Chapter Fifteen: Stars

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      Chapter Fifteen: Stars

   I stood in a clearing not far from the small town I called home. I was face to face with a large black wolf. He had to be the same size as myself, with a white tear drop patch of fur on his chest, white front paws and sprinkles of brown on his side, that you wouldn't notice unless the sun hit him.

   He snarled at me, going towards my right side for an attack. I was able to jump back and meet his attack with my own. I knocked my head with his own before faking a right and grabbing his neck from the left. He growled at me before trying to pull away.

   Just as we were about to go in for another attack I heard a whistle blow. I let out a huff of air before changing from my white and brown form to my human. I grabbed my pair of gym pants from the tree where I left them and looked over to the wolf I had been fighting not a minute before.

   Darren slowly phased back, his back towards me. His ass on full display. I originally thought his tanned skin was sun kissed. But looking at it now I realized he was tanned all over. Though his bum was a little whiter then the rest of him.

   We had been training for three days now. Right after the pack meeting we held we started. those who didn't want to fight got medical training, anyone under the age of twelve was put on a bunker list and would be taken to safety if and when we were attacked, along with the some medics. The other medics would be on stand by in random areas.

   I watched as a male Omega and a teenage girl begin to spar. The girl got the upper hand on the older male. But soon she was pinned by the scruff of her neck and the whistle was being blown. I looked over to Symon who had the whistle in his mouth and a hand on his hip. He really seemed to enjoy being the boss of everybody. He blew the whistle again and the Omega and the girl began round two.

   I enjoyed watching everybody spar. It was nice to see all the pack members on the same page about things. I also liked the pride in the eyes of everybody, especially the Omega's.

   I wasn't the kind of Alpha that believed in everyone having there own place and them having to stick to it. I whole heartily believed that no Omega should be belittled for their rank. Once I became Alpha Omega's were free to go hunting and train like everybody else and not just work the jobs that no one wanted. Hunters could freely cook meals at pack gatherings if they liked. I've seen Omegas become hunters and hunters/trackers become almost Omega like. And not in a bad way.

   Lucca had been to training yesterday and today. He spared with trackers and none ranks. He hadn't been hunting and Elis hadn't needed him on guard for the last few nights. Via my request.

   I couldn't trust him. I wanted to, everything in me wanted to. But I couldn't my instincts told me not to.

   My instincts also told me to turn my head to the right and watch Darren gulp down a full water bottle.

   Sometimes I really enjoyed my instincts.

   Things between the two of us got no better. But they also got no worse. He didn't make snarky remarks at me anyone. But he still gave me the stink eye every so often.

  After the night he spent at my house things seemed to have lightened up and I was excited to think that he finally had some trust in me.

   "Stop staring at me. It's weird."

   A smile crept its way onto my face. "Oh shut up. It's a free country."

   "I will charge you ten dollars in the next ten seconds if you don't stop looking at me."

   "You can't do that."

   He shrugged and stretched his arms over his head, letting his stomach muscles clench and I thanked the goddess that he didn't have a shirt on. "Probably not. But I will and you'll give me ten bucks anyways because you do anything I say."

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