Chapter Twenty-Two: Three Black Cadillac's

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   Chapter Twenty-Two: Three Black Cadillac's

   I woke up the next morning to a bang, then the sound of cursing. I sprang up in the bed and turned on the bedside lamp, just in time to see Darren sitting on the bed rubbing his big toe.

   "What happened?" I asked as I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. The room was lit by the lamp, but outside the window it was still slightly dark, the sun only starting to rise.

   "I stubbed my toe on your stupid bed." He grumbled before standing back up. "Anyways, wake up. It's just after five thirty, meetings at quarter after six. I was going to let you sleep a couple more minutes. But fuck it my toe hurts."

   And with that Darren left the room, I could hear the shower in the hall bathroom start after a couple of minutes. Knowing I couldn't use the hot water right away I got my clothes ready, and once I heard the shower turn off I went into my bathroom, and got cleaned up.

   Ten minutes later Darren and I were both ready and out the door. Most of the pack was already at the local school, filling in for the meeting.

   Once everyone was settled, and guards were on post making sure no unwanted guests poked their noses in, we started the meeting. The only people missing were Symon, and most children, along with some parents and people who had volunteered to say in the bunkers. Still the pack was full. just like before, I stood on the stage among my pack. But before I could start talking I heard the whispers that I knew I would hear since what had happened last night.

   "Alright." I started, my voice booming across the gym silencing everyone. "Today is the day. I know you're all ready for this. We don't know when, or if they'll strike. But we have to be one our toes. All kids under the age of twelve are to be in the bunkers as of sun rise. And from the looks of it that rule was followed. Medics need to be in there marked spots today. Anything needed will be provided. I know waiting isn't what anyone has in mind, but since we have no idea what they have planed. We're going to have to wait and see. But that's what all our training was for. And I have trust in you all.

   "Now. I'm sure as all of you now know, I've been mated. I'll be honest things didn't go as I had planned. But with Symon not here, I still to be on my A game, and frankly that was the only way for that to happen. Darren and I are both stronger now do to the mating. Which makes our chances of a fight breaking out less, and our chances of winning a fight if one does start higher. Now. Does anyone have anything to say before we break?"

   I waited a couple of seconds, then I saw a hand in the back shoot up. I nodded my head towards the large man in the back. Julian, he was a hunter from Darren's pack up North. He was a big bulldozer of a man. But I don't think he could hurt a fly.

   "Alpha, sir. Where is Symon?" He asked. I saw a few people nod there heads. I let out a sigh before answering.

   "For his own safety, Symon has decided it would be best if he left the territory for a little while. Though it's only temporary. But it obviously would take a toll on me. He leaving was a shock and I may not have been 100% by today. Obviously I'm still not all myself without him. But I am stronger with the bond"

     Whispers and mumbles broke within the crowed. I cleared my throat and soon a hush fell. "If this is all. I would like everyone to break to there posts. You all have your phones, please keep in contact. I will be calling the head of each group and keeping eyes on the surveillance. You're all dismissed, and please, keep safe."

   With that, the crowed slowly dwindled. Everyone scattering into there posts. Darren and I were the last to leave, just as we exited the building Elis ran between us.

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