Chapter Twenty-Six:Tomorrow

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   Chapter Twenty-Six: Tomorrow

   "Fuck." Darren groans from beside me, his hands pressed to his face. We were both laying in bed. He let out another groan before he sat up, dropping the blanket that once hid his bare chest.

   "You've got to stop waking me up with swear words every time we have sex." I said, turning onto my side to face him. I don't know about him, but I hadn't been up long. Maybe five minutes, he was sitting beside me with his phone in his hands before he got cranky again.

   "It's Quin. Says there was a breach in security last night at the cells, someone got out." That made me get up. I sat up and looked over him onto the phone that sat in his lap.

   At the current moment. Or at least last night. There were three people in the cells, A girl who got caught shop lifting in one of our clothing stores, and her parents wanted her to spend the night there as good punishment.

   A man who helped the girl steal from the clothing store.

   And Lucca.

   Darren handed me the phone, letting me see the text message. It didn't hold much, just told me what he told me.

   I jumped from the bed, grabbed my discarded pants from the floor and raced out of room, and up the stairs to Star's room. I lightly opened the door. Not wanting to wake him, if he was there.

   When I got enough room to peek in, I saw Star laying in the bed, one sleeved arm thrown over his eyes, while the other hung loosely off the bed.

   I let out a sigh of relief, closing the room slowly before turning around. I jumped out of my skin when I saw Darren standing there.

   "I take your calmness as he's still in there?" Darren asked folding his arms over his chest.

   I just nodded my head and walked past him, back down the stairs and into the room. I went to the bathroom, and started to get the shower ready when Darren walked into the bathroom behind me.

   Without saying anything, we both stripped our clothes and got into the shower. I was to focused on getting back to the pack to really watch him, and he seemed to get that. So we simply washed ourselves before getting out and getting dressed.

   "You go back, I'll stay here till he wakes up." Darren said as I pulled on my socks, he stood by the bed, dressed in his normal attire.

   "When he's up take him straight to the house. I don't want him out of your sight." He was about to cut in, but I put my hand up stopping him. "I know you wouldn't let him our of your sight anyways, but I just wanted to voice it."

   "You take the car, Star and I will run back." Darren said as we walked towards the door. I turned to face him. Without thinking I pressed my lips to his then pulled away and froze.

   We both stood still, locking eyes with the other. Until Darren turned around and walked to the kitchen getting water for the coffee maker.

   That was my cue to leave, I grabbed my coat and opened the door. I stopped briefly and let out a curse, seeing rain poor down in sheets from the dark clouds above. I shook my head and ran to the car and put a boot foot on the gas, making it back to the territory in record time.

   Shepard stood by the gates, his normally brown hair looking black from the rain and clingy to his high cheek bones. I parked the car just inside the gates and jumped out. "Alpha, sir. Elis and the others are at the cells. The breach was late last night, around three in the morning." Shepard said his green eyes looking towards the town.

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