Chapter Fourteen: 10

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   Chapter Fourteen: 10

   I sat in my office the next day shifting through files on my desk, dinner with Symon had been a nice affair. I made grilled chicken with rice and potato's. Through I was a little late, he seemed content that the chicken I bought was already cooked so we didn't have to waste time on that.

   We talked about a lot too. I told him about Lucca and my gut feeling to have him watched. Symon didn't seem very pleased with that, he trusted Lucca and knew, thought Lucca could sometimes be an impulsive person, He wouldn't do something as stupid as running off.

   But that's exactly what he did. Elis had called me a little after eight and said he had a tracker/hunter named Shepard watching Lucca. And he reported that Lucca had left pack lands. Though instantly I was a little worried. It was set aside when we got word that he just went to one of the Starbucks in town and sat o his laptop for a good three hours.

   Shepard had informed us that Lucca seemed to be playing a game most of the time, but every once in a while he switched to a chat bar. I had plans on asking Quin to hack his server later today. If need be.

   I hated not having trust in Lucca. But with his strange behaviour, the running into the woods. Me being knocked out after leaving his house. Him knowing about Darren and not thinking to say anything about it.

   Then there was the fact he would bring me tea's and coffee's when I needed it. I once thought of it as a simple gesture. But now I couldn't help but he paranoid.

   I let my guard down for him. When I was sure he wouldn't hurt me. But now. Now I wouldn't so sure anymore.

   Opening my laptop I begin scrolling through emails. Mostly junk mail and pack alliance updates that serve no real purpose. One email from Alpha Bethany in the Forrest Moon pack from far up north, was stating she had snow fall the past week and her mate was able to use their new snow blower. I deleted the message and read through more.

   Before I knew it, it was almost three and I could hear footsteps walking through the hallway. Darren's smell gently hit my nose while I heard his footsteps stop and, unlock his office door. Not long after the door closed and his scent slowly disappeared.

   I ran the idea of going over there in my head. Though nine times out of ten Darren was in a bad mood and I wouldn't be surprised if he just slammed the door in my face. Or completely ignored me all together.

   I didn't have to make up my mind though, because not five minutes later Darren's door opened and closed. And then my door, opened and closed. I looked up to see him standing there with a stack of files, with a tablet on top. He wore a plan black shirt that was tight over his chest, and showed off his toned arms nicely. And his normal plan blue jeans. He strode over and dumped the files onto my desk before letting out a sigh.

   "All of those need your signature, Plus I have a few emails you need to look over. Also I can't figure out who Roman Falcon is, but he keeps sending me friend requests on Facebook, and your on his friends list so I figured you might no." He fell into my guest chair before grabbing the tablet and unlocking it. I could only assume to get the emails- or Facebook-

   "Roman is the beta of the Dark Winters pack that reside just over the mountain." I said as I grabbed the first file and skimmed through it before signing the back.

   We worked like this for a good hour. Him showing me emails, while I signed files. No real conversation came up though, to my dismay.

   All to soon Darren stood up and stretched his muscles before going to reach for the files. I waved his hand away before standing up myself.

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