Chapter Eleven: Julie

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   Chapter Eleven: Julie

   Darren sat down in his normal spots as I stood behind Quinton. He pressed a few buttons on his computer screen before it lit up into a picture of my front door. He hit another button and and the picture appeared on the near by projection screen.

   Elis sat beside Symon. Who had he's eyes clued on he's phone up until the picture showed up on the screen.

   The numbers at the bottom of the screen said it was 11:45pm on April 24th. The house looked black and white with only the yellow shine of a near by street lamp. The seconds on the screen slowly started to tick by when Quinton pressed paly.

   We all watched as the front door of my house opened, and a dark figure with a hood over there face stepped out. How cliché I thought as I watched the person turn to walk down the stairs. And then they kneeled down onto the ground, and shifted into a medium sized dog.

   Not a wolf. A dog. A brown coated grayhound to be exact. It turned around and grabbed it's clothes into its mouth before trotting off down the road.

   the camera angle shifted as it walked along the sidewalk, and then into the woods. "Well?" I asked after I waited a few minutes for the camera to shift into the woods but didn't.

   "The camera's from the woods keep being shut off." Qun says as he turns his computer on sleep, making the room turn dark before the light are switched on.

   "So, we're dealing with shifters?" Elis asks crossing his arms over his chest.

   "I've seen that dog before" Darren says typining in he's computer. "The day you were kidnapped  It was walking down the road, then yesterday afternoon I was leaving the house to go into town, it was sitting outside my house." He pulls up a picture of the doc, shown from a surveillance camera, walk in sector two

   "So, we're dealing with shifters that like to mimic stay dogs, wear hoods, and have no scent and have hacking skills? I seriously feel like a camera crew is going to pop out and scream punk'd at us." I groan putting my face in my hands. Honestly of all the crap to happen to one pack, it had to be ours.

   "Hey Silas?" Symon pipes in quietly looking at me nervously as he figiutes with he's fingers. I nod for him to continue and he takes a deep breath. "When they died, didn't he say there was no trace of smell coming from the woods. Like no forum of scents? Could- could these be the same people again?"

   I freeze, and notice everyone else -besides Darren- in the room tense as well. Symon has a point. What kind of pack would just attack us once and be done with us. Kill twenty people and not come back for more. It makes sense for them to come back now, one Alpha was already drove mad by them, why not another.

   I stand up from the chair I was sitting in and pace the room. "We have to be ready. They were able to plant bombs in our woods without us knowing once before. Elis I want your hunters and guards to be in the woods at all time. Have a group go out sometime today and check the grounds. Also I'll need someone to call Tyla and have her and some trackers go to my house and see if anythings missing. I'll of course help them out. Oh for fuck sake." I hit myself in the head when I remember the note on the nightstand.

   I pull it out of my pocket and set it on the table beside me. Which just so happens to be the one next to Darren. "I found this when I woke up. I can't believe I forgot about it." I pick it up again and unfold it.

   Round  3

   "Round Three" I read out loud so everyone can hear. I furrow my brows in confsion. 'Round 3' What does that even mean.

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