Chapter Thirteen: Valium

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   Chapter Thirteen: Valium

   I got the call at around noon on the 28th from Dr. Victors. The test results were back and he'd like to see me as soon as possible.

   As I made my way from the house, Symon -Who was out for a jog- spotted me and decided he wanted to join, that it was wrong for me to go alone and find out I was drugged. Even if we already knew it.

    He seemed to be in a better mood. He smiled more, and talked more calmly. Running did great things for him, it got his mind off all the demons that played in his head.

   The office was empty when we walked in, Tara, Victors receptionist told us to sit since he was seeing someone at the time. She smiled brightly at Symon who was wearing tight jogging pants and a tight blue jogging t-shirt with it. Leaving almost nothing to the imagination. He didn't seem to notice her as he sat down and continued on about Elis's younger brother Ivan, and all the fun they had, had at the mall yesterday.

   Ivan was by far the cutest kid in the pack, he's only eleven but his attitude is like a sixteen year old girl. And his fashion. Don't get me started on his clothing. I saw him walking around the other day at the near by park, in a green kid-size football jersey with King 00 on the back and a pink tutu with black leggings. And of course beaten up sneakers.

   Elis's mother was never a fan of gender rolls and liked to let her kids dress in what ever they pleased. I can remember Elis coming to school in pink tank top's and baggy jeans. No one really cared how they dressed though. Not just because at the time Elis's father was the lead hunter and would kick anyone's ass who talked bad about his boys. But because they were both well liked kids, never getting into  to much trouble, and always able to poke fun at themselves if needed. Everyone enjoys the spunk Ivan has, and wouldn't dare make him upset. Because frankly he was far to cute to make cry.

   "Alpha, Symon. It's nice to see you both today, come with me please." I hear Victors say, pulling me from my thoughts. I get up with Symon and follow the doctor to the room at the end of the fall. It looked like any normal doctors office. Medical tools on the wall, charts with a human body, and of course a wolves too.

   After doing all the regular checks. My heart beat, my temperature, asking if I felt odd. Which thankfully after a goods night sleep, I felt 100% back to normal. He started to grab a file. He placed it in his lap and looked at Symon and I.

   "Now, I need to ask you. Have you let anyone handle your food in the last, say four years?"

   I sit back in the chair provided, next to Symon and thought about it, then nodded my head. "My father used to make me coffee in the mornings. But besides that Symon would normally cook supper, after he moved out I started making my own. Why?"

   "Well." He says clearing his throat "It seems for a good while, I could only assume your coffee had been drugged. We found high traces of diazepam, better known as Valium in your system, so much so any normal human would have overdosed long ago." I narrow my eyes at him, trying to take in what he just told me. My own father drugging me. But why?

   "But'" He continues. "Whatever was given to you this passed week seems to have flushed your system. I say if you didn't ask me to take blood when I did I wouldn't have found the valium at all. Though its normally used for an anti-depressant, the dosage you were given could have blocked emotions, or thinking clearly. Now you seem like a level headed man Alpha Silas. So I can only assume you must have been given it to block emotions. Why? I have no idea. I also can't tell you what emotions were blocked. You may feel angry or tired in the next few days. So just be aware. Besides that, you seem very healthy."

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