Chapter Twenty-Three: The Jewels

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   Chapter Twenty-Three: The Jewels

   "Woah, okay. What the fuck is going on?" Elis asked once everything settled down. Raylin sat in the empty chair beside Charles.

   She looked beautiful. The six years had done her well, her lips were lined with a dark, blood red stained lipstick, her eyes were lined in dark eyeliner. Dark brown hair pulled into a tight ponytail, but still reached the middle of her back. Her face was flawless. She looked like any seventeen year old girl you'd see in a meeting. Though, it's not like you'd see many seventeen year olds in meetings.

   "Elis my God, you're looking." She paused, raking her eyes up and down Elis body. "Very well."

   "Dude." Eli laughed. "You just got checked out my a teenager."

   "Okay that's enough. Charles you might like to explain things to Silas, and Darren."

   Charles eyed us all, before standing up and placing his hands behind his back. "Very well." He said. "I'd like you all to meet my daughter, Raylin, or Ray, rather." He put his hand up, pausing the question that was about to leave not only mine, but Darren and Elis's lips. "Before we go on the She's my sister there's no way. Blah, Blah, blah. It's simple. Your mother was a whore."

   I snapped. I jumped from my seat, knocking the chair behind me. But before I could get to Charles I was being held back but six tight hands on my forearms. I gave up trying to get him, once I realized Elis, Jeremy and Darren wouldn't let go.

   "How dare you come to my land and insult my family." I seethed.

   "It's simple really. Your mother, may not have been a whore. Sure, maybe whore was to far. But what else would I call a woman who would willingly sleep with other men, while she was married to another."

   "That's not fair." Jeremy voiced from behind me. "Samantha's mate died. She was helping a friend. You took advantage of her."

   "Oh tomato, tomahto. Anyways. Samantha and I had our moment, and in that moment my sweet Ray was created. She may have grown with you for ten years. But she was always my child at heart. Isn't that right Ray?"

   "Of course father." She said, in a sickening sweet tone.

   "Where is my mother then?" I asked, once the hands let go of me.

   "She was in the blast with me, and the group. But just before the big bang, father showed up and took us into the woods. Mother put up a great fight. She lasted what? A week, two?"

   "Two yes." Charles said nodding his head. "Quite the little fighter she was."

   "Why are you here." Darren asked, his hand on my left arm had yet to leave. He tightened his grip slightly when Charles faced us.

   "I want what's mine. Marshall has left things with him . And I want them back."

   "If he left them with Rodrick, they were for Rodrick, and there is no way you're getting them back. Why would we give you Marshall's things when you were the one that killed him." Jeremy said leaning his hands on the table.

   "I did not kill him. Well, not first hand anyways. And really, if we are going to play that game, then why does the Alpha get them when he killed his father. That just so unfair Jerry, don't you think."

   In that moment I felt numb. The eyes of my pack members, in the room and out of it. I could feel them burning into me. Darren's eyes were wide with shock, Elis and Star had sat down. Even Lucca stopped his crying to gawk at me.

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