Chapter Two: Impatient

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   Chapter Two: Impatient 

  I walked into the bathroom and grabbed the nearest can of body spray I could find. I sprayed myself down and walked down the stairs grabbing my keys from the bowl by the door. I closed to door locking it behind. 

   "I need coffee.." I mumbled to myself as I opened the car door. Then I remembered I had asked Lucca to get me some and perked up and the thought of the hot liquid. I texted Lucca to meet at my office and started the car. 

   My office was in the 'downtown' portion of the territory. Our little piece of land was just like a little town, it had stores, a school that held kinder garden to grade ten, which is when we all left school. There was no point is staying in school for an extra two years. We'd known everything we'd need to by tenth grade. If a human where to drive through the town they wouldn't suspect anything. They may see the odd stray dog. But none of the pack members walked around the streets in there wolf form. 

   But we literally had stray dogs that we had taken care of.  Guess they weren't that stray, they just kind of hung around.

      I had gotten to my office with three minutes to spare from there supposed arrival time. I got out of the car and walked to Symon who was waiting by the front door of the six story building. 

   "We should just wait outside" He said propping himself up on the wall.

   "I can't feel a group energy that close yet, The closest group energy I can feel is about ten minutes away. I'm sure we're safe to head in"

   Symon shook his head and looked up the rode toward the entrance of the territory. "I want to be there when Jeremy finally arrives." He smiled. Jeremy was like a father to us, even before our father died. Through six years my father spend wasting away, Jeremy spend helping me, helping Symon. 

   I rolled my eyes and leaned on the wall beside him. 

    A few minutes passed and Lucca's car pulled onto the curb. I watched as he got out of the car holding a tray with three coffee cups sitting on it. I pushed myself off the wall and practically ran to him.

   "You're a life safer" I said when I reached him. I took the tray from his hand and kissed his lip lightly before turning around and gave Symon the cup marked Sy. I handed Lucca his and threw the tray into the nearby trash can and sipped my coffee.  

   Feeling more awake I could finally pinpoint how far the groups energy was. We still had another five minutes. I sighed inhaling the sweet aroma that was coffee and Lucca. Who stood beside me on the wall, a little closer than was necessary, but I didn't mind. He smelled like mixed fruit which I knew was his shampoo.

   Soon a small convoy of black cars came into view.

   Symon practically jumped for joy when he saw them. 

   I pushed myself off the wall once again and stood near the curb awaiting them. The first car pulled up beside me and a tall, older man with long gray hair and an equally long beard walked out. He nodded he's head toward me and opened the back door.

   A familiar tanned man walked out, his black hair turning gray on the sides. He turned towards us and smiled that made his dark eyes turn lighter. 

   "Boys, its been to long!" Jeremy said as he walked toward us. He wrapped Symon into a tight embrace, he soon let go and shook my hand and nodded towards Lucca. 

   "How was being Beta for a few week's Sy?" He asked looked back at Symon.

   "Ugh, I never want to do that again. If this doesn't work out with Darren, I'm running away." He laughed. We all let out a small chuckle. Soon the rest of the cars pulled up. There was six cars in total. Most held our own pack members. Some where from the north.

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