Chapter Six: Can't Forget.

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Chapter Six: Can't Forget


   I had to get as far away from him as I possibly could.

   Just being near him fucked with my head.

   I knew what we were as soon as I stepped out of the car and saw his eyes train onto mine.

   But I didn't want this, I didn't want him. This wasn't how my life was suppose to go.

   I got off the elevator at the ground floor and went out the front doors, allowing the crisp air to hit me, I didn't care. I didn't care about any of this. About him, Jeremy, or Autumn Fall's. The only thing I cared about was getting back to Auburnsky and going back to my damn life.

   I stepped inside the corner coffee shop and ordered a tall, black coffee and a muffin, before I sat down and tried to relax a little. But I couldn't.

   Jeremy had dragged me here. That son of a bitch was so damn perfect to all is little pack members, but none of them knew the real Jeremy. The Jeremy that abandoned his own child after his mother was killed.

   She didn't just die in her sleep or something. No my mother was murdered. And being back at Autumn Fall's would help me figure out how. I had to solve the mystery that plagued my sleep for years.

   One minute my mother was with me, the next I was living in the North with her parents, who at the time where well over three hundred and really didn't want another kid to raise. So while everyone thought my  Oh so perfect grandparents where raising me, I was really being raised by the couple next door. They were pretty decent people, I mean I don't hate them as much as I hate my own family. But hey, can't chose who birth's you.

   I growled low in my throat to myself. I couldn't focus on Silas, or his stupid pack. I had to figure out who killed my mother, then get the fuck out of here. Away from him.

   Away from my mate.

   I growled louder this time. Probably scaring the only two employs working. But I didn't care.

   I hated the idea of a mate. Who needs a God damn mate? It's just someone you meet, have this 'bond' with, have sex with, and spend the rest of you life with. I could easily find someone to have sex with at a bar, hell that club in town had proven that the human's here where more then willing to have a night of sex with a stranger. I didn't need someone to spend the rest of my life with. I had myself. I only ever had myself. And I'll only ever need myself.

   "Little early to be running around isn't it?" A voice said. I looked up and saw dark brown eyes looking down at me.

   Lucca sat down in the seat adjacent to me, placing a cup of coffee on the table. He must have been in the shop for a while before I had noticed. I narrowed my eyes at him. Not trusting his presents.

   "Can I help you?"

   He shrugged a smirk playing on his lips. "I find Silas can be a little slow when it comes to things that are right in front of his face. Don't you agree?"

   "I have no idea what you're talking about."

   "Silas hates to admit things to himself. I say it's a defense mechanism. He knows somethings changed but it won't admit it because he doesn't like changes. Like when he became Alpha after his father's death. Took two weeks before he could make changes in the pack. Or when Jeremy wanted to bring you down and become the new Beta. Took almost a month for him to agree."

   "I still don't see where you're going with this"

   "I've none Silas for a while now, inside and out. And I know when somethings changed in him. He hasn't been the same since you've got here. Its a subtle change. But a change none the less. I know you know. You don't need to play dumb bad boy with me."

   I stood up, taking one last sip of my coffee before leaving it on the table for Lucca to deal with if he wishes. I took a few steps til I was standing beside the sitting man, and leaned myself down ever so slightly so that my mouth was inches from his ear. "The only one playing dumb around here is Silas. If he were a true Alpha, he'd smell your crap a mile away." I said loud enough for only him to hear me. And with that I left the coffee shop and made my way back to the place I was suppose to call home.


   It took ten minutes to get to Jeremy's house from the coffee shop, it would have been sooner but I had taken my time. People where starting to leave there houses and ventcher around the small town, cars made there way out of the gates of the territory, going to work at what ever they did in the near by city. A few people passed me by on there morning jogs, all still in there human form as if it wern't safe to go around as your true self.

   It disgusted me at how they lived there lives, men a woman acting as if there was stricktly human, not beasts of the night. In AuburnSky's people walked in there wolf form when ever they pleased, never did we have the fear a human would spot us. And if they did, we didn't care. A large wolf, big whoop.

   The smell of newly cut grass and salt water hit my nose once I walked to the door of the two story, dark blue house that Jeremy said I was born in.

   I could have been born in a barn for all I knew, but I had to trust his words.

   Walking inside I saw Jeremy sitting at the kitchen table, paper in his hands cup of coffee sitting in front of him. He had on a pair of reading glasses, that could fall off his nose at any second.

   "Dare, where'd run off to so early?" Jeremy asked, not looking up from his paper.

   "Nowhere" I shrugged walking to the fridge, taking out a bottle of water, gulping half of it down.

   Jeremy heaved a sigh and sat himself up straighter.  I mentally groaned knowing there was a speech coming.

   "Darren, you need to man up and stop acting like a child. Silas is being leanent with you right now. But he won't always be that way. He's not always this soft on people, but he wants you to warm up to being his beta.  That won't happen if you don't conduct yourself like an adult. Your mother would be rolling over in her grave if she saw the way you where acting towards an Alpha."

   "You don't know shit about what my mother would be doing right now." I growled at him "Stop trying to act like this dotful father who's been reunited with his long lost child. You abandoned us Jeremy. By leaving me with them, you left her too. Dead or alive so fuck off"

   "I was trying to keep you safe. Do-"

   "I really don't care" I said cutting him off "You made your choice, now you have to live with it" 

     I could see the hurt in his eyes from my words. But I really didn't care. He knew what he was doing, he wasn't some immature kid when I was born, he was well into his adulthood. He had the knowledge to know the consequences to his actions.

   He tried to say something else to me, but I started walking out the back door before he could. The back yard was filled with green grass, flowers lining the tall white fences and a tree sitting on the far right side. It wasn't an overly big yard, but it was the perfect size to have a child run around in it.

   I could have grown up here, I could have had a swing hanging off the tree, I could have sat there and played while my mother tented the garden and my father mowed the lawn. Or after she died I could have helped him with the lawn and tend the garden, we could have done things together.

   But instead he sent me off, and I was forced to watch another family play in there backyard, as the mother water her flowers, and her husband pushed their child on the swing. I was the weird foster child that sat on the step flipping through comic books wondering if my grandparents would take me home that night.

   I couldn't forgive him for the way he changed my life. I wouldn't.

AN: I'm so glad most (if not all) of you picked a switch POV. I had this chapter ready to go, but only two words in a Silas POV of this chapter. Phew

I will be removing the AN chapter later tonight

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