to look amazing.

   "This is why you don't stop for coffee for fifteen minutes. Don't think I didn't smell you as soon as you hit that corner."

   "Awe, you memorized my scent, I'm flattered" I rolled my eyes opening the door gesturing for him to go in.

    He followed behind me as I walked inside unlocked the security door before putting the code into the alarm.

   "So, where is my coffee?"

   I grunted as I pressed the button and waiting for the elevator. "Still at the shop."

   We stepped into the elevator and waited as it climbed the floors before stopping at ours. We got off and walked to his office door.

   "You don't need to escort me you know, I am a big boy."

   "I'm sure you are." I said "But frankly I want to know whats so important that you had to wake me up at five in the morning."

   "Funny thing is, it's none of your business"

   "Funny thing is, being Alpha, everything is my business. If I wanted to know what you had for breakfast three years ago today, you'd have to tell me"

   "Yeah, but I wouldn't." He smirked as he sat at his desk. I resisted the urge to growl at him. So instead I just sat at the chair across from his desk and watched as he flipped over some papers before jotting a few notes.

   "So, how many people know there Alpha likes it up the ass?" He asked after a few minutes of silence. I blanched, and stared at him for a second.

   This man never seizes to amaze me.

   "What's wrong with you? Did someone drop you on your head as a child?"

   He shrugged casually as if what he said wasn't borderline psychotic to say to your Alpha.

   I didn't reply to him, I just sat in the chair and watched as he wrote stuff down on papers. I couldn't tare my gaze away from him. His hair fell over his forehead over and over again, his gray, captivating eyes skimmed everything twice, double checking everything he did. He didn't once look up at me once. I sat there for fifteen minutes until he finally spoke again.

   "So, who was the blonde you had attached to your mouth anyways?" He still didn't look at me, he was to busy reading a file. I could only assume he took work with him from the North, he'd only been here a few days, there was no way he was this busy.

   "Lucca, he's really none of your concern."

   "But his not part of this pack, that concerns me." He spat at me, his insult set my blood on fire. He could take shots at me all he wanted. But I wouldn't let him take shots at the people I loved.

   "He's more part of this pack then you are" I spat back, standing up from my chair. Though as much as I liked to forget, it was true Lucca wasn't a born member of the pack. He came into the territory a scared, and bloody twelve year old. After a few months of recuperating Lucca told us his pack was killed by a band of hunters, he watched as his father, mother, two year old brother and other family and pack members were killed in front of him. He ran for days until he stumbled upon our pack, a few years later he became a hunter and proved his loyalty to the pack numerous of times.

   Darren just looked at me with this unamused look spreading across his features. "Sure, okay." Was all he said before he placed the files he had in the drawer to his desk, slammed it shut, and locked it. He stood up and walked calmly over to me. I could feel my heart beat picking up as he walked closer towards me, until our faces were inches apart. His gray eyes burning holes into my blue. Than he smirked. his lips pulled tight over his teeth, amusement played in his eyes as he looked down at me. He was only two inches taller, but he made me feel as small as an ant in his presence. I took a deep breath, inhaling the sent of pine and camp fire,

   Then it was gone. He walked right passed me towards the door and left the room, not muttering a word.

   I turned around and watched as he left, the only thing I could think of was that he looked utterly amazing. And that thought scared me.

   I let out a frustrated breath before turning around and walking into my own office.

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