Chapter Three: Hypnotic

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   Chapter Three: Hypnotic

   I got home just after five, parking my car in the drive way and locking it as I got out.  I could already smell what ever Lucca was cooking before I stepped inside.

   Walking in I threw my keys into the bowl by the door and walked into the kitchen where Lucca was standing in front of the stove stirring what ever he had in the pan. 

   I leaned myself on the wall and watched him for a few seconds before he turned around and smiled at me. "I hope you're in the mood for stir fry" He said and put the spatula down, before walking towards me.

   "I'm in the mood for anything you cook really" I replied and crossed my arms over my chest as he stood in front of me. I took a moment to take him in. He stood an inch shorter than me, which gave me a great view of his chocolate brown eyes. His blonde hair was parted in the middle and the length stopped at his ears. He had an amazing smile, which he had plastered on his face while he looked me over. 

   "I wanted to talk to you about something" He said, sounding a little unsure of himself. I put my arms down and nodded my head at him. He grabbed my right hand into his left and he took a deep breath before continuing. "I was thinking, how about me- You and I, make this. I don't know official. Like start telling people." His free hand rubbed the back of his neck as he stumbled over his words.

   I stared at him for a moment, trying to process what he said. "Lucca.." I started. I watched as his smile fell and he bit his bottom lip. I sighed. "It's not that I don't want to. Believe me I do. But if we told people about, this." I gestured my free hand between the two of us. "People will think you're my mate. And what do I do when your mate comes walking through town, And I'm left to explain what happened to us. It'll just be a mess."

   He sighed and nodded. Letting go of my hand he walked back toward the stove and I went to the dining room. I couldn't help but feel guilty. I mean I know I should. He looked so sad.. But we had agreed when we first got together it was for the best that we kept it between us.

    After a few minutes Lucca came in holding two plates, setting them both down on the table, and nodded for me to sit and eat.

    After ten minutes of silence, I couldn't take it anymore. I looked across the table at Lucca, who was poking at his food like he it was his best friend on Facebook. I put my fork down and cleared my throat, causing him to look up at me. "How about we go out tonight? Go into the city, maybe go to a bar? I hear there's a new club opened up." I gave him a weak smile. Hoping this would lift his mood. 

   He nodded his head thinking it over. "Sure, I could use a night out" He got up taking his plate, then before he walked past me he took my plate and leaned down kissing my head. "Thanks for trying. It really means a lot to me" And with that he walked off. 


   Hypnotic was the only LGBT friendly club in the city, besides the gay club a few blocks over. I'd been there once. And I had no plans on going back. Drunk humans where disgusting. But drunk gay humans. Well, I don't want to get into to much detail. But I've never been touched so much in my life. I guess having an Alpha's physique didn't always come in handy. Especially when someone is trying to give you a handy. 

   The club wasn't to full, there was enough room to walk to the bar without someone breathing there air into our faces. Lights flashed, the walls where splashed with all different colours, the music blasted a song about Victoria's secret and how her daddy didn't know. God I hope he wouldn't by the sounds of it.  It wasn't like any cub I've been to. Mind you I've only been to two. And I didn't stay long.

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