Epilogue: Seriously

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   Epilogue: Seriously

   A year and a half later.

   "Alright Mr. Clayert, I'm going to need you to sign here, and then we'll be all done."

   I nodded my head, signing my name down on the white page, the last of many I was hoping.

   Once I finished I stood up and my hand was met with the hand of the mans behind the dark oak desk. The office lit mostly by the large window that sat behind him.

   "Well, congratulations Mr. Clayert-Phoenix, and Phoenix-Clayert, I'm sad Star couldn't join us, but school is far more important."

   "We agree, it'll be a great surprise for him when he gets home though." I said grabbing my pea coat off the back of the chair. Darren and I made our way out of the large building in the center of the city of Medford.

   We had an hours drive back to the territory, thankfully this was the first and last time we'd have to drive out this far. Normally we did this business in the town outside of ours, but they didn't have anyone qualified to co-sign the papers we did today.

   Once back inside our gates, Darren and I took off towards the local school, where Star was a grade eight student. His grades were mostly B's and A's, and he had a large group of friends, but his best was still Ivan. On most Friday afternoon's Star would go with Ivan, Rule, Declan and Patrick to town in Patrick's car, and go to the arcade for a few hours of games before picking a house to crash at for the night.

   But today Darren and I were going to pick Star up from school, and take him out to eat before telling him our big news.

   We waited outside for about ten minutes before the bell went and the kids started to file out, then we waited another ten minutes for Star to get out.

   He had grown a few inches in the year and a half he was with us, he'd cut his hair short and wore mostly black, even when the sun was out in the summer. But he was still a good kid. Even with the attitude and once a night fights I knew the Star we first met was still in there, he just needed some more time to come out after all the drama that had happened.

    What are you guys going here?' Star asked as he made his way towards us. Ivan, Declan and Rule stood by the doors waiting for Star and Patrick I'd assume.

   Ivan was still his high-fashion dressed self. Wearing pink skinny jeans and a purple and gray stripped shirt, that I'm sure wouldn't work on anybody but him. He two had gotten his hair cut short, but he dyed the tips of his hair red and black, so that it "looked better up"

   Rule was a newer boy to the pack, his mother had mated to a hunter. And he was the protected of a teenage  oops. But we didn't treat him any different. He fit in perfectly. He had on a maroon coloured hoody with beige pants and his dirty blond hair was also cut to his head. He looked towards Declan, who was Max and Scott's son. He wore a normal large T-shirt and jeans, not standing out as much as the other boys in his group.

   "We're going out to eat tonight, you can catch up with you friends later ok?"

   Star rolled his eyes but nodded anyways, sending a sign to his friends behind him to not wait up, then climbed into the back of Darren's new red Mercedes. Shepard had crashed Darren's old car last month in a test run, but he wasn't all that upset since he had plans on getting a new car anyways.

   We drove out of the territory and into town, stopping at an old restaurant that in my opinion served the best ribs in town. It was a stake house, with a black leather and wooden theme.

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