Chapter Seven: Lost Keys

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     Chapter Seven: Lost Keys

   The things going through my head were quit possibly the most uncomfortable thoughts I've had in a long time.

   After he had left, I went to my office and sat down at my desk. But I couldn't concentrate. He had this look in his eyes, He knew what he was doing, he was playing a game. And I was on the opposing team.

   I wouldn't let him beat me. I'm was the Alpha for god sake. If anyone was beating anyone, I was beating him.

   And I really  wanted to beat him.

   But at the same time, I wanted to see what he would do if he won. What was he winning? What would I win. Could we draw a tie?

   Could we just work together without me getting the urge to rip his head off, or drag him into a room and attack him. I couldn't get a grip on my feelings. One second I wanted to kill him, the next I wanted to kiss him.

   But I didn't feel the bond, I didn't feel the spark when he was around me. So I knew I was just acting like a hormonal teenager. If that's even possible at twenty-three

   I gave up trying to get some work done after half an hour of sitting at my desk and just looking at it. The clock that sat on the wall across from me read 10:57. And like it was on que my stomach growled.

   I locked my office, and made my way out of the building to the coffee shop, where I ending up staying for an hour, texting Symon that I would see him at dinner, before heading home and getting a backpack for and leaving for the woods deciding a run would calm my nerves.

   Once I reached a clearing deep in the woods I undressed and set my phone and clothes into the backpack I brought with me. I stretched my muscles getting them ready for the pain they would soon be in.

   Switching from one form to another is always a painful process, but even though there's pain, there's also pleasure. Knowing that soon I would be free form the simple human things, and into the mind of an animal. Even if its only for a few hours.

  I could feel the muscles and cartilage pulling around my body, skin lifting, bones braking and healing within seconds. My body felt like it was burning, a fire that was lit inside of me. It was a feeling I was used to, but I couldn't say I enjoyed it to much.

   A few seconds after the pain began it stopped and I could see the world from a lightly lower point of view. I looked down at my paws, pleased to see the white and light brown fur that covered them. It was a beautiful coat. One that I remember my mother having aswell. One that I'm sure if Symon wanted to change he'd look the same.

   After I took in my soroundings I started to run. Pumping my legs forward towards the mountains, around the trees. To a near by lake where I stopped to take a drink.

   It was a beautiful day, the sky was a clear blue with no clouds in sight. But something felt odd with the air. The breeze was dead. Not a leaf was moving. It stillness was unsettling.

   I walked along the edge of the territory, keeping my guard up. But found nothing. Not a rock out of place. I looked at the sky and seeing dark clouds starting to move in, with the dead wind now rising and a strong blow pushing through. I decided it was time to head back I made my way back to the backpack and shifted myself back to my human form, feeling the same burn as I did before. After I finished changing I checked my call phone and saw three missed calls from Symon. It was just after five, so I could only suspect he was calling to ask where I was so we could eat. 

   Just as I was about to call him back the phone lit up with his name across the screen.

   "Symon Just s-"

   "Someone stole my keys. Silas I had them, they were right there! I swear I checked I always check. I can't smell anything, they're is no scent in my house besides ours. Wh-"

   "You need to calm down. I'm almost there I'll call Elis and Tyla to come over. But relax Symon they're just keys."

   "No. They're not just keys! I had not only  my house and car keys on the ring but the master key to the office the key to the gates. Oh God I fucked up. We're all gonna die."

   "I'll be there in five." I said as I hung up the phone running towards the town as I diled Elis's number.

   After explaining what I could to him, I told him to call Tyla, one of the best trackers of the pack and told them meet at Symon's house.

   Symon's house wasn't far from where I had set up my things so I wasn't surprised when I was the first one there.  Sitting outside with his head in his hands was a very shaky Symon. I jogged up to him and sat beside him, wrapping an arm around his shoulders for comfort.

   "Hey Sy, you need to relax okay? It's all fine."

   "I- I" I shushed him. There was no point of him having a melt down now, we needed him to talk and tell us what happened. After about two minutes Elis and Tyla showed up. Tyla stood tall beside the lead hunter, with her black hair pulled back into a tight pony tail, showing off her high cheek bones.

   "So what's the word boss?" She asked looking between Sy and I. I looked at Symon, waiting as patiently as I could for him to tell us everything.

   I watched as he raised his head. "Okay.." He said after taking a deep breath. "I got home at 3:10 and put my keys on my key rack by the door. I went to the bathroom, then walked back down the hallway and checked the key rack like I do everyday and the keys were still there. I went to the kitchen and started supper for us, after I had the pot on the stove I went downstairs to check the dryer. When I came back up something felt out of place. So I walked to the door to see if anyone was outside. That's when I saw that the keys where gone." He looked liked he was going to cry, he's eyes were blood shot, he's cheeks were red. "I can't smell anything. I got us killed. The rouges are going to get in and kill us- Oh God."

   "Just relax Symon" Elis said kneeling down and placing a hand on his shoulder "I'll get eight of my men to stand guard, two at the gates, two at the office. Two extra for night shifts, it'll be fine no one will get past us. But you need to relax you're going to have a panic attack." By now he was rubbing both of Symon's shoulders while Symon kept his head down and looked at his knees. Trying to take deep breaths.

   "I'll sniff around the house and call some of my guys to go around the block, it shouldn't take us to long. Unless they're using something to mask they're scent. But we'll figure it out. There is no need to panic." Tyla said taking out her cell phone. I got up off the step and nodded to them before taking Symon's hand, Elis backed away and took out his phone to call some hunters.

   I took Symon inside, Tyla went upstairs to look around while I sat Symon on the couch and I went to the kitchen to finish what ever he had cooking. Luckily he turned the stove off, because all we needed was a fire in his house.

   I looked into the living room to see him laying on the couch with the blanket tucked around him, sniffling like a sick baby.

    How long had who ever it was been watching Symon for. To know what he did, on what days, it had to be at least a week or two. What was there plan, why couldn't we smell anything. I sighed sitting at the island.  Good thing the gate needed new locks anyways.

A/N: Not the best chapter, it's kind of just a filler. But things will be picking up now. Thanks for reading. You're all great


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