Chapter Nine: Don't Play Stupid

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Chapter Nine: Don't Play Stupid

"You did what?" Lucca asked, not hiding the amusement from his voice. I just finished telling him about pouring coffee over Darren, and he looked oddly proud of me.

He was still laying in bed, covers pulled down to his waist showing a bit of his boxers waist band. He didn't wear a shirt, so he's bare chest was on full display for me.

Not that I was complaining.

"It was cold, it's not like it hurt him" I said rolling my eyes, a smirk playing on my lips. I sat on the bed beside him, trying to will myself to ask what he was doing out today. I didn't want him to think I was suspicious of him. Which I wasn't. I was just making sure he wasn't in danger. Like the caring Alpha/Boyfriend I was.

"So, what have you been doing today?" I asked, moving so I was laying on the bed beside him. He moved his hand so that it was playing with my fingers, lightly dancing over my skin.

"Nothing really. Got off work, brought you coffee, came home went to bed. And now here you are." He leaned over placing a light kiss under my ear, causing me to shiver in both pleasure and distrust.

He most likely forgot. Or he was sleep walking. He could be stressed with the hours his on, that would do it.

"What's the matter babe?"

"I saw you going into the woods this morning. Any reason why?" I asked flat out. I needed to get this out of the way. I couldn't let Lucca get away with anything just because we're sleeping together.

He waved his free hand, smiling at me with twinkling eyes. "That was nothing. I couldn't sleep so I thought a run would do it" He kissed below my ear again, I could feel the smile on his lips as he pressed his lips down my neck. "And it did. I slept like a baby. But I'm wide awake now"

"Not right now Lucca, I've gotta get back to Symon soon."

He groaned laying back flat on the bed. "You're kidding right? Symon's a big boy. Come on Silas. It's been like two weeks."

"Look. I get his a big boy. But he's going through some stuff. And in case you've forgotten I'm his older brother. And it's my job to protect him. I've already failed him once Lucca and I'm not doing that again." I said getting up from the bed as anger flowed through me.

"Is this about what your da-"

"Don't your dare finish the sentence" I growled picking up my sweater from the chair I'd layed it on when I came in.

"Silas. Look I get it. I do but you need to let him do things for himself."

"No, I don't think you get it at all Lucca. He means more to me then anyone in this pack. He needs me with him right now. He's scared and he feels violated all over again. And if you understood that you would let me go without a fight and wait for me to come back tonight like I had planed."


I didn't hear what he said because I proceeded to walk out of his house, slamming the front door. And then walked to Symon's house the next block over.

Or tried to at least.

Before I could make it I felt something slam into the back of my head. I turned around ready to attack my attacker when I was hit again. I knelt down, taken by suprise and went to turn around when I was hit again, I could feel a sharp pain travel down my neck. My vison blurred, and soon I came face to face with the concrete.

The last thing I remember was someone picking up my head and turning me over. Then the world went black.


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