Chapter Four: Hiding

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    Chapter Four: Hiding

   The meeting was to be held at two in the afternoon. Right after lunch and right before the hunt.  Men and woman huddled into the large gymnasium at the local highs school, that more than half of us had attended.

Meeting where always a pain in the ass. I never liked talking to large groups. Or small ones for that matter. I hated the way everyone's eyes just stared at you. Waiting for you to mess up so they could have something to talk about. It defiantly wasn't my thing.

   But it had to be my thing. It was my job.  

   I had already spoken to everyone on little matters that needed attending do. I liked to start off small, and make my way to the bigger issues. 

   "It's come to my attention that there has been a pack wondering around our border. Though no Alpha has asked permission to pass our land. I have the hunters monitoring the grounds. But with  that being said, all hunts after today's will only be held on the weekend for one hour. And by hunters only. Anyone who disobeys my order will be dealt with accordingly."

   I paused for a moment letting what I had just said sink into to everyone. Elis had come to me earlier that morning to tell me about the pack wondering. It was concerning, we hadn't had a problem with another pack for years. Though we did have a rouge problem that left us all a bit on edge. 

   Our pack was one of equal rights. It was a rare occasion when someone from our pack was exiled to become a rouge. But two years ago a pack member had betrayed the trust of his family. Which betrayed all of our trust in him. Hyvan Windshaw had attempted to murder his mate and there two children. It had shaken us all to the core. He was exiled and told to never return. But four months later he did, and attempted to murder again. But this time his 

attempted was successful and he killed two hunters that were guarding the gates before we were alerted to his presence on the territory. He was executed the following day, his mate and children were moved into another pack for there safety after he had left the first time. His mate, Tira, had asked for him to be cremated and to have the ashes sent to her. We obeyed by her wishes. He was her mate. He had a few lose screws. That wasn't her fault. 

   I snap back to reality and look at the crowed once more to see a sea of disappointed faces. Many of the non-hunters in the pack enjoy going on the hunting trip to let out there inner wolf, or just to bond with there family. But frankly there safety was more important then their fun. 

   I mean come on, they all have backyards, they could simply have a barbecue or something to pass the time, it's not like I'm leaving them with nothing to do.

"On that note" I continued "As most, if not all of you are aware Jeremy has come back from his trip to retrieve his son. So, with that I would like to introduce you to your new Beta, Darren Phoenix."

   I stepped aside, and to my dismay, Darren didn't step up. In fact, he completely disappeared. 

I could feel the blood in my veins turn to ice as people started to whisper. Embarrassment flowed through me.  I looked toward's Jeremy who was looking around left and right before he met my gaze and just shook his head. 

  That bastard.

   After diffusing the situation and dismissing the meeting I went to the office and opened the door -rather hard- to Darren's office. 

   He was sitting at his desk looking at some papers that sat atop of it. He looked up at me, raising his brow as if it was confused to why I was there. 

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