Chapter Twenty-Four: Understand

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Chapter Twenty-Four: Understand


    Four days. We've spent four days tracking Symon, just to end up at dead ends every time.

   First thing we did was track his plates. Which let us t his car. Which was left on the side of road San Diego. The only thing left in his car was his dead cellphone. That was given to Silas right away. Quin and Darcy had pulled all-nighters for the last two days looking at video surveillance from the night Symon ditched his car.

   He was seen leaving the car. He didn't have a bag with him, which made us believe he had left it somewhere to get later. Like a hotel. And then before our eyes, Symon shifted into a white owl, his clothes left a pile on the ground -Later the same night a homeless man had come and took them-

    Nobody with Symon's appearance had been seen coming or going from any hotels or motels in the area. And now that we knew he could easily shift. We were left at a dead end.

   Silas wanted nothing to do with the search for Symon. A part of me was pissed off over that. But I also understood. He wanted to respect Symons wishes. That was ok.

   Most of the pack stuck behind their Alpha, I was lucky to still have men from my old pack, who stuck around and joined this pack. They willingly  helped me, no questions asked.

   But that fourth day I knew we had to give up. There was no way we were going to find Symon now. He didn't want to be found and he let that be known.

   Silas and I were sitting on the couch in the living room. Star had gone out for the day with Ivan and some other boys from the pack.

   Star. That was another thing all together. He wasn't as cheerful as he used to be. This whole time he thought the man who killed his family was a stranger. But to find out it was your own brother. Who had been sleeping with the man who was now taking care of you.

   It seemed to have hit him pretty hard. Silas and I had pretty much made him go out with Ivan and his friends. The past few days he'd been in his room with music on blast, ignoring us like some crazy teenager.

   But as I was saying. Silas and I were sitting on the couch in the living room, he held Symon's now charged phone in his hand. He was pretty shocked when we first found it. The phone was Symon's life line, and you'd never see Symon without his phone on him.

   So to say Silas was freaking out when the phone was found was an understatement.

   The trackers had come back yesterday, and Silas had the phone charging over night. It was just past four in the afternoon when he finally shut it on. Being slightly hesitant to see what was on it.

   "Do you know his lock code?" I asked looking at the phone. Silas's arm was pressed to mine. I'd like say we'd gotten close the last few days. But it wasn't very true. Though I slept in his bed last night. It was the first night I'd done so since we mated. Silas was like a pissed off wife not wanting me in the same room as him for going against his wishes.

   Silas just nodded his head and put in the four digit code, the screen unlocked, showing the homepage background of Symon, Elis and Ivan in the middle on the woods, there hair wet and their chests exposed. Behind them you could see the shore of Lake Marshall.

   Silas went though his texted messaged. All of them seemed to be deleted, along with his call list. Silas clicked into the gallery, and the first photo to pop up was one of Symon. He had his thumbs up in front of a calendar, that had all the dates of May crossed out, showing the date of May 10th. The day Symon left his car.

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