Chapter Nineteen: Arcade

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   Chapter Nineteen: Arcade

   "Alright team. Awesome work! I've gotta' say I'm proud of every single one of you. You're all on your A game for training and honestly if it wasn't for the fact that this meeting is two days away I wouldn't even bother holding training. You all deserve a break. So afternoon and evening training have been cancelled. I expect to see you all here tomorrow."

   Symon stayed behind and helped me clean up the mess made by the group of trainers. The sky was just tinted with light, the sun rising over the nearby mountain. It was a beautiful morning. You could smell the frost in the air from the late winter leaving. But you could tell the day was going to be warm.

   A definite no shirt afternoon.

   Leaving the clearing I thought about the last three days. Darren and Star had been staying in my house, and things seem to be going well. We'd eat meals together. Well normally dinner, since Darren and I were gone by 3:30 in the morning and we let Star sleep in. Elis would be at the house by 5:00 to make sure he was still asleep, and if he was - which so far he has been- Elis would hang out with him, and play Xbox  till around 8:00. Darren and I would bring home breakfast for him. We'd eat that together. Spend our day doing our normal stuff. Darren would take Star with him to the I.T. room when he went there. By the time training was done for the day, Darren would be home with Star, and I would be going home to either Darren telling me to pick something up. Or Darren making something to eat. Which only happened last night, and it was only Kraft Dinner.

   But it wasn't take out and that's all that mattered.

   Star had been having night terrors. The worst part about it was we couldn't hear when they were happening. He'd normally wake up and pull Darren to the room with him. It was by far the cutest thing I'd seen in the morning. Star curled into a ball in Darren's side with the covers over him, as Darren slept on top of them with his arm over the boys head.

   Needless to say things weren't going to bad.

   I made my way into the house and stopped in my tracks when I heard someone yelling. I crept towards the living room and poked my head in. Ivan and Star sat on the couch with controllers in hand. Ivan yelled at the TV and shoved Star with his shoulder while Star just sat there with a small smile on his face. Both boys wore black plaid pajama bottoms, But Ivan wore a red shirt, and Star wore a black one.

   "What are you two doing?" I asked stepping though the threshold.

   Star paused the game and looked up at me with a beaming smile. 'Elis brought Ivan over to play video games. We're playing Mario Cart. And I'm kicking butt'

   "What ever he's saying is a lie." Ivan said after Star had finished. I just laughed at them both and walked into the kitchen. Darren hadn't bothered going to training today, and instead went for the I.T. room first thing.

   "They've both been fed so don't worry about making them breakfast." Elis said from where he sat at the kitchen island. His eyes didn't look up from his phone as he scrolled through what ever he was doing.

   "Thanks, you're a life saver." I said and sat in the seat beside him.

   "Star's a nice kid. What are you planning on doing with him when all this is over?" Elis asked.  I didn't want to answer. I didn't want to think about what would happen when all of this was done. They would want him back. And of course we wouldn't let them take him back. But then there was the fact that Darren treated the kid like a prince. He's only been with us three days and already he has Darren wrapped around his finger. I couldn't see Darren letting him go. Or trying to find this brother we were told about.

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